
"You all have worked at construction sites for a long time, and you should know that accidents happen. If you insist on quitting, I will allow it. H Real Estate is able to pay you all!"

I said.

I was well-prepared before I came here today with my financial backer, I wasn't afraid. And until now all the boss have predicted is truly appended.

However, some hesitated after that. Hotch was right. It was dangerous to work on construction sites. And they all knew it clearly when they took the job. Many of them had also witnessed accidents in the past years. Moreover, the company had already paid the compensation and sent the injured worker to the hospital. It would be unreasonable if they all quite just because of the accident.

H Real Estate paid them high salary and compensation, and they were reluctant to leave too.

In the end, around ten workers insisted on leaving, and there were two among them who appeared to be extremely active. I paid more attention to those two. 

Only Hotch secretary and lawyer, knew that it wasn't an accident, everybody else still didn't know the truth.

Therefore, Li Kai, the lawyer, fixed his eyes on the two active workers. The two were disappointed that only seven workers were quitting.

"Why don't you leave now? Do you want to be involved in an accident?"

"Exactly! You'll regret it by then."

Hearing that, other workers felt like quitting as well.

At this time, Li Kai opened his mouth.

"You've already gotten your salary, and if you continue to agitate, we can sue you."

The two immediately shut their mouths. They had achieved their goal after all.

"Besides, once you quit from H Real Estate, you'll never be hired here again. Please consider it well before you quit,"

Li Kai added.

Hearing that, the workers hesitated.

A few days later, another rumor that H Real Estate was going to go bankrupt went spread. The company had already invested a large amount of money, but the project was stuck. It was likely that it would go bankrupt.

However, some also held the opinion that H Real Estate was different. Its real boss who could easily acquire it must have the ability to keep it afloat. The company would lose this land at most, but wouldn't go bankrupt.

Either way, H Real Estate was under the spotlight now.

Since it caused a sensation, the government sent someone to investigate the case too.

The rumor not only affected H Real Estate, but also affected the government, because the government had sold this land to H Real Estate. If the rumor was true, the government had made a bad decision.

The case wasn't over yet, so the construction site went into a rest period. All the construction workers had paid vacation and would be notified later to resume working.

During the following days, H Real Estate was still amid endless rumors. Even the staff worked in anxiety. Was H Real Estate going to fail?

H Real Estate didn't respond to the outside or the inside at all. No one knew what the company was planning to do next.

However, just two days later, H Real Estate suddenly summoned a news conference.

"Good Morning everyone. We summon you today because first we want to clarify something and second to tell the people behind the scene that if they still want to operate in S city, they have to avoid continue with their scheming. We are a subsidiary of H International. We are not weak. And one last thing, we are not some lamb company waiting to be chop."

With that, they exposed several recordings as well as videos.

The first recording was that of when Lei Ma was talking with a mysterious man on the phone. The mysterious man was the marketing manager of Hongdy Real Estate in Mao Kang.

The second recording and video showed the two workers who had incited other workers to strike a meeting with Mao Kang secretly. Mao Kang had caused the accident and purposely spread rumors to ruin H Real Estate's reputation and on-going project. They had been greatly affected and lost a lot of money. Its representative made it clear that H Real Estate would sue Hongdy Real Estate.

After the news conference, everyone was shocked. Because of the recordings and videos, people naturally chose to believe H Real Estate and the rumors gradually disappeared.

Hongdy Real Estate was also astonished to hear of the news.

Han Shen couldn't deny the solid proof, so he could only blame Mao Kang. He claimed that it was Mao Kang individual behavior and didn't represent the company. However, when people forgot this scandal, Han Shen would keep Mao Kang safe.

Hongdy gave an official explanation that Mao Kang was responsible for the acquisition of Zheng Street, and he hated the fact that H Real Estate had settled the deal before him, so he tried to get revenge on them.

It was a reasonable explanation, so most people believed it, but there were also a lot of people didn't buy it. Many insiders knew that Han Shen was a selfish and evil person, and that he must have ordered Mao Kang to do so.

In the end H Real Estate got the compensation in the end, and the construction site was finally back to normal again.

Those who wanted to see them fail had only made a joke of themselves, and H Real Estate only grew more powerful after this mess. It had successfully grabbed the land from the real estate tycoon in City S.