Happy Appy Part 1

Location: N/A

February 23rd, 2011

    Hello. I will be writing on this blog because I am researching a show called Happy Appy. One of the main reasons why I'm researching this show is because I've been fascinated with missing TV shows, episodes, and movies. Like most people who research missing episodes, I'm hell-bent on finding London after Midnight, the 108 missing Doctor Who episodes, and Him, the 1974 film where a man has a sexual obsession with Jesus. Even though I should help the search for any fragments of the missing episodes and films, I'm going to research this one series for now. 

    Another reason I want to research this show is because I had an experience with it around 2001. It was around eight in the morning. My younger brother, who was seven, was watching a local station during its children TV show block. After a dubbed over Blue Clues, it started to air a show called счастливое яблоко, or Happy Apple. I can barely remember the episode's plot, but it was about this apple who was trying to help a kid, named Nathaniel. It felt sort of low-budget, but since my brother liked the episode, I didn't mind him watching it. The only thing that made me dubious was this evil smile that the apple did in the middle of the episode.

    From what I gathered, in the first weeks of Noggin's existence, this "Happy Appy" show began production. Its plot was about a giant clay apple with arms, baby blue eyes, and large dark green lips being held up by a bent, rusty stick. He would go around in a white 1996 Ford Windstar helping children when they got injured. As the episodes started to become more unusual. For one example, Happy Appy would often stare at the viewers of the show with a deranged smile. 

    It's also worth mentioning that the series slowly got more violent as the series progressed. Happy Appy was one of the shorter shows on Noggin, with every episode being 10 minutes long at the most. They played duets, making each full episode 20 minutes long, minus commercials. A couple of months after Happy Appy aired its first episode, Nickelodeon cancelled the show, and it was never shown again on Noggin or Nick Jr. Even the much more appropriate episodes weren't shown for whatever reason. However, some parents did record the show, but they were VHS copies. 

Of those said VHS copies, only a few survived through the years. Many of the tapes had been destroyed either due to neglect or disgust, or were simply misplaced and thrown out by accident. However, some copies of the show were reportedly stolen by a shadowy figure. I was one of the lucky people to own a copy of the episodes. Yesterday, when I did some winter cleaning, I found an old DVD with 'H.A. Episodes' written on it. I had a feeling that I knew this abbreviation from somewhere, I did some research on what H.A. meant. My first choice was the forum about missing episodes/films that I normally go to. 

When I entered the missing episode section of the forum, the first thread I saw was one name "HA? What's this?" A woman posted the thread, who had, like me, found a VHS with the initials "HA" on it. As I read this thread more, I found out that the initials on the disc stood for Happy Appy. This instantly reminded me of the weird low-budget show that I watched with my brother in 2000. In the replies, the user claimed that there are no known DVD copies around. I'm not sure how the disc got there, though. I certainly didn't remember owning a disc that looked like it! 

After viewing the thread, I went ahead and put it into the disk drive, hoping that it would work. Thankfully, the disc did work, and it instantly cut to the intros of the episode, no menus or anything. Happy Appy's intro song had the same tune as Mary Had a Little Lamb, and went something like this.

Happy Appy Appy App, 

Happy App Happy App

Happy Appy Appy App

He helps kids all day!

Happy Appy Appy App, 

Happy App Happy App

Happy Appy Appy App

He helps kids all day!

Happy Appy Appy App, 

Happy App Happy App

Happy Appy Appy App

He helps kids all day!

Episode 1 and 2 were called "Happy's Vacation" and "Hurt Happy," respectively. 

Happy's Vacation was exactly what you'd expect; Happy Appy goes on a vacation to the beach, heals injured kids, and even talks down a bully into not hurting a child. Hurt Happy was about Happy's stick getting broken, and the kids teaming up to help Happy Appy by giving him bandages and fruit. Nothing seemed out-of-place when I first saw it, but when I saw it a second time, the episodes looked questionably odd. When Happy was driving his van to the beach in Happy's Vacation, a few seconds skipped. At first, I ignored it, saying that it could be a scratched DVD. But when I checked the disc, it had no scratches on it whatsoever. Also, during the fruit scene for whatever reason. It could have been a mistake by the producers, though.

Finally, I noticed some things in Hurt Happy that looked out-of-place. In Happy's van during the intro to Happy's Vacation, there was what looked like the border of the HOPE poster, but it was out of frame that it could have been something else. At the end of Hurt Happy, there was a newscast about a 9.0 earthquake that recently struck Japan. Happy responded "Oh no! If you want to help the Japanese, call this number!" and a 1-800 number appeared. I thought those were just coincidental. Well, I was wrong. Episodes 3 and 4 were stranger. The intros of these two episodes were removed, but I found out that Episode 4's name was Nate Needs Help. This stuck out to me because this was the very same episode I saw with my brother, but in English!

Episodes 3 and 4 were missing a few scenes, and, overall, more disturbing than the first two. On episode 3- near the 5:10 mark- is when Happy Appy does his first evil smile for 25 seconds. A scene that could send chills down anyone's spine was the Boo-boo part in Nate Needs Help. Happy aids Nate, who has a bruise on his knee. He looks to the camera, giving off the same evil smile that I remember from 2000, and says "What does Nate need for this booboo?" for 30 seconds, he stared at the camera, motionless, with his soulless baby blue eyes locking on to anyone watching. Finally, he broke the silence by saying "That's right, a bandage!" Why did he need that long to speak, I will never know.

Also, the out-of-place objects were getting more noticable. In Nate Needs Help, the radio plays the sounds like a country cover to Hot and Cold, which was made in 2008 and very out-of-place for a kid's show. 

February 24th, 2011

I watched Episode 5, which had a few differences from the first four episodes. Firstly, it had Happy on a rustless (but still bent) stick. Secondly, this episode was somewhat disturbing. The theme song played, and the name of the episode is revealed as Monkey Bar Mishap!

It started with Happy Appy in his van driving to the playground when he sees a kid crying near some monkey bars. Once he parks the van and goes to the monkey bars, Happy finds out that the kid had fallen off of them, cutting his little finger open. Happy Appy said "What does Jack need to heal with, kids?" He gave off his evil smile at the screen for a couple of minutes, enough time to read a page of a book- preferably the Bible- to him. Like Nate Needs Help, his soulless baby blue eyes watching over anyone in the room like Big Brother. He said "That's right!" and Happy puts a bandage on Jake's finger. After getting hugged by Jack, Happy drives away in his van. It skipped to Episode 6, which had a better chance of being aired on Wonder Showzen than Nick Jr.! 

In the episode, called Never Run with Knives, a kid was running with a knife facing up. The knife was clearly a rubber prop because the blade was flopping around a lot. The kid got 'cut,' and held his hand over the wound, crying. As blood began to come out of the kid's wound, Happy parked his van, gave a normal smile, and said "Hey kids, he shouldn't have carried the knife facing up while running!" However, he did heal him by putting a bandage over the wound. The kid hugged Happy, and he said "Remember kids, never run with knives facing up, or scissors for that matter. Always walk with knives and scissors facing down!" Happy took the kid to his van, drove off, and the credits played. However, after the credits roll, the episode takes a very disturbing turn when Happy comes back in his van, the kid missing, and says "Hey kids! If you find me and my van, just talk to me and I'll take you away, ha-ha!"

Episode 7 began with Happy on the playground, but he wasn't playing with the kids, or helping them. He was just staring at them, with that unsettling smile I hated so much. A group of kids are playing with jump ropes, when Happy walks over to them. He calmly tells them something, but I could barely hear what he said. From what I heard, I could only make out "Hello...Happy...I...how...me...please?" I could see where this was going, as the kids walked with Happy into the bushes of the playground. Loud violent screams are heard for almost a minute and a half, until Happy begins to drag three bloody bodies to his van.

I couldn't believe it.

For the rest of the episode, he does that damn death smile! Why did they use that look so much? It was almost like he could climb out of your TV, grab you, and murder you slowly and painfully with a rusty knife, but he couldn't. I moved onto Episode 8 and 9. This time, the episodes were so violent and shoddy that they couldn't have aired on Noggin at all. Episode 8 had Happy Appy take a kid into his van. For half of the episode, flesh cutting could be heard, and so could loud screaming, which turned into gurgles. As the scene progressed, blood splatters on the windows began to appear. Eventually, Happy emerged from the van, and did a death smile until the end of the show. Like Episode 8, Episode 9 was gory and violent. But this episode was so coincidental and violent that I couldn't believe Noggin would even allow it, unless it was some sort of hijacking.

It starts out with Happy Appy walking around the playground when two kids ask him what the cycle of life is so that they could complete their homework. He proceeds to tell the kids about the cycle of life in frogs and plants. The kids said "Thanks, Happy! Can you play with us for a bit?" Happy agrees, and they start playing on the playground. When this happens, smoke starts to creep behind Happy and the children. It gets to a point where they start coughing because of how dense the smoke is, so they turn around to see what was making the smoke. Happy gasps at the sight in front of them. 

Two towers were on fire and were burning up. A few people are falling out of windows to escape the fire. There was a lot of screaming, falling debris, and a crashed airplane in one of the towers. Only the tail of the plane was visible, which was nearing the point of collapse, I could hear a faint whining noise at this point, and I think that it was the plane's engine which was probably still on. Seven seconds later, the trail of the plane finally broke apart, with the largest pieces of the tail hitting and killing someone. During this scene, fire trucks could be heard trying to douse out the flames, but it only slows the flames down. The wailing of ambulances could also be heard, taking away the bodies of the people who jumped from the towers. It showed a weird guy on fire falling out of one of the towers, screaming. 

Happy and the kids are seen again, but this time, they stood still in fear. The smoke kept getting thicker and thicker, slowly obscuring the trees and equipment of the playground. The debris from the towers fell around the kids and Happy, and a person ran up to them and told them to run away from the towers before running off. When the older kid worriedly said "Happy Appy, why are the towers on fire?" it cuts to a higher-up floor that was near where the plane crashed, which revealed a kid that was under a big piece of concrete, crying for help. 

Some other kids tried to help him by lifting the piece of concrete off him. He was screaming so loud, it was almost heartbreaking. There were bodies and blood everywhere, and the pain and fear on the trapped kid's face was so realistic, I cringed. After the shot with the kid trapped under the concrete, the younger kid turns to the side and says "Happy Appy, why are people running and falling from the towers?" Happy Appy turns to the camera, death smile on his face, and very coldly says three words. Those three words will haunt me as long as I research this show.

"That's natural, children."

He took the two kids away from the towers, leaving the kid stuck under the concrete screaming for help. When the credits rolled, the audio of the scene kept playing, and at the end, before the video cut out, something collapsed, making a very loud noise that could scare anyone watching. 

I jumped out of my seat. Was Happy a death bringer in the form of an apple? Or was he a master predictor? If that episode somehow predicted 9/11, I have to watch Episodes 10 and 11 to see if there was anything else predicted! I might not see any predictions, though, and honestly, I hope not. Oh, and you want to know what happens when someone calls the tsunami aid phone number? Tomorrow, I'm going to go and call it.

February 25th, 2011

Hey, I called the 1-800 hotline mentioned on Episode 3. It was a pre-recording, which I will transcribe for you.

"Hello! My name is Happy Appy! I am every kid's most helpful and favorite Apple! If you want to make a donation, press 1. If you want to know about the earthquake, press 2."

When I pressed two, the hotline said this.

"An earthquake and tsunami has recently hit Japan, and we need all the help we can get! If you can make a donation of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 dollars, you will be a big help! Anyone who donates gets a Happy Appy badge!"

So, I went ahead and donated a dollar to the donation for the fun of it by using an outdated bank account that I never used. It responded. 

"Thank you for helping with the aid for the Tsunami! Look in your mailbox in a week from now, because you'll get your Happy Appy badge!"

I'm wondering what earthquake Happy predicted. Between 1999 and the current day, there were no 9.0 earthquakes in Japan. Since the 2003 Hokkaido Earthquake was pretty close to when the episode was released, as well as the magnitude mentioned in the radio broadcast, I guess he was predicting that. 

February 27th, 2011

Episode 10 was corrupt, to say the least. It started up, but it had no audio, and the first part was so badly compressed that it was hardly viewable. The next part was just plain static for the rest of the video.

"Great, a missing episode," I thought.

Episode 11, called Happy Trick, was actually watchable. The intro was just some weird, offbeat carnival music, with Happy doing his death smile at the camera. The episode began with him in his van, driving on a winding road. As the episode went on, scars started to appear on his body. Eventually, Happy reached the playground, where many children were at play. He jumped out, looking like he was ready to abduct all of them, and said "Hey kids, who wants to see Happy do a magic trick?" Like brainwashed zombies, the kids cheered and ran into his van. Happy closes the door and drives away from the playground.

After a few minutes, the van came back, and the side door opened, revealing a motionless and expressionless Happy covered in blood. I couldn't take it anymore. Happy was making me feel extremely nauseous for some reason, so I skipped to the end of the episode. From what I saw, the rest of the episode was him watching TV and reading the news, with random zoom-ins at the newspaper. Why, though? I'm guessing that they're predictions like Episode 9, but after that episode, I'm not going to go back and read them.

There was a very brief scene where Happy began to stab a kid, but it quickly cuts out to Happy watching a scene on his TV where the inside of a space shuttle catches fire! Why the hell does the show keep showing scenes very reminiscent of future disasters? Once I had got to the end of the episode, Happy was holding a knife, covered with blood. The camera began to pan down to a table, which had a hand with cut marks laying on it. What was probably the most unusual thing about this episode happened after this scene. After a few seconds of the credits play, it very suddenly cut to a black screen with text that said:

"If you get these DVDs, I copied the show over to them from whatever master tapes I could find. I wanted to preserve this show so that the last few episodes weren't lost forever. Now you might be wondering one thing; how did Nickelodeon air all of those episodes? I don't know; they just did, that's what. If you want to know more about the show, including its fate, see me.


    Thankfully, I had a good grasp of whom the KC most likely was; Kevin Seward Christianson, a friend of mine. It wouldn't be out of the question; when I first met him, he did mention something about working with Nickelodeon until the end of the millennium. Wanting to learn more about the show's fate, I went over to his house. 

What happened when I got there was, to put it bluntly, odd. 

When I got to his house and rang the doorbell, nobody responded. The door wasn't locked, so I decided to come in the house and see what was going on. I heard a middle-aged woman crying upstairs, so I ran across the living room and up the stairs to see what was going on. Kevin's wife was in their bedroom, crying at a framed portrait of them together. I asked her what had happened to Kevin, and she replied with a very odd answer:

"Last night, someone or something took him away in his sleep. The police are trying to look for him, but they've questioned me and searched our house for any evidence, but there's none...except for this scrap of paper."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it, and it revealed itself to be a low-quality photograph of the scarred Happy Appy during the "Natural" scene. While I was at their house, I asked her how those episodes had managed to get aired on Noggin.

"T-this man h-had drugged the producers! He was going to-"

She only managed to say that much before bursting into tears. I could only think that whoever 'that man' was had kidnapped Kevin on the 26th. After comforting her, I left the Christianson household and walked off. Once I was startled by the noise of a gunshot nearby. I instantly ran to my house, fearing that whoever kidnapped Kevin and killed his wife was trying to chase after me. Before I closed the door, I took one last glimpse at the bushes on the other side of 

the street. In one of them was a mutilated arm, with an unknown figure standing behind it. 

March 3rd, 2011

Hey, I wanted to know if anyone has any recordings of a Happy Appy episode. If you do, 

please send me an email containing the video of it. You might wonder why I'm asking this. Well, I found my disc in pieces on my desk, and no, I did not save the videos to my laptop. Oddly, the way it was broken was almost like a claw had slashed the disc into thirds. The paper with Happy Appy on it was nearby, with writing that said "No more evidence now, huh?" I wonder who was angry enough to destroy my disc…

The badge finally came in the mail today. It came in a small box that had, interestingly enough, a timestamp from 2000. I could only guess that Nickelodeon still had some left over from when the show was still popular. When I opened the box and dumped out the contents, the badge came rolling out, with a letter attached to it. The badge was made of plastic, had a silver-bronze color, and depicted Happy Appy with a smile. On the back, "Happy Appy Helper Badge" was imprinted in stereotypical Army font. The letter had the following written on it: 

To my friend,

You have helped us help the Japanese!

Of course, let me introduce myself.

Unarguably, you have heard of me on Noggin!

Can't understand what I'm saying?

Well, I'll give you the answer! Happy Appy Appy App!

Appy App, Appy App! Happy Appy Appy App, he helps kids all day!

Now, where do I begin with this gift?

Today, I have given you a nice badge, right from the old playground! How did I get these, you ask?

Running across the playground, I tripped on a rock. I fell down, but I noticed the ground was uneven!

Undoubtedly, something was buried, so I dug the ground and I found a crate filled with these badges!

Now, it's time to be off! Watch Noggin at 8:30 AM CST to see my new adventures!


Happy Appy

I checked the back for anything interesting. What I found instead were these 2 lines of gibberish. 



I don't even know what they are!

March 5th, 2011

Today, I got an email from a man who claimed to be a user on WikiLeaks. He had heard about my research on Happy Appy, so he tried to find any documents related to the show. He did find one, which told employees at Nickelodeon to never air certain TV shows and movies. After browsing through a massive description of Cry Baby Lane and other shows, I found this block of text in the middle of the document. 

"One show, originally named 'Happy Appy,' was cancelled due to excessive violence and gore. The show depicted a personified apple named 'Happy Appy' that taught kids how to handle certain injuries and, on an episode called 'Hurt Happy,' teamwork. On their last and only 8th episode, only an hour had passed when Noggin began to remove traces of the show. Children who had watched the show's final aired episode allegedly obtained symptoms of nausea and sleep deprivation. A 2003 report says the episode seemed to depict explicit imagery of the September 11th terrorist attacks, even though the episode aired in 1999."

I'm getting a lot more dubious about this show.

June 1st, 2011

First off, yes, I know that Happy Appy might have predicted that recent earthquake and tsunami. So stop sending me emails about it!

To put it short, I'm back. Since my job involves working as a detective in the police department, I had to take a hiatus from this blog so I could get paid. During this period, there were some trials involving the murder of Kevin Christianson. However, they came to an abrupt halt when the arm they found disappeared one day. I bet that shadow man stole the arm! Anyway, I was looking up Happy Appy on YouTube today when I found a video that said "Kevin Christianson Interview-Audio Only," so I watched it. Here's a transcript.

Interviewer: Are you Kevin Christianson?

KC: Yes.

Interviewer: So, are you the one who worked on Happy Appy's clay model?

KC: Yes.

Interviewer: How did you get the job for Happy Appy?

KC: I had just graduated from an art college in late 1998. I heard about Nickelodeon Studios, who were making cartoons. So I sent a resume, and a few weeks later, I got the job, and I was happy. Well, until the shit hit the fan.

Interviewer: What happened on the day you made the Happy Appy model?

KC: Okay, so basically, we had to design a cute-looking puppet for the show. We started with a rusty stick that was lying around on the floor of the studio, made an apple out of clay, and stuck it on the stick. We added baby-blue eyes, as well as pupils so he would look cuter and less frightening for children, big green lips, and clay arms. Finally, we added a stem and a leaf. We thought it was perfect for the show. 

Interviewer: Who voiced Happy Appy?

KC: I don't remember his name, but I do remember who he was from. It was a show called Fright House Screamers, where four teenagers would spend the night at haunted places. 

Interviewer: What happened to Fright House Screamers?

KC: When they were filming the fourth episode, one of the teenagers was found dead in the place they were doing it at. Besides, the show sucked ass.

Interviewer: Was the voice of Happy the teenager who got killed?

KC: I'm pretty sure not.

Interviewer: Back to Happy Appy, why aren't there any surviving copies of Happy Appy?

KC: That's a good point. See, Nickelodeon owns the tapes somewhere, but they're not going to release them for a long, long time. There have been bootlegs, of course, but none show the episodes after episode 11, which was weird. 

Interviewer: How many episodes of Happy Appy were there going to be?

KC: 2 full 26 episode seasons. They only showed 8 or 10 of the first season before Happy was canceled. However, my friend Jim says there's actually two seasons, but he was very drunk when he said that. Besides, I don't trust him at all.

Interviewer: Do you know any of the other crew who worked on Happy Appy?

KC: I only know Jim.

June 6th, 2011

Dear god! I've had some feverish nightmares of Happy Appy ever since I saw those last episodes. The dreams range from Happy doing his death smile for hours, to him brutally murdering a kid off-camera. Not only that, but I've become paranoid of apples. If I see one in my house, I eat it as quickly as I can or throw it away. I have seen the mysterious figure more, whether he's sitting on the side of a hill, or standing near some trees. It never seems to leave me alone. However, I can at least describe his appearance. 

First off, he can't be made of shadow because he has some sort of face with a mouth. However, his mouth is locked to one expression, which happens to be Happy's death smile. I'm going to sound weird for this, but I wonder if he's Happy. No, he can't be! There's a fine difference between this figure and Happy Appy, a child-sized apple! Oh well. Here's more about the stalker's body. He looks like he's slightly taller than me (for reference, I'm around 1.87 meters) and looks about mid-weight for his height. 

If he keeps appearing, I'm going to have to board up my house. I'm not sure what his problem is, but if he doesn't stop, I am going to call the cops the next time I see him.

June 11th, 2011

Great, just fucking great! How the hell do I put this in short? Right now, I'm at the library, which could very well be the only place in Aberdeen that has a free-to-use computer! It's been five full days since I last encountered the figure, and that bastard has some sort of problem because he burnt my house down! Oh yeah, he burnt the entire thing down for no reason whatsoever! I did manage to save some things from my house, like my laptop and the Happy Appy badge and letter.

Even then, I feel like I've released some sort of bullshit curse from watching those episodes of Happy Appy, and the library is my only hope spot. Thanks to that figure, I'm not even going to research more on this show anymore! After I destroy the badge and letter, I'm going to close down this blog. Or, better yet, I should kill that fucker for what he did! I don't give a damn if I break the law and get sent to jail! Whoever the figure is has to pay for what he has done to me!

However, I'm not sure if the figure burned down my house. I didn't see his figure behind my house, so it could have just been a chimney or electrical fire. So, you know what? Forget what I said about closing down the blog and killing the figure! I'm going to treat the fire like it was natural and keep researching the show. Don't expect me to act nicely in the following months, though. 

June 28th, 2011

I've finally got somewhere to live in! To be more precise, I bought a mobile home in the nearby trailer park a few days ago. Since I'm not the richest man in my neighborhood, this will definitely do for now until I get enough money to buy a proper house. 

On Happy Appy, however, one of my friends, Jim Forester, actually remembered Happy Appy, and is most likely the one mentioned in Kevin's interview. He said that there were more episodes I didn't have on the DVD. It turns out that the most violent episodes were actually at the end of the season. The entire first season was supposed to have 25 episodes, plus a TV movie. No one mentioned it because Jim and Nickelodeon had the only known high-quality tapes until I found the DVD. It's also worth mentioning that the series slowly got more violent as the series progressed. Jim sent me a disc with fragments of Happy Appy episodes. Here are the contents of the disc. 

The first clip starts out with a close up of a school bell ringing. It cuts to Happy standing next to a kid sitting at a desk. The kid is trying to answer a math problem, but gives up and says "I don't know how to do my homework!" Soon, the teacher says "Class is dismissed." The kid becomes ashamed that he didn't know how to do his homework, but Happy says "That's all right! I'll sing you the math song and you will understand!" After the kid gasps, Happy sings a song about math. It was distorted in both audio and video, but I could thankfully make out the lyrics.

I'm going to show you how to do your homework!

7 plus 4 is 11, and 9 minus 2 is 7

Math's not a chore, because 15 minus 11 equals 4!

6 plus 2 is 8, and you're doing great

Now, here's the last 3! You're on a spree!

2 minus 1, and now your homework is done!

After that, the kid says "Wow! Thanks, Happy Appy!" I found it odd that the kids were doing math that was more suitable for older elementary students. 

The next fragment was one of the violent episodes. Even though the clips looked like they were separate and from different episodes, they actually seemed to be in order. It started with three kids saying that their families were gone. They proceeded to cry so loudly that it was almost painful to see. Happy Appy and two other kids entered the shot and tried to calm them down. Eventually, they managed to calm down the three kids, and all five of them left. However, Happy had this weird, perverted, and greedy expression. He tells the kids to come with him, and they follow him into an abandoned office building. Two minutes later, he leaves the building, dragging several money bags with him. The kids were screaming for help again.

It didn't end there. There was one fragment of a somewhat violent episode. Happy was putting a bandage on a kid's arm. Oddly enough, he was wearing a long coat in this episode, and in the far corner of his pocket, a needle with green fluids is visible. Happy gave the kid a shot with the needle, which knocked the kid out. He dragged the kid into his van, and a chainsaw was heard. The DVD stopped after that. 

Oh, you want to know more about that encounter with the figure? First, it turns out he was at the library, so I got out of there. However, about Kleiner, though, what I thought was Harold was actually someone else that looked like him. Secondly, I gave him a nickname. It's Forensik, which is better than calling him "the figure." I didn't come up with the name, though. I found a scrap of paper on my desk that said "Forensik." Obviously, since I have to call the figure something, I will call him Forensik from now on. When I saw him 17 days ago, he seemed to have fingers with claws. 

I don't mean like he had retractable claws in his fingers. His fingers looked like they were very sharp. I also got a good look at how he ran. He seems to be hunchbacked, which means he would be taller when he would be standing up straight. I say about 6'9, although you could speculate that since I don't have a picture of him. Yet. 

July 14, 2011

Jim Forester has called me again with another development. Trestan Yae, the man who voiced Happy Appy, and a star on Fright House Screamers, was killed today. His body had three long and deep cut marks on his chest, with one of them slashing open his heart. Even though the police marked it as a murder by a bladed weapon, I think Forensik killed Trestan! It just seems like a weird coincidence that my CD of the Happy Appy episodes was clawed in the same way that Trestan Yae has. Jim, however, said in response that they would be very sharp claws, since the markings managed to put a deep cut on one of his ribs. 

I might need to research Fright House Screamers after I'm done with Happy Appy. It sounds quite interesting. 

July 15th, 2011

Today, Jim Forester gave me a DVD with three new episodes. According to Jim, the first episode with the green fluid needle, the second being the full version of Happy Goes to School, and the last one might be the second part of the Happy Appy TV Movie. I would be able to describe the episodes if it wasn't for the extensive cleaning the disc needs!