Land Acquisition(2)

I immediately called Hotch the manager of H Real Estate, telling him about what I had done, and told him to prepare the contract along with the lawyers and assistants before I called him again. If it was successful, he would have to go through the procedures.

I had already prepared the money.

Hearing the news, Hotch was a little shocked by Alexander efficiency. Although his action was a little abrupt and lacked thorough consideration, I had to admit that he had made the right decision.

Normally, a real estate company needed to make allowances not only for funds and workers, but also the land when it was going to build buildings. 

As long as you had enough funds, you could easily get adequate workers, but it wasn't easy to acquire a good piece of land. At the same time, you had to have the permission of the government. Otherwise, you would not have the qualification to acquire a piece of land even with enough funds.

Hotch knew that Hongdy Real Estate was a powerful company with several billion yuan in assets. Therefore, even though he didn't know whether Alexander had made the right decision, he trusted his choice. It had to be a profitable deal if Hongdy Real Estate wanted to settle it.

However, what worried him was the funds to build the buildings. H Real Estate has already a big project and it wasn't finished yet.


For now I lacked enough funds to build the buildings, but I had no intention to cooperate with another real estate company, so I wouldn't build the buildings in a hurry even if I acquired the land.

I planned to build the buildings after my

father give me an answer about the car, I sell to him.

Hotch thought that it wasn't a completely secure deal, but he chose to believe Alexander in the end. After he hung up, he immediately prepared the contract and informed the lawyer along with several reliable assistants. They were all as shocked but he didn't explain further, so they didn't ask why.

Din Pei was active, and soon had a gathering with all the neighbors to discuss the deal offered by Alexander. Some believed it, while some had doubts. It sounded too good to be true.

Din Pei told them that they could have the compensation in cash or by transfer on site once they signed the contract. Thus everyone agreed, although many of them still held suspicion. They would only feel safe after the deal was done.

Around 6 pm, Din Pei called me and told me that they had all agreed.

So, I told him that he would come to acquire the land around 9:30 am tomorrow, and that they should prepare the documents beforehand. To alleviate Din Pei concern, I also told him that I had already gained the right of land acquisition.

Din Pei was astonished. He didn't expect that Alexander was so efficient. He even thought that he had prepared for it a long time ago, but no matter what, they only wanted a reasonable compensation.

With the affirmative answer from Din Pei, I called Hotch, telling him to prepare for tomorrow morning to sign the paper.

When they signed the contract, it could be noisy and a mess. So I needed someone to keep the situation in order, and I give Jamal the job.

"Jamal did you called them?"

"Yes boss"


It's been a while since I have established a security service. H services security co. LTD.

I didn't have this idea, but who knows that General Harper would get me in this kind of thing. There are already a company like that but they are all retired soldier. But the owner of the company didn't want it anymore and want to sell. So he contacted me sometime and tell me about it. The price wasn't bad and the business is profitable. So I take it. Aaron is the person in charge of it. He is one of my people so I can trust him to make a good work. the I make two group of them.

Common security officer were common retired soldiers, while bodyguards were retired Special Forces. The latter was much more expensive than the former.

Many retired soldiers couldn't find a proper job, so I thought that it was a good idea to establish a security company mainly hiring retired soldiers. However, unexpectedly, the company grew rapidly, and now I had already made Aaron established some branches in every other city and some province. The guy didn't let me down. But I give him a generous payment too.

At 8 am, tomorrow Hotch called me, and told me that they were already here. There were eight of them in all, including himself, a lawyer and a financial worker.

I immediately called Din Pei. He told her that everything was going well, and that they were waiting for them.

After receiving Alexander call, Din Pei felt that it was becoming more of a reality now. And his neighbors all relaxed, but the deal wasn't settled yet, so they didn't feel completely safe.

"Boss, the bank has already prepared the cash. You can go and get it. Security guards and government workers will be arriving at 10:30 am."

Some minutes later at 10:20 am, they arrived at Zheng Street.

The appointed place was the middle square in Zheng Street. All the neighbors were already waiting for them with anxiety and excitement. H Co. Ltd. sent 20 normal security guards, who had arrived at ZhengStreet at 10:10 am. However, they didn't enter until their employer came.