Dirty deeds

At the same time, those construction workers who had left H Real Estate were highly regretful now.

As for Lei Ma and the other two who had accepted a bribe from Mao Kang, they were also punished according to the law. Only Mao Kang got away with it.

Although he was mainly responsibility for this mess, he couldn't afford the full compensation himself, so Han Shen used an excuse to help Mao Kang pay the compensation to h Real Estate.

When Hotch receives the money, he can't help but sigh. It's like Boss said. Everything happened exactly. I wonder if he is only 16 years old. Sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with a much more mature man. I was lost in my thoughts when I received a message on my phone. I saw it was from Jamal. I opened it and began to read it. I understood immediately. It seems to me that someone will still suffer in the hands of the boss and we will still be there to take the profits.

To my surprise, Hongdy Real Estate had done a lot of illegal things, like bribery of government officials, forced demolitions without compensation, tax evasion of nearly Six hundred million yuan, construction work cuts and so forth. Besides, two important officials were involved. They were the vice Mayor Liu Kun and the director of the Roads and Traffic Authority, Chen Wei.

The materials that Jamal handed to me was evidence of their crimes.

They had both accepted bribery in regards to many properties, and each of them even had two mistresses. Jamal also sent the addresses and amorous photos of their mistresses. What shocked me the most was that they were involved in a homicide too.

Once the materials were exposed, Liu Kun and Chen Wei would be thrown into jail without a doubt. In that case, if the boss wanted to get revenge on Hongdy Liu Kun and Chen Wei would be affected as well.

I continue to read but what I saw is many other instructions. It seem that boss didn't want to be involved in this mess so he just want me to cooperate with Jamal and the new governor. What a mess.

So I have to acquire Hongdy Real Estate and expand H Real Estate.

The registered value of their assets was about Six billion yuan, excluding liquid funds and other things. Among them were immovable property which included hotels and shopping malls, there is a hospital too, which were worth about four billion yuan.

Once their dirty secrets were exposed, its stock price would dramatically decrease and no other companies or groups would be willing to cooperate with it. Its final value would be three billion yuan at the most.

A project of three billion yuan was a huge deal. And we can afford it. So all I have to do is follow the instructions.


I did not take part in the dispute between the two companies, I only gave a few instructions and I left the rest to my subordinates. Today I finished my work a little late and I don't want to go back to the villa. So I told Jamal to drive me to the hotel where I lived before. The room is always reserved for me since I am the owner of the hotel. When I arrived I immediately knew that something was wrong. I found a red spot on the TV. It must be a pinhole camera!

Normally, people wouldn't find it with their eyes, I was lucky to notice it. And Jamal did realize that there was something wrong too but I saw that he was a little confused.

So i immediately turned to him and said,

"Oh, I want to eat fruit. Would you please buy some for me?"

Then I said in an extremely low voice,

"There is a camera inside."

Hearing that, Jamal was alert.

"You can leave first,"

I said in an extremely low voice again.

"Alright, just fruit?"

Jamal replied in concert with me.

"And some ice cream, vanilla please,"

I replied, but said quietly,

"We need to change room. Alert the manager and see who come in my room and take control of the camera in the room. Send me a message after that."

"No problem."

After that, he turned around and left.

I closed the door and turned on the lamp. I walked around the room as usual, but I was actually checking whether there were more cameras hidden elsewhere. Except for the one attached to the TV in the living room, there was another hidden at the bedside in the master bedroom. I'm sure there is something hidden under the bed but with it.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I knew it was Jamal. As always very effective. He's with the manager and has already taken control of the cameras.

If my guess us correct, now I only have 10 seconds before the police arrive. In the box, there were bags of white powder in it. I was displeased. My face turn even colder. Apparently, this was a trap. Some couldn't even wait. So I took the box and put it in a small chest that I installed in this room. I placed it behind a frame. As soon as I finished I sent a signal to Jamal saying ok.

All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. Indeed these policemen couldn't wait, I thought.