I guess this person wants to protect their interest, and just like that it was my last visit. Logically this day is really a success. And I think everyone has outdone themselves.
It was already afternoon and the day was already ending. You could notice that people were in a small group and chatting. I went from group to group to make a last greeting and make some comments with them. The last group I visited was where my father was. He was accompanied by my mother, Jamie's father and Mu Chen also accompanied by their wife.
There was also another man with a young girl of about 17 years old near him. They were all in big discussion. The first person who saw me approach was my mother. She waved to me and I went to her. As soon as I saw who the girl was, my face became a little colder.
Says my mother.
"I believe that your project is a success".
"Yes, I suppose".
I answered him.
"But I am not the only one responsible."
In saying this I greeted the others who were there too. When it was the girl's turn I only nodded.
" Alexander, did you participated too?"
"No father I prefer to leave the internship to others."
Then my mother said.
"I am very proud of you Xander. From what your father said you organized this activity to give a chance to some students."
Yes it's true, I heard of their little exploits so I said to myself why not put it to good use."
" It is very generous of you Alexander, says another voice."
It was that of the girl. Her name is Louise Anderson.
" Hmm"
I replied.
We continued talking for a few minutes, then I apologize and depart. The afternoon was very early and the people were starting to leave.
" I thanked everyone for coming."
There had a few journalists who wanted to do an interview but I told them to come by tomorrow afternoon. Since I know that these people who want to buy certain products will be there. So thus, happened the end of the exhibition. I had a lot of congratulations on this initiative.
Everyone was getting their thing in. Very quickly the school yard which was noisy and had a lot of tents was almost reduced to its initial state. In a few hours everything becomes as before.
I reunited the students and said.
"I thank the students who participated and who made the activity a success.I saw everyone was happy and tired, so I just only want to say thank your for participating.
After that, then they went to their room.
The next day there was no class. But I had to get up early because there will be guests. I got ready and then I went to the conference room. A few minutes later cars started to enter the yard. I was not the only one in the room the others were there too. There were 4. contestants who received a contract. So I left the tasks of receiving the guests between us.
Discussions have been going well. Within two hours, we signed all the contracts. Both parties are satisfied. When it was all over I was still in the room. I was a little tired. But I still had a conference. I arranged a room and I involved the whole committee. Finally, everything went well and most of the questions were related to the activity. I also invited the students who received a contract to speak. In the afternoon when the newspaper came out, it created an upward. Those who had not participated began to regret a little.
@@After this little interlude, the days passed normally. I received thanks from everyone. Even if they haven't received anything, but it's still a great experience for them. And the reputation of the school is even better. The day of the exams advanced quickly. We always continue to help others. The month of May went very quickly and this on the day of the exams. I don't have to worry about others. I know everything will be fine for them. And when to the others even if all of them have not entered a prestigious university but I know that they will do well. We had two days for the exam. I returned to my room. I saw that I don't recognize anyone in the room so I took my seat and waited. The supervisor arrived, gave us some advice, and distributed the sheets.
There was not much I could not do. When I finish, I took the time to reread my sheet and then put it back. During the two days of the exam, I am the only one to finish first. Finally the holidays this internship is over. When I am at university, I will have even more freedom to act. There was not much I could not do. When I finish, I took the time to reread my sheet and then put it back. During the two days of the exam, I am the only one to finish first. Finally the holidays, this internship is over. When I am at university, I will have even more freedom to act.
After the exams I went home. But before I left I got a call from the main Khan. We have been sitting without saying anything for almost a minute. Finally out of patience, he tells me.
"You are going to leave but, before that I would like you to do something for me."
" Yes and what is it?"
" Well, a project. I would like you to write a project for the school."
"And what kind do you want?"
" The kind to entertain while learning."
"And what have I got there?"
He shrugged his shoulders and then said to me.
I was silent for a few moments and then answered.
"Ok. "
I saw that he seemed surprised by my response. I got up and said, arranging my clothes.
"Mr Khan, you should know that, before everything, I am a businessman. But I know my limits. You also sometimes have to have friends in this world. This is something my father taught me."
I was already outside when I heard him laughing.