

Hearing that, Wang Yung was shocked. She honestly didn't know the result would be that bad.

Now, she sincerely felt scared. If she was fired, she couldn't find a better job. She almost begged,

"Manager, please give me another chance! I promise this won't happen again."

"Wang Yung, it's written in the contract. Anyone who damages the reputation of this shop will be fired. And it isn't the first time you do something like that. I'm sorry. My hands are tied,"

The manager said.

The manager then ignored Wang Yung, turning to Mrs. Xiao, He explained politely,

"Mrs. Xiao, we have our rules here. The one who arrives first chooses first. If you like this piece of clothing, I'm afraid you need to wait until this miss doesn't want it, so please return this piece of clothing to this miss. Thank you so much."

Mrs. Xiao of course was unhappy to do that, not only because of the piece of clothing, but also because she had been humiliated.

However since the manager was here she didn't want to argue with him. And the two people, she cannot offended them anymore. And she still plan to buy more clothes here in the future.

Although the brand had many stores here this store was unique with many more designs.

"I don't want it at all. Who cares!"

Mrs. Xiao said with unhappiness. She directly threw the piece of clothing back at me, then turned around and left.

She had been greatly humiliated before everyone and had no reason to stay here any longer.

I took the piece of clothing right away. I really liked this one.

"I'll take this, and more."

I handed the clothing to the saleswoman.

Hearing that, the crowd wasn't surprised at all.

She girl didn't look at the price tag at all. She is a princess in her family everyone know about that.

The more a customer bought the more commission a saleswoman could get. Li Zi was obviously happy to see that. She immediately recommended more to me and Anabel, following our demands.

Finally, I chose two sweaters, two pairs of pants. And Anabel choose almost the same.

I bought a black Armani suit, a sweater and a pair of pants for Finn. I saw Anabel choose something for Chen too. We buy many things.

We felt satisfied at the end. We call a taxi because we have many things in our hands. And we come back to the school.


After this little interlude which had no impact on our two friends, the activities resume as usual today is Monday and we find our protagonists in the class of the 3rd year. The course had not yet started. So they took advantage of this moment to communicate a message to them. Alexander, Mu Chen and Alexa were there and Finn, Alex and Anabel were in the other class.


Mu Chen started

We are here concerning two things. Firstly about your participation in the science Expo. I have noticed that there are some of you who are not too happy with our activities because you want to participate, but you are afraid that it could affect your routine and that you do not have enough time to make revisions. I saw that there were some who agreed with what I just said. So as a member of the committee, I would not like us to have failures at this stage of our studies so my comrades here and I will want to make you a proposal. It should also be noted that this is not something mandatory."

I took a few more seconds to see if they listened to me and then I continued.

"We too, along with a few other students in our class, decided to take the entrance exam like you. All we offer is our help."

When I finished with my tirade, the class exploded. Everyone started talking. I guess the new lea was very shocking, since not many people are aware of this. In all this chatter I saw that a person raised his hand. I waved and the world fell silent.


I say

" you want to say something."

" Yes, I would like to ask you when it will be possible, where we will meet. I have some problem in science and I would like more precision."

"Well your class representative is aware of everything. Those who want to participate you just have to give your name and she will give you the information."

Said Alexa. Until now I had said nothing. I was near the door. I made a sign to Alexa since the professor was going to return. Without further ado they put an end to their message and we leave the room. We salute the professor we met. When he entered the room, the students were speaking.

"What's the matter?"

One of them designates himself and tells what has just happened.

'Well I have nothing to say, it's up to you. Not everyone has the same abilities. If you feel that you can learn something more from them I advise you to go there."

After that I started with my lesson. One day passed since the announcement was made and it was today that they had decided To start. But when they arrived, everyone was already there. The two classes met and waited in silence. Alex was the first to start. With the help of his brother, he compiled several notes and also obtained the different ancient exams already given. To his surprise the first day went well.