Expo Science(2)

I saw that the gentleman looked surprised. Then a few seconds later he says.

" I want to buy your product."

So it was my turn to be surprised.

You should know that even if I am in this school, my situation is not too bright. I am a scholarship student but there are some expenses that I have to take care of myself. And my family is not wealthy at all. It is thanks to my hard work and my intelligence that I am here now.

This is why, when I heard that there will be this kind of activity at school and that there will be a lot of guests I took the opportunity to see if I could go out with something. But what is more hilarious, is that at first, it is not what I wanted to create.

But my experience was fair and I had already received two orders that I placed with the committee. And we are only entitled to three commands. So I took advantage of the last that I have at the last minute, and recreate the experience missed.

Not so bad that after all it seems to me that someone is interested.


" Yes this product is not too bad, and I already see what kind of market I will target."

He took out his purse and handed me something. Here is my card with my number. SAFI Industries was marked on the card.

"No, no"

I tell him

"There are rules, I can not accept. The president of the student council put a responsible person to manage this kind of thing. If you really want my product this is where you should go. I give you my name and my number and you take it at the first stand. and there, you will see someone who will enter the information concerning you as well as myself."

" Really? There is this whole process to be done."

"Yes I guess he doesn't want someone to take advantage of us."

"Who is the president?"

Said the man man with a smile.

"Ah his name is Alexander Delatour."

I say you him.

"Do You know him?"

I saw that the man's face had turned a little pale. Then he recovered and shook his head

"I understand why there are all these procedures. Will have to thank him one day. Very well as I am interested in your product I will do what you told me, we will see after I guess."

"Yes, thank you for your attention. "

The man went to where I indicated. I do not know if it is true what he told me but one thing is certain is that if I had not spoken of the precautions that Alexander put in place I would maybe have been plucked .



I have been the chief of police for five years now, and this is the first time that I have participated in this type of activity. Starting with the decoration up to the buffet and drink that we prepared, there was nothing to say. And in addition the differents exhibitions that I have already seen, amazed me. I am now with a friend, he is also a scientist and from his expression, he looks very satisfied with what he has seen so far. He did not stop asking questions. At the beginning it was just to humiliate the students a little.

But over the explanations I think he knew that they were very good at mastering the subject of their research before coming to expose it. So his interest grew and he didn't stop praising them. Now we are in front of a very large tent. We entered and there were 4 people each of them were in front of a computer. Two boys and two girls. The girl came to meet us first and then the others followed.

"Hello, welcome gentlemen."

"Hello. Will your presentation be in a group?"

" No "

One answered me, this is one of the girls.

"My name is Kay and she is Jil. We work together. And the other two here are Mikey and Brad. "

"So, why are you together?"

"Well, replied Brad we made this choice."


I say.

" I will leave you first with the girls then we will make our presentation."

Kay and Jil led us a little further.

There was a small platform and then they started to explain their invention. In fact they incorporate an algorithm which can identify a person. So, I saw that they took a human skull and scanned it and according to certain information obtained from the skull bones, they were able to reconstruct a holographic face.

Totally .... cool.

But I guess this kind of material costs a fortune. Jil entered the data on the computer and Kay gave instructions.

This kind of technology is used to facilitate the recognition of missing persons or in some cases of homicide, a body is too decomposed to be recognized. And with the two other boys, their invention is not bad either. They also took a bunch of components and scanned it and the computer gave a series of results.

These results are the components of the residual material they have scanned. In the end these two algorithms are very useful but you have to know how to use the computer to have the right results. Suddenly I knew that I should not let such a chance go. Even if I don't buy their product but I can still get in touch with them. They are all 3rd year students and according to what they said they are going to study medical and criminology.

So, I wanted to give them my card. But on hearing the rules established for having a contract, I find that this person is really intelligent. They are all young people and we are all adults with a certain margin of experience.