Land acquisition

"I've lived here for many of years, so of course I don't want to move away, but we also know that this city needs to develop, and the demolition will happen sooner or later. Even though we're unwilling to do so, we can't fight against the government; but-but the compensation that Hongdy Real Estate offers is too low."

"What if I can provide you with a reasonable compensation in which the foundation is worth twenty thousand yuan, and the building area is ten thousand yuan per square meter, are you willing to sell the land to me?"


Di Pei was shocked, he couldn't believe his ears.

If a 30-year-old mature woman had said that to him, he probably wouldn't have been shocked, but he was merely a teenage boy. 

Even though, he didn't think that he was joking. He was surprised. How come a teenage boy had the air of a successful businessman?

"I understand that I'm too young to make you believe that I'm being serious, but I truly mean it. My family is involved in the real estate industry. Although my family's company isn't comparable with Hongdy Real Estate, we have enough money to acquire this land. If you're willing to consider my proposal, please have a discussion with the citizens here before we sign the contract,"

I said.

He couldn't make the decision alone, so I didn't force him to promise me anything. However, I was confident that I could settle the deal.

In the beginning Din Pei was excited to hear the offer. If they could have a reasonable compensation, they wouldn't be worried about the housing issue. However, he soon calmed down, and asked with doubt.

"Since it's your family business, can you, a child make the decision? And the chairman of Hongdy Real Estate is Han Shen, whose brother-in-law is the director of the Roads and Traffic Authority. Moreover, the director's friend is the vice mayor. Are you sure your family can handle them?"

Anyone who wanted to acquire this land had to have the permission of the government.

Although Din Pei believed hem to some extent, he doubted my ability. He didn't know me or my background after all. It was difficult for him to depend on a stranger. Meanwhile, he knew more about this Hongdy Real Estate, which was one of the three biggest real estate companies in City S with several billion yuan in assets.

The reason why Hongdy Real Estate was able to win the right of acquisition before the open acquisition was that it had a connection in the government.

I understood that I had to show my ability to persuade him.

"What if I tell you my support in the government is even more powerful than them"

I asked.

Hearing that, he was astonished. He stared at my face, intending to know whether it was true.

I added,

"Mr. Ding, I know that it's hard for you to trust me because we just met and don't know each other, but I do hope that you can consider my offer. If you're willing to sell this land to me, I can sign the contract and pay you the compensation on site. It doesn't matter if you want the compensation in cash, check, by transfer or you simply want houses, I'm totally fine with it. As long as you sign the contract, you'll get the money you should have. Don't you think it's a great offer? Compared to Hongdy Real Estate."

Di Pei was shocked as well as thrilled. They could sign the contract and get the compensation on site! It had never happened before. Normally, the compensation would only be transferred to their accounts after the acquisition had been over for a long time.

If he could keep his words, it was a great advantage to them. And it would be a bad idea if they sold this land to Hongdy Real Estate.

"Great! I'm willing to trust you for now, and I'll talk to my neighbors later,"

Din Pei chose to believe Alexander.

"Very well. This is my number. Please call me once you make up your mind. However, I hope you can make it quick, because if they finds out, you would suffer under their pressure,"

I reminded him.

"Sure, I'll give you the answer before long."

Din Pei also understood that if Hongdy Real Estate found out, it would probably force them to sell this land in a violent way. And they would be the victims.

"That would be great!"

I also wanted to know the answer today. After exchanging numbers with him, I asked again,

"Oh, how large is this street approximately, and how many households are here?"

"ZhengStreet is about sixty thousand square meters with 560 households,"

Din Pei answered.

A piece of land that was sixty thousand square meters wasn't very large, but it was suitable to build a living area, mainly because of its good location. It was 10 AM when I said good-bye to him.

Although Din Pei hadn't given me an affirmative answer yet, I believed that they would agree. No one would reject my proposal especially in front of Hongdy Real Estate, not unless they was willing to offer a higher compensation than me.

When I come to the car, I said to Jamal.

"Help me with the right of land acquisition."

Jamal hadn't been at my side, but he had stayed near and heard our talk clearly.

"Will it be convenient for you?"

He asked.

"This is a good deal and the first projet is nearly finished."

Before long, the right of land acquisition was settled.

That being the case, H Real Estate and Hongdy Real Estate became competitors. This is a opportunity for H Real Estate to be recognized. So, I decided to close the deal before they knew about it.