Six years later.

After this incident. Nothing more happened. I made sure to avoid Sara. All I want is to study in peace, because I said that soon this peace will be disturbed by people who will want to corner me and try to take control of Delatour Industries. So it was in this ambience that the years passed. Now I am 23 years old the youngest entrepreneur.

During these six years several things happened and there is a lot of them that I do not want to remember anymore. It is often said that at university it is a more relaxing place for our studies. Well for me it was a stressful place. I spent my time avoiding Sara, avoiding murderers. I also had a great time with my family and friends. During these times they were my greatest support. I managed to get Sara to leave the country abroad after one last incident. But I'm sure she won't let go of me.

And with regard to my company. Well, she has become a giant, a leader in the business world. And S city is very developed now. I have a lot of business in almost all of the country and the other cities around. I made a lot of investment. And with that my assets are worth in the billions. I am rich like cresus. H International is now on the same level as that of the Delatours that my brother runs. And he does it very well with the support of my father. I am now on a ranch recovering.

We are in the month of September. I still escaped an assassination. I still don't dare to appear in public and declare that H Internatinal belongs to me. I already know who is after my life, but I lack proof to oust this person. I am setting up a big plan with my brother to wedge this person. The only thing I miss is a simple document. I hope that I will receive it soon. Because I'm tired of living like this.

I had a slight accident and my doctor Anabel told me. recommend taking some rest. So I moved to a property that I bought and repaired. It is a small ranch with a small river and a very nice view. No one here would know who I am. I wouldn't have to worry about my identity. No one except my family and Jamal knows where I am. I'll wait patiently for this person to make a mistake. Because of him I had to pretend to be an incompetent Heir. Apart from a few criticisms, the good news is that the girls leave me alone. I have been there for a week now and I find that the advice Anabel gave me was not too bad after all. Te scenery here is very good.


Grace Harper glanced tenderly and curiously at the name on the letter she was about to distribute. If one day we would have that the very recognized international model, would have become a mail distributor. They would have laughed. I've been living here for a few days now. I wanted to get away from all this mess, these schemes, these people who claim to be your friends, however, will not hesitate to stab you in the back for a role in a film, all these scandals. In this little corner far from civilization where no one recognizes me, it is the dream dream of taking a vacation.

And I guess this man who lives on this ranch is looking for the same thing as me. Alexander Prince had just undergone harsh trials as a result of which he had decided to take refuge here in the wilderness until he decided to face the world again. This property was beautiful after the renovations. The ranch was nestled on the edge of a river. I understood it perfectly well. With this view wt this beautiful landscape, I would also like this place.

At the command of my car, a jeep I parked gently, turned off the engine then got out. I looked around, frowning Usually at the sound of the engine in my car, the inhabitants of here rushed to meet me, since I was the link between these loners and the outside world. You have to travel several kilometers to get to the post office.

That is why there is a timetable. It is not every day that I do this tour. The new owner of the domain does not come welcome me. The door of the house remained obstinately closed. I noticed that the repairs were already finished.

The missing tiles were replaced, the shingle roof had been redone as well as the veranda that surrounded the house. I followed with a light step the path which led there. After having knocked and called, always no answer, I turned the handle and took a look inside. No one ...

Yet a baked smell of baked bread still floated in the air. Where he was going. As I walked around the house, I noticed that the brambles and weeds had been uprooted. In their place sprouted that and the lupins, daisies, wild hyacinths, marigolds. I stood for a moment happy to feel on my face the warm caress of the sun, and that of the breeze a little warmer.

Then suddenly I heard dull thumps that resounded. We were cutting wood not far from there. Guided by the regular sound of the ax, I soon came out on a clearing. Alexander was there, he split logs in two and stacked them carefully. Judging by the number of woods cut, it seems that there seemed to be a good time in the area.

I stayed at a respectful distance and watched her in silence. He had taken off his shirt, and shirtless, hips well taken in blue pants, he was working with precision. When he lifted the ax above his head, you could see the muscles played under his bronze skin.