
The impression of strength that emanated from this human body was very fascinating. For the first time in my life, I wanted to caress these broad and firm shoulders, this smooth back, this bronze chest. How would he suddenly react? I suppose he would run away, persuaded to be dealing with a madwoman. Or not, for that matter, most of the men I have met only want to put me in their bed. I don't even know how many drug glass I have avoided. Without boasting I am the kind of beauty with which we fall madly in love at first sight.

I know what I'm talking about, with this face that I own, I made quite a bit of money. All the magazines want only me on their cover page. Alexander straightened up and turned to me. He seemed to have guessed my presence. He had blue eyes like that of the ocean. He stared at me for a long time, without flinching, I supported his gaze.

"Who are you?"

He ended up asking in a cold voice. I suddenly felt very intimidated and could not answer his question. He dominated me of all his size, he seemed you a little unhappy to have been disturbed.

" Hello, I'm your postman."

I gave him a charming smile. He darkens a bit more. I watched him through my modestly lowered lashes. Well, I must say that he is not at all captivated by my beauty or else he hides it well.

" I have a letter for you,"

I added, waving an envelope at arm's length. Alexander was undeniably very handsome, but at the moment he was mostly very unhappy and ready to get rid of the first comer. He was looking for tranquility, I kept repeating myself and he had deserved his silence. I handed him the letter. He walked over to me and took the envelope from my hands, glanced at it briefly.

" I guess you know who I am?"

He said resignedly, which contradicted his tone who is as cold as a winter.

"Yes Alexander Delatour, I have to know the name of the recipient if I want to be able to deliver his mail."

I replied a little drier than I would like, annoyed by his very unpleasant welcome.

@@looked him straight in the eye. Crazy curls fluttered around my face. I pushed them back and continued to stare at him without worrying about the irritation I saw in Alexander's eyes. He didn't scare me. I saw him put the letter in his pocket without opening it. Usually, after taking a look at their correspondence, my clients invited me to have a drink or even to share their meal before letting me leave.

"I'm going to install a box at the end of the entrance,"

He announced without thinking for a moment to thank me.

"Next time, you will just have to drag my mail there."

"I don't mind giving it to you personally. I like to make sure that everything is fine, that no one is missing anything. I also know how to take care of bringing basic necessities if you wish. Just let me know in advance and I ..."

" I don't need anything thank you,"

He interrupted me abruptly. I nervously bit my lips and looked at my watch.

"It is noon and I'm used to picnicking on your veranda."

I fell silent, leaving him plenty of time to invite me to lunch. He only contented himself with looking at me with exasperation. I almost smiled at this somewhat comical situation. I was dying to stay, and he longed for my departure. Contrary to what he might hope, the more reluctant I felt about him, the more keen my interest in him. Despite my efforts to remain indifferent, I could not help feeling a little concerned by what I knew about his misfortunes. When you don't have a lot of money you are miserable and when you have too much, it's worse. Although now he refuses my help, I guessed that, more than anyone else he needed it.

"Can't you go somewhere else?"

"Elsewhere? What to do? Oh! You mean for ... my picnic? I thought you would invite me to share your meal"

I replied.

"I do not know what you have prepared, but it smells delicious in your home."

He needed a friend to listen to him, someone he could confide in, I decided. And, since there was nobody but me for miles around, I was the only candidate possible.

" I am generally here on Tuesday and Friday, I visit a friend who lives a little higher on the river."

Alexander put his fists in his pockets.

"We are not Friday today, why are you not going to find him for lunch?"

I laugh, then respond.

"For several reasons. First, she cook very badly, even worse than I do. And secondly at this hour, she must surely take care of her children."

"Too bad"

He said only before turning on his heels.

He disappeared, planting me there, waiting against all hope for a hypothetical invitation. I think it was very clear. I am not welcome here. I prepared to leave in my car, then I changed my mind.

He had insulted me enough like that by turning my back on me. The compassion I feel for him and his misfortunes vanished and I was determined to stay there to eat my sandwich.