Ride (1)

I listened, the car engine didn't work too well. I immediately tried to park. I was very close to Alexander's house. I only asked him to take me there in his jeep. I had a remedy to bring to the Greyson. I remembered the cold look he had given me during our last meeting. I did not feel strong enough to face him today. Despite that I had to resign myself to park there. The engine started to cough, then went out. As I expected, he did not run to meet me. He never did.

During this past week, I brought him mail twice. Not once had he bothered to disturb himself and come to greet me. Despite my desire to hear from him, I dared not go and see him. Long minutes passed. Where was he? I needed him. I was about to go looking for him when I saw him running.

I watched him come towards me fascinated. It was magnificent, bigger and better built than in my memory. Flashes of fire shone in his abundant black hair. He was wearing a madras bemuda, and I couldn't help but admire his long, muscular, solid legs.

" Everything is fine?

He asked.

" Yes."

He looked at me for a long time and under his burning gaze, I started to tremble a little and blush. The violence of his reaction surprised me. I would die to go throw myself in his arms, to let myself be caressed, kissed. I saw him clench his fists and imagined these hands on me, both possessive and tender. Alas! I turned my head.

"I heard your engine cough and stop. What happened?"

Was it really the concern that I read in his eyes? Did he really care for me?

" Fortunately I was able to park without too much problem."

"You don't check your car before you hit the road,"

He said furiously.

"Of course yes."

I didn't need a sermont now.

"You have to lend me your jeep"

I say in a preemptory tone. He will look at me with a puzzled air.

' I don't have a jeep."

I shrugged my shoulders and headed for the car again to take the purse containing the drugs.

"Any other vehicle will do the trick. I have a drug to deliver, it's urgent."

"I'm not motorized. What kind of medication?"

I did not answer his question.

"You are not motorized? How do you transport the equipment needed to supply the house? and how do you do your shopping?"

I praised it, with a blazing glance of anger.

"They delivered everything to me by helicopter, and as for my purchases, I have enough provisions to last until the New Year"

He explains patiently.

'That's, what the drug is for?"


" Indigestion? Who has this indigestion?"

"The Greyson's niece who is at home right now. She has eaten too many sweets and this has made her stomach upset. I was asked to go to Dalmas and bring the medicine."

I took a sorry look at my car.

" I just have to try to repair the engine."

" I have a horse."

Before my surprised look, he explained.

" When I took everything to go to town, I go on horseback. The mule follows us to carry the packages. Gayson live far from here?"

"Not too far just after the place where the river makes a fork ... I can always try to repair my car."

" I have a feeling it will take a while and I don't think the patient can wait. I suggested you use my horse, in one hour you can be there."

" I can't ride."

" Everyone knows how to ride a horse."

" Well, I'm the exception to the rule."

I said nothing when she said that to me. I watched her as she checked the different electrical circuits, the battery, the candles. Her thin figure, her slim waist, her wavy hair deeply disturbed me. Ever since I met her again, kept thinking about her.

I had never felt this for a woman. It was dangerous for me .... Very pretty and attractive.

" It is hopeless. It will take everything apart and I don't have time."

I faced him bravely.

"And you couldn't go?"

" No, I don't know these people and neither do they."

" You are right there could be a misunderstanding."

I was desperately looking for a solution.

"We can go together he proposed?"

I hesitated a bit then glanced at my watch and finally made up my mind.

" Let's go, I said, grabbing the kit that contained the medicine."

Alexander saddled the horse before returning to change. A few minutes later, he reappeared with several packages which he placed, as well as the precious kit in the saddlebags. He stowed everything securely, and straddled his mount and then held out my hand. With a sigh, I approached and climbed on the pommel of the saddle and put a foot to the stirrup.

At the same time, I felt lifted from the ground by a vigorous grip which seized me by the belt of my jeans.

"Thank you."

Alexander pressed the sides of the horse, which set off.

I felt Alexander's chest against my back. He held the reins in his left hand, and with his right he had surrounded my waist. During the first 25 minutes, I tried to overcome my fear, then slowly, I managed to relax, took pleasure in contemplating the landscape around us, letting myself go to dream. For the first time in my life, I felt safe, protected.

"Don't fall asleep!"

I straightened so suddenly at the sound of his voice that the horse made an ecart and got carried away.