Land Acquisition(3)

Alexander group arrived in a Porsche.

I called Din Pei while we were at the entrance of the street. Din Pei also told his neighbors that the representative of the new real estate company was coming. Unexpectedly, four cars arrived at the same times.

They were shocked that almost 30 people came to settle the deal. The group consisted of too many people in different positions. All the neighbors couldn't help feeling nervous. Are they going to use violence?

Din Pei also panicked a little. He didn't know Alexander very well after all, and had no idea why he gathered so many people to be here. However, he stayed calm. It was too early to jump to conclusions. Therefore, Din Pei welcomed Alexander with a broad smile.

"Mister Alexander, it's so nice to meet you all!"

Nice to meet you too, Mr. Din. This is the manager of H Real Estate, Hotch Neil. He's responsible for this land acquisition,"

I introduced Hotch to Din Pei.

"Nice to meet you"

Din Pei greeted Hotch reaching out his hand to him.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Ding."

Hotch shook hands with Din Pei.

Meanwhile, another three private cars arrived. The neighbors living in Zheng Street were even more nervous now, but I knew that they were just government workers.

The three cars stopped behind the mine.

Din Pei was astonished when he recognized the people getting out of the cars. The leading men were the secretaries of the Housing Authority and Land and Resources Bureau!

The two secretaries must be arriving here on behalf of the two directors of the Housing Authority and Land and Resources Bureau! And the rest were all their assistants.

Din Pei walked to them at once.

"It's so nice to meet you, Secretary Cheng and Secretary Gil"

Facing Din Pei, the two only nodded slightly, but they behaved kindly and didn't seem arrogant at all.

The two were often shown in the news conferences, so many people living in the Zheng Street were familiar with their faces.

"It's him!"

"Yes! I've seen him on TV one day"

"They're the secretaries of the Housing Authority and Land and Resources Bureau. They came in person!"

"Now I think that they are seriously going to acquire this land."

Hotch were astonished as well. He didn't expect that such important figures would arrive too.

I didn't know whom the government would send, because I said to Jamal to take care of it. So I had only told Hotch that the government would help them. To my surprise, the secretaries of the Housing Authority and Land and Resources Bureau came. When I thought about it too, I would have know that this Jang Li would do that.

I gave Hotch a glance to remind him to welcome the secretaries. He was in charge of this deal after all. Hotch then immediately walked to the two secretaries.

"It's my honor to meet you here, Secretary Cheng and Secretary Gil I'm the manager of H Real Estate, Hotch Neil,"

Hotch said to them.

"Nice to meet you too,"

Secretary Cheng said with politeness.

As the Secretary of the Housing Authority, he understood that a person in a position higher than the director demanded this land acquisition. The H Real Estate had a greater support from the government, so he had to be polite and careful.

He also knew that this deal was of great help to the development of the new city. And you can see that this H Real Estate is a subsidiary of H International. This company, nobody knows who is the true CEO. He is a low profile person. Nobody knows if he is a man or a women. But I know that they have a powerful background. They always send a representative when there are some event they are invited in.

And the Hongdy Real Estate's behavior had already annoyed the citizens living in this street. However, H Real Estate was willing to acquire this land at a reasonable price, which those citizens agreed on. All they needed to do now was to go through the procedure.

Then, they started to sign the contracts.

The citizens were divided into three groups according to house number.

In the beginning, it was chaos, but with the help of the security guards, it was soon in good working order.

The compensation was decided by the living space on the Premises Permit. Workers from the Housing Authority would also check the documents that they brought here with them.

The foundation was twenty thousand yuan, and the building area was ten thousand yuan per square meter. Self-built houses had the right of foundation property, while that of the tall buildings naturally belonged to the state. Therefore, I had to buy the right of foundation property from the government later.

In the beginning, many thought that they should be paid in cash, but now all agreed to be paid by transfer. It wasn't safe to carry millions of yuan in cash after all. Some also wanted a house as compensation.

The house price was seven thousand yuan per square meter in this area. If one wanted to use the compensation to buy a house, he could have a 10% discount of the actual house price. A 10% discount could save a lot of money, so many were willing to buy a house with the compensation. Moreover, some used the major living space of their place to exchange for a house, and used the rest of the living space to exchange for money.