
Though she was rich this international designer brand was super expensive, and a single piece of clothing cost dozens of thousands of yuan. All of the clothes here in the shop would be worth at least millions. The woman absolutely couldn't afford it.

The crowd all knew Anabel was twisting the truth. No one took her words seriously.

"Really? Because if I choose it, I'm going to buy it. And you?"

I said provocatively.


The woman was mad. She also understood I was challenging her on purpose, but she was still irritated.

"Sorry, Madam. But my friend did choose this piece of clothing first."

"Its true"

Said the saleswomen

"Would you please have a look at the other clothes? There are plenty"

The saleswoman apologized to the woman.

Hearing that, the crowd immediately understood what had happened. Everyone disliked the woman's behavior.

" Li Zi, Mrs. Xiao is our frequent customer with a VIP silver card. She has the priority to choose first,"

Another saleswoman who was with Mrs. Xiao interrupted. She even glared at the saleswoman who was with me.

Apparently, this was nothing to do with the so-called priority to choose first. The saleswoman was just snobbish.

Li Zi, however, ignored the warning. She argued,

"Miss Yung, I disagree with you. The one who arrives first can choose first. Even a VIP customer can't grab the clothes from another customer."


Miss Yung was annoyed to be argued back.

This Miss Yung was always snobbish, and only served the rich people.

Mrs. Xiao, meanwhile, was a frequent customer here. She apparently wanted to have a friendly relationship with Mrs. Xiao.

This was a shop of an international designer brand. The cheapest item cost dozens of thousands of yuan. Besides, a saleswoman could have 2% commission on the sales.

Every time Mrs. Xiao was here, she would spend at least eighty thousand yuan. The commission would be several thousand yuan!

The onlookers all agreed with Li Zi. They also felt dissatisfied.

"Exactly, even a VIP customer can't grab the clothes from another customer."

I said.

" It's just snobbish character."

Add Anabel.

"Why don't you just sell the clothes only to the VIP customers? Anyone who wants to buy clothing here must have a VIP card first."

One of the onlooker said.


Another answer.

Those customers who surrounded them all criticized Miss Yung, which made her feel embarrassed, but she didn't dare to retort.

Mrs. Xiao, instead, felt irritated.

"So what? I have enough money. I'll buy whatever I want. It's none of your business."

"You can buy whatever you want, but you can't grab things from others!"

I argued back.

"Exactly! This lady doesn't have manners at all,"

Anabel said.

"You! Do you know who I am? How dare you to say that! I am the wife of the chairman of Zhou Jewelry!"

Mrs. Xiao was annoyed. She spoke loudly about her identity.

Hearing that, everyone shut their mouths at once.

They obviously all knew of Zhou Jewelry, which had at least a hundred million yuan in assets! And they just had millions in assets. No one dared to compete with Zhou Jewelry.

I was a little surprised. I didn't expect this woman was Zhou Li wife. I saw my brother with a proposal, with a name like that in some file, threw it in a trash bin. No wonder...

Those onlookers were afraid of the Zhou Family, but I wasn't. I directly criticized,

"Do you think you can do whatever you want as the wife of the chairman of Zhou Jewelry?"


Mrs. Xiao didn't expect that I wasn't afraid of the her Family at all.

But she was too proud. In the capital there were many more families who were richer than them.

At that moment, the store manager came over. It was Anabel who make the phone call.

"What happened?"

Before anyone else, I opened my mouth with slight unkindness.

"Nice to meet you, manager. Let me ask you a question first. Is it true that your VIP customer can directly grab the clothing from another normal customer as long as she wants to?"

The manager look at me. He knows who I am.

"Miss Delatour and Miss Sanchez."

The manager greet us.

The people who was there gasped as they heard how the manager called us.

"How is this possible? The one who arrives first chooses first. A VIP customer can only get a discount,"

The store manager immediately explained.

Before long, he soon realized what had happened. He then turned to Miss Yung,

"Wang Yung, what happened?"

Wang Yung had no idea the thing would end up like that. She didn't recognize these two people at first but when she heard how the manager address them, she knows that today was no good for her.

Besides, this was the first time such a thing had happened. She did not know how to explain. 

"Let me explain please."

I said.

Li Zi recommended a piece of clothing to me, and I liked it. I wanted to take a closer look, but unexpectedly, Mrs. Xiao grabbed it from me. I asked her to give it back to me but she refused. Meanwhile, Miss Yung said that Mrs. Xiao was a VIP customer and had priority to choose first,"

The manager changed his face immediately. He didn't doubt the explanation, and bashed Wang Yung,

"Wang Yung, what's wrong with you? You've worked here for some time. How could you know nothing about the rules?"

The manager knew Wang Yung was snobbish but she didn't normally cause any trouble. Thus the manager did nothing. However, the manager couldn't accept that she ruined the reputation of the shop this time.


Wang Yung suddenly didn't know what to say. She knew she had behaved in a wrong way, but everything she had done was merely for more commission.

"Enough, you're fired. You don't need to come to work tomorrow."

The manager didn't want to waste time with Wang Yung. Since she had damaged the reputation of this shop, the manager had to lay her off.