"I should prepare for it a little. This way, it will be much easier for me to study later. "

"And what about you guys?"


Said Alexander and Alex.

After the preparation, the content of the teacher's class introduction was also easy to understand.

"Just don't make yourself too tired. I know you know what to do."

He drove us to the University. The are many departments in this university. This is the reason he is the number one. And the education and facilities here are good too. Now we are heading to the department of Science and Technology and after that we will visit there art department with my sister. It took us almost 40 minutes to drive. There were quite a number of traffic lights on the road, so we spent some time.

There were quite a number of people who came to report. There were even people carrying bags of things. I saw that there were also luxury cars and cars entering the area. I also wanted to become an adult as soon as possible so that it would be more convenient for me to buy a car. I could go wherever I wanted. There was no need to trouble others.

"Alexa, what are you looking at? "

Alexander noticed that she had been looking outside the entire time.

"I'm looking at others driving. I want to become an adult as soon as possible. I also want to drive. "

I was thinking about how to make it more convenient for myself. I still needed to wait another year before I could drive. It was only a year. There were four years in university, so it was still early.

"I don't think a certain someone would like that"

Said Alex.

I didn't give him an answer because I know what he was talking about. Jamie did not want me to have a car, because he think that would reduce her dependence on him in the future.

After the car had passed, we got out of the car together.

"Do you know which way to go?"

"Yes, I've been here before. I roughly know the direction. Let's go there first. If we can't find them, we can ask people. Anyway, those seniors will come out to welcome the new students."

People could ask people everywhere.

Some time later, we came to an office. There were already people lining up. They stood at the end of the line. I took out some candies and said.

"It will take about ten minutes. According to this speed."

"Yes, eat less candies. It's high in calories and can make you fat."

My brother Alex make a Joke of me.

I hear Alexander chuckled.

"Sometimes, you look like a little white rabbit. In fact, you're a big wolf."

He said to me.

"I don't really like the adjective 'big wolf'. I like pigs. I should be able to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. And brother you are not better than me."

I replied with a smile.

"Haha, you're also my little sister pig."

Alex replied. We deliberately lowered our voices when we spoke.

It was our turn, soon. We went in, reported our name and took out our ID card. The teacher helped with the registration in front of the computer. He was a little surprise to see us. We are truly eye catching.

There was already the professor's signature on it. It seemed that there was some internal relationship. He controlled the mouse to scroll down and look at our results. This score Beside it, there was a special note that said we are this year's top scorer in science. The teacher looked up at us finding it hard to believe that this year's top scorer in science was such a beautiful girl and handsome boys.

"The class schedule is out. You have to go to the library to collect the books. Take this class schedule and the student ID card. Just a reminder, once you lose this student ID card, you have to pay 50 yuan to apply for it. I suggest you meet your teacher frequently. I will print out your teacher's number together with your class schedule. Good Luck. "

For good students, the teacher's attitude was good. Although those who could get into their school were not bad, the top scorer was treated well.

"Thank you, teacher. we got it. We will go get the books now."

I smiled as I took the things. I was very efficient. I get our student card very quickly.

I glanced at my class schedule. It was not bad. Classes started from 9 am on Monday to Wednesday and were scheduled to end at 3 pm. There were basically no classes at other times. Classes were held once every two weeks. Classes were held at 10 am on Friday. I liked this schedule because it was very convenient.

After walking out, I saw Alex took a look at my class schedule.

"There are quite a lot of classes."

"It's not bad. I can accept this kind of class time."

I was very satisfied.

"Now, we need to go to the library to get the books."

Alexander said.

I thought for a moment.

"I don't know where it is. Let's ask someone."


"May I know how to get to the library? "

I found a person and looked at him walking around with familiarity.

"A junior? The library is right in front of us. After passing through that corridor, you will be able to see the library."