
Alexander tightened his grip around me and mastered the horse.

"What took you?"

He asked sharply, pulling on the reins to stop.

"I'm sorry, I was sleeping a little and I realized that I was leaning on you ... Is everything all right?"

He jumped to the ground and held out his arms to help me down.

"Peg deserved to rest a bit before attacking the climb."

I slipped against him and for a few seconds we remained thus without moving.

"Is that what it is called?"

Alexander released me, grabbed the reins and wrapped them around a low branch. He nodded in response to my question.

"She looks nice, like you."

He straightened up abruptly.

"What do you know? You don't know me, so don't attribute qualities I don't have."

I tilted my head to the side and watched him unbuckle the saddlebags, extracting the contents. He had crimson features. He put the sandwiches on a tree trunk and invited me to sit down.

"I know what I'm saying, I'm big enough to judge for myself."

I answer and at the same time, cheerfully bite into a roast beef sandwich.

"Thank you for thinking of bringing something to restore us. This makes me all the more happy since I don't have lunch today. Wouldn't you be a bit of a wizard by chance?"

I added it expressly. We did not often have to thank him without it being a benefit that he gave to someone. He turned dark, and I wondered what his dark blue eyes hid for a moment. He finished his meal and waited until I had done the same.

"We should leave."

He stood up and his face was close to mine. I felt the caress of his breath on my cheek, and even perceived the sigh that escaped him. He leaned over a bit, hugged me and put his lips on mine. When he straightened the desire that shone in his eyes took my breath away.

" I wanted to kiss you from the first day or I saw you"

He murmured. He almost seem angry.

"Do not dream, I have nothing of a hero of romance."

" I know."

I run my fingers through his thick hair and snuggle against him again. Our kiss was as tender, languid, voluptuous, demanding, sensitive, as I had imagined in my dreams.

I took her lips eager to discover them, to taste them. She gave me caress for caress, happy to give my turn, free rein, to the violence of my desire for her. She opened like a flower against me, gave way to me. My heart was beating very fast, panic-stricken by all these sensations that I felt.

"We must continue on our way."

I say, coming off.

When I heard Alexander's low and hoarse voice I immediately came to my senses.

"Yes I answered gently."

We ride our mount in silence. Obediently Peg set out again to assault the hill. We still had a long way to go.

"You did not say that we would have it for an hour"

Hardly I repeated after having consulted my watch. It was around 4:00 am after noon and we were always pegging on shaded paths, bordered by huge trees. The sun was gradually coming down on the horizon.

"You were concerned and frightened, I did not think it useful to add to your fear by insisting on the length of the path"

He replied.

"We are almost there?"

"Yes almost."


Her hair smelled good, a subtle scent of jasmine. I refrain from burying my face in its silky mass, and kissing the tender flesh of his neck. My instinct whispered to me that she was not ready. Suddenly, however, unable to restrain myself, I put my lips on the halo of curls which escaped from her ponytail. We are getting there, I say. We soon come out on a clearing. About ten yards away, before us stood a chalet, that of the Greyson.

" I see Mr. Greyson on the doorstep, he must have seen us."

I jumped to the ground and helped Grace get off the horse.

" Thank goodness, you are here."

Mr. Greyson rushed to meet us.

"Fabie's state has gotten worse. The pain seem to be growing stronger. We just talked to the doctor. If she is not better after taking the medicine, she should be taken to the hospital without delay. "

Grace patted him gently on the arm to reassure him.

"We have the drugs.Everything will be fine now. Do not worry. Hello Anne,"

she added to the woman who was coming towards us, making signs to us to hurry. I tied the horse and walked back along with Grace and the Greyson. I smile when I see the veneration with which our host treated her. She was sent from heaven for them. The chalet was luxuriously appointed, and the living room seemed straight out of a decoration magazine.

Lying on a sofa, breathing with difficulty, the little girl was unrecognizable. His face was writhing in pain. I surprised Grace's anguished look just before she entered the room. She walked to Fabi's bedside with a smile on her face.


She said,

" I have medicine that will quickly get you back on your feet."

Within minutes he had her swallow the medicine. Shortly after Fabi dozed off. Her breathing was less wheezy, and her face was back to normal Mrs. Greyson approached me and held out my hand.

" I'm Anne Greyson."

" Alexander Delatour."

I replied with a big smile.