First day

He saw that there was two man beside this junior He did not continue to strike up a conversation with her.

The three of them walked to the library and received the books.

"Let me help you carry them. These books are very thick."

Alex take some and give the res to Alexander.

"No need."

I said that there was no need, but I did not say anything. I just walked in front and looked around.

"Let's go home for lunch. I will make some for us."


"It's too far to walk to school. It's better to buy a bicycle. Won't it be more convenient?"

I consider.

"Someone will sent us."

"That's true. but i will still prepare one."

We go to our home. When we got out we saw that our father is still here.

"Everything is ok?"


"Let's go then."



We welcomed the official start of class. On Tuesday, I brought the books that I was going to need today and rode the car to school. After riding into the campus, I leisurely stepped on them and looked around to enjoy the environment.

My brother, Jamie, Mu Chen and me, we where all here. But My sister and Anabel is not here. Anabel is not in this building just like my sister she is studying medical course. All the members of her family is famous for their medical skill. So you can understand why she choose to go there.

A girl holding a camera saw this scene and immediately took a picture. After he took the picture, we had already walked far away.

She opened the picture she took and took a high-definition side profile picture. Her hair fluttered in the wind.

"What a handsome boys. They looks very comfortable. It feels like there will be a different appearance in the new semester."

She looked at the time.

"Oh my God, I'm going to be late."

We went to the teaching building.

We are not very familiar with this place, and it took us about ten minutes to find the classroom. There were not many people in the classroom. We usually sat in the last row. The classroom was very big. The Bell Rang, and people came in one after another. The teacher slowly entered the classroom after five minutes, and he walked to the podium.

The teacher looked to be in his fifties, and he walked very slowly. When it came to the topic, he turned on the computer and slowly turned on the projector.

Everyone was talking in low voices. When the teacher spoke, they gradually quieted down.

"Lin Yu. You can call me professor Lin in the future. I am responsible for teaching you the basic theoretical knowledge. In my class, if you are noisy, just go out. If you don't realize it, don't come to my class in the future. There is one more thing. In my class, attendance points are calculated. If you find someone raising their hand for a classmate, the class score will be zero. You will have to retake or change your major."

He said seriously.

Everyone didn't dare to say anything more because the teacher's strictness made them afraid to show their faces.

They had just started school and were about to fail. No one was willing to take the risk.

I saw Jamie took out his textbook and a notebook, but he didn't say anything The teacher slowly began to take attendance. The class lasted one and a half hours, and the attendance would take about ten minutes.

After the attendance, Professor Lin began to teach. His class was very boring, and everyone felt sleepy listening to it.

I didn't took note because I didn't need them. But I saw Jamie and Mu Chen took notes step by step without any special circumstances.

In the last twenty minutes, Professor Lin asked the students to answer questions. He took the student roster and randomly called for people. Before that, he said.

"If you can't answer, pay attention. This class is not easy to pass. Your performance usually depends on it."

The other students were very nervous and did not want to be called.

"Han Xueying. "

The girl stood up, a little afraid.

Professor Lin asked.

"Today, we talked about national accounting. What you have to answer me now is, the definition?

Han Xueying remembered this, but she still couldn't remember the details.

After a moment of silence, professor Lin asked the girl to sit down.

"Sit down. It's obvious that you didn't listen to the lesson well. "

Han Xueying blushed. She didn't know what to say, and she really didn't listen to the lesson well.

The others became even more nervous.

"Ling Ruo,"

Professor Lin called out to another person.

Ling Ruo stood up, and everyone saw that it was a thin and weak little boy.

Professor Lin looked at this boy.

"Then I'll ask you a simple question. What are the main principles of national accounting?"

After a few seconds of silence, he secretly lowered his head to look at his notes.

"Non-financial corporations, Credit institutions, insurance companies, public administrations"

"Yes, Although your reaction is a little slow, you can still be considered to have listened to the lecture. Sit Down."

Professor Lin was not so harsh.One after another. He called some students. he even called Jamie and Mu Chen. But they are great learner and have no problem answering the questions.

I thought that I would not be called out because the class was about to end. I did not expect to hear my own name.

"Delatour, please answer me."

"Witch one?"

Said Alex.

"Alexander Delatour. Can you tell us about aggregates?"

"These are economic magnitudes which sum up the results of national economic activity. Aggregates allow comparisons to be made over time or between countries.

I blurted out.