Happy Appy Part 2

July 17th, 2011 


After all of this time, I cleaned the disc enough to be watchable! The only problem is that it sometimes freezes when a video gets played. Here are the contents.

The first episode started out with the scene with the green fluids needle. After Happy kills the kid, he drives to a crashed plane, where the scene with the money bags happened. It cuts to the playground, where Happy was playing with some kids. It went along like normal, until his skin peeled off, revealing a rotten apple core. it was like an orange peeler was being used on him. The skin landed on a boy's head, covering his face like a blanket. The weird part about this scene was that the kids had no reaction to Happy's skin being peeled, almost like it never even happened. After a minute of seeing the boy with Happy's skin on his head, the episode ends.

The second episode was, as Jim said, the full version of Happy Goes to School. It begins with the math scene and song happens, but in a vastly improved quality. After that, Happy goes into a science class, where a kid is messing around with a Bunsen burner. Eventually, the kid gets his finger burned by accident. Happy informs "Never play with a Bunsen burner without adult supervision! If you don't, you might get hurt like Eddie here!" After his short monologue, Happy puts an ice pack on Eddie's burn, and he thanks Happy.

A few seconds after Happy puts the ice pack over the kid's burn, he hears an argument coming from the hallway. It cuts to a bully mocking a young kid, telling him that his art project is the dumbest thing ever. Because of this, the younger kid starts crying. After some more mocking, the bully runs off laughing. Right as he leaves, Happy comes over and tells the kid to never give up at what he likes doing. The kid instantly cheers up and runs into a classroom, presumably to tell a teacher about the bully.

Finally, I saw the second part of the Happy Appy Movie. It started out with Happy Appy driving his van on the road leading to the playground. It shows a kid playing with rocks on the side of the road. By accident, he throws a large rock on the road, which lands directly in the path of Happy's van. Happy thinks it's an animal and tries to swerve out of the way, but the van goes off the road and crashes into a grassy ditch. For this scene, footage of a real car crash was used for whatever reason. After this scene, the van starts to catch on fire, and some kids, including the one who threw the giant rock, runs over to the burning wreckage. 

The music for this scene isn't the happy-go-lucky music that plays throughout the show, but sound clips of a reversed Revolution 9, with Happy screaming "GET ME OUT!"

After a kid says "There, his hat, his hat!" it cuts to Happy's bloody stem, which had a mouth with bloody teeth on it. The stem proceeded to scream, which was just one of the screams that Mike Schank did in American Movie. Another kid says "His body, his body!" Happy's body was badly burnt and scratched up, with blood coming out from the larger, deeper cuts. His left eyeball was dangling out of the socket, while all of his upper teeth were either chipped or broken. Where Happy's left arm and stump were, there was pure white bone, with blood slowly leaking from the exposed wounds.

Happy tried to crawl out of the burning wreck with his right arm, but it was only a minute until he collapsed and died, whilst screaming to weird sci-fi noises. The next scene just showed the road, lacking any children whatsoever, with the remains of Happy and the van in plain sight. It cuts to a funeral, where kids were crying over Happy's dead body. While one kid says "Why, Happy, why?" another tried to 'wake up' Happy by shaking his corpse. After the funeral scene, it showed Happy's body, with blood on his broken teeth. The shot fades to a scene taking place ten years later, where a kid was talking to his mother. 

The mother replied to the girl, but her speech was in reverse. After re-reversing it, the speech turned out to be "Don't worry, my daughter. Happy Appy is coming to take you away, ha-haa!" The father comes in and talks about how bad Happy was, but in a sarcastic tone. After the mother asks why he randomly brought Happy up, the father brings out a knife and stabs the mother in the head. The girl screams, runs to the mother's side, and starts crying. The father's skin peels off, like the scene with Happy and the orange peeler, revealing Happy with his injuries from the car crash. Happy proceeds to kill the girl.

The last shot before the credits was Happy Appy smiling over the bodies of the mother and kid, as well as the skin of the father. Instead of the theme song playing over the credits, dark carnival music played, with clips of Revolution 9 and Napoleon XIV's "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haa!" A narrator said "His stomach was in two today," "There were two, and there is none now," "He's there, he's getting next to his sister with all he knows," and finally "he ceased to work in the underworld." Guess what the narrator was taking over? He was talking over Happy Appy, with a bloodied scalpel in one hand, and a Xacto knife in the other.

It slowly panned down to the disguise Happy was under, like the magic trick episode, and stopped at the hand of the skin, which had cut marks on it. The episode ends.

July 23rd, 2011

It's been almost a month since I watched Part 2 of the Happy Appy TV Movie. It turns out that someone claimed to have the first part, so I asked him to email it to me. It turns out he was right. Here's what happens in the first half.

It starts with the carnival theme from the credits of Part 2, but with distorted voices. the intro often flashed out to white. After when the original intro would play, it went straight to Happy on a medical bed dying from an unknown disease, with children at his side. Happy said in a loud voice "THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY!," and it cuts to one of the younger children. He was trying to fake cry over Happy's death, but the single tear that came from the child was in claymation. 

It played a solemn piano tune after another kid with a high-pitched voice said "They're coming to take ME away!" It showed Happy Appy coughing up blood, and a few seconds later, his bed wheeled itself into a surgery room. What followed was an hour of stop-motion surgery. It was so horrifying, but yet so compelling. How did the episode creator create a decent surgery scene with puppets? After that, Happy comes out in a wheelchair, and the children said "Are you okay, Happy Appy?" Happy said "Yes, my friends!" and gave them a large hug. After that, it faded to a title that said "Three months later" and started to fade in on the second part of the TV movie, but the video ended as soon as the fade stopped.

July 24th, 2011

I got another episode today. One of my blog followers, who has a job in a daycare center in Seattle, mailed me a VHS tape. The tape had a white label that said, written with a blue sharpie, "Happy Appy is the Hospital Doctor." He found the tape because a kid brought it with him for whatever reason, and started crying when he saw the contents. The tape began with a few minutes of static, and then played the famous intro, but it had new lyrics that didn't match the tune too well.

Happy Appy helps those kids,

Happy Appy, Happy Appy,

Happy Appy Appy Appy

Happy Appy Appy!

It went to a POV shot of Happy Appy running through a hospital for two and a half minutes, with a choir singing Amazing Grace. Since I knew what Amazing Grace was about (because of choir experience), I was prepared for anything related to death. It cuts to Happy Appy on his metal stick, doing his death smile for a long time. Like the two other times, he watched over any living thing near the TV with his uncanny, soulless baby blue eyes. The death smile made his glare worse, giving an immense feeling of dread to anyone watching. 

After the Amazing Grace choir ended, ambient noise started playing. It kept growing louder and louder, and it very slowly zoomed in on Happy. Finally, after 10 minutes of watching a clay apple staring you down with a loud ambiance, he says "Hey kids, let's go find some children to help!" He runs up to some body bags holding bodies, while a nurse is zipping one up. Happy walks up to the and says "Hello, Mrs. Nurse! Can I help those people?" The nurse says "Happy, they're dead. They won't come back." Right before the credits, Happy Appy turns to the camera with another death smile, and says something that could be more disturbing than the Natural scene and the staring scenes, and made me cringe.

"Remember kids, you will all die one day, and I won't be there to help you."

July 28th, 2011

A week ago, Jim told me that a fire had recently ravaged through the studio that had filmed Happy Appy. It wasn't until the 25th that I visited the ruins of the studio if I could find anything that could help me investigate Happy Appy. After traveling on a I-5 for 20 or so hours, I had reached the studio. It was completely abandoned, but what was very strange was that no one was there to demolish it. After grabbing a flashlight and turning it on, I proceeded to sneak inside. 

When I got into what remained of the lobby, I saw two rooms that weren't overly burnt or crushed by debris; a sound set and a storage room. The storage room had a lock on it, so I went into the sound set first. It was massive; around the size of half a football field! Despite the sound set being large, the only things there were some remains of the green-screen stages and a burnt studio camera.

For some reason, parts of the remaining cloth on the stages had what looked like blood stains on it. While I was walking through the sound set, I heard male laughter and the movement of a lanky figure near the back. I got the hell out of the sound set and blocked the door with a burnt desk. After that close encounter, I went over to the storage room and broke the rusted lock off of the door. After I had opened the door, the room turned out to be just a vault of props that were used in the show. 

There was a mostly intact shelf to the right of the room, which held some reels of tape. After stealing them, I found a safe which had been partially melted into the floor. After some force, I managed to rip it off of the floorboards and haul it to the car. After going into the storage room a third time, I heard what sounded like wood burning, so I checked the sound set to see what was going on. The entire back wall had been lit ablaze by some vandal! I quickly checked the storage room for any more artifacts, which it didn't have, and ran out of the building before the entirety of it started to burn up. 

I seriously wonder who the hell had done this. Is Forensik so dedicated to killing me that he would set an entire TV studio on fire to do so? Was it even him at all?

August 1st, 2011

After dealing with some personal things, I got around to breaking the lock of the safe. The continents were one thing, and that was Happy Appy's puppet doing the death smile. Even though I really don't want to own him, I'll keep the puppet in case it helps me find out more about the show's history. The tapes weren't anything special; they were just Happy Appy's earlier episodes in a higher quality than the DVDs. 

August 2nd, 2011

On closer examination, though, the Happy Appy puppet had a few anomalies. First off, the right hand was quite obviously reattached, which could suggest that someone accidentally ripped Happy's hand while trying to get him to hold something. One of his eyes was a darker blue than the baby blue his eyes normally were, and his leaf was broken off halfway. Finally, there was writing on the back of the puppet's head, but some of it had been smudged.


OWNED BY ...… ...."

It also turns out that the tapes were, like the Happy Appy puppet, different from what I had thought. For Happy's Vacation and Hurt Happy, the scenes with missing frames had those frames back. However, what was more interesting was that the HOPE poster that was in Happy's van was missing from those tapes. I guess that these tapes were actually in workprint quality, and not the finished product. If that's so, it doesn't explain why the tape that held Happy Goes to School had the beginning of The Towers on it!

I can only guess that The Towers was originally a normal episode in production, but some asshole edited it and ended up cancelling the series.

August 4th, 2011

When I was getting the mail at night, I managed to find Forensik looking at me from the garage. This time, however, I finally took a picture of him! Even though it's incredibly blurry, at least I have a photo of what he looks like. The odd thing is that unlike regular times, where Forensik has Happy's death smile on his mask, he had a frown on his mask. I wondered why he wore a frowning mask this time, until I smashed and burned the Happy Appy puppet, because I think it's powering Forensik. I could be wrong, though, which is probably true I kept the tapes, though, as they are good enough to keep.

August 15th, 2011

I apologize for not updating this blog lately. I really haven't had much to say, but recently I've crept out. I thought I had destroyed the Happy Appy puppet three days ago, but when I went into the kitchen to make a snack, I saw it lying on the counter, without any damage done to it. 

Also, I had many nightmares about Happy or Forensik. The most vivid one, based off of The Towers, occurred to me tonight. I saw a completed Freedom Tower being hit, almost ironically, by a large airliner. Onlookers were either running away, crying, or praying to God. I remember that I was one of the onlookers, unable to move an inch. Right next to me was a ripe apple tree, which oddly hadn't been knocked over by debris. On the pavement, there was an apple that had presumably broken off of the tree.

I picked it up, and almost got to take a bite out of it. However, I noticed that Forensik was watching me from a nearby bush. As I bit the apple, it suddenly grew a mouth and began screaming loudly. Horrified, I threw the apple to the pavement, which injured it more. As soon as the apple hit the ground, Forensik disappeared from the bush. As the scream from the apple grew louder, the fires on the Freedom Tower kept flaming on and on until the thing collapsed, sending a cloud of debris towards onlookers. Right before I was hit, I jumped out of bed, screaming in horror. 

I don't know why, but it seems like Forensik and Happy are the only things that I can really think about anymore. Thanks to them, I think I'm going insane.

First off, I can't see fruits without thinking about Happy Appy in any way. Thankfully, though, I don't think about Happy when I see a vegetable, unless I find an episode involving a vegetable clay puppet. Secondly, I fear tall and skinny (and especially both) people a lot more than I used to, mainly because of Forensik and how he's very tall and skinny. And when I see a playground, I imagine Happy Appy in that one dark, plant-filled, abandoned corner of the playground, doing a death smile and looking like he's ready to murder every child. I really regret researching this show.

I've learned more about Fright House Screamers, but it's not as related to Happy as I thought it would be. 

August 16th, 2011

Today, I went to look for Happy Appy on the TV. Even though it sounds idiotic to look for a show on the channel that it's banned from, it's worth a shot! I woke myself up when Nick Jr. started, and watched the shows for Happy Appy. It all went well, playing Dora the Explorer, and Yo Gabba Gabba, when a bumper aired. A woman's voice said "And now, we have something special to show you! Please welcome, for the first time in a decade, Happy Appy!" I was excited, for that I would most likely see a new episode. Unfortunately, it was the school episode again.

Even though I was disappointed, I was still elated from seeing an episode of Happy Appy air. At that point, I had a major question; why did the episode air? Did a new employee mistakenly air the episode without knowing the history of Happy Appy? Or did the episode air? If someone did air them deliberately, why did they? Was it Retro Day at Nick Jr, and they allowed a showing of Happy Appy just for once? Or did someone know about my research blog, and to help, they aired an episode

Second Post

Hey, I've got two things to tell you. First, I will try to make at least one post every day, all the way until when I quit researching Happy Appy. Second, I'm keeping track of the episode list. Anything with parentheses describes the episode better. 

Happy's Vacation 

Hurt Happy

Monkey Bar Mishap

Happy Goes to School (the one with the math song)  

Nate Needs Help!

Never Run with Knives

Happy Fixes Kids

??? (Happy Fixes Kids Part 2?)

Happy Fixes Kids, Part 3

The Towers

Happy the Doctor (The one with the green fluid needle, the crash plane, and Happy's skin peeling off)


Happy's Trick

The Happy Appy Movie, Parts 1 and 2

I know there are only fifteen episodes mentioned here, but I haven't discovered the other 9 yet when I published this post. 

August 18th, 2011

I was on YouTube when I came across a Happy Appy video. It was named The Happy Dance and was a promo that aired on Noggin. In it, it showed Happy, moving around like he was breakdancing. The music was slightly distorted, but it had someone making and failing beatbox noises. Accompanying it was some lyrics on how to do the Happy Dance.

Do the Happy Dance!

Jump to the left, jump to the left, jump to the left, jump to the left!

Now jump to the right

Jump to the right, jump to the right, jump to the right!

Now get down, and scoot to your left

Scoot to your left, scoot to your left, scoot to your left

Now scoot to your right

Scoot to your right, scoot to your right, scoot to your right!

Do the Happy Dance!

After that, it said "Watch Happy Appy every Monday at 8 am!" and it ended. I know it isn't a new episode, but it's the cutest thing I saw.

August 23rd, 2011

As I was looking over some posts today, I noticed a draft in there, unless I had to finish a post another day, so this stuck out as odd to me. I opened it, and I found out that Forensik had somehow gotten into my blog! I'm guessing he used a keylogger, but anything's possible. Here are the contents.

Hello there, my good friends! Are you feeling well today? Good, because Gerasim is not here today. Instead, you will be getting a post from his 'favorite' friend, Forensik F. Forensik!

So life's pretty good from where I'm standing. I've killed a lot of people now. This year alone, I've killed Kevin Christianson and Trestan Yae! Amazing, isn't it? Well, just you wait! Once I'm done with Jim Forester, I'll kill Gerasim, and it ain't going to be pretty! What will I choose to kill him? Will it be the good old knife to the head? Or maybe I'll pick a slow painful torture? I might not mentally scar him, but it IS in the question! Oh, the possibilities are endless! 

But now there's a big question I will answer. What will I do with Gerasim's body? Will I-

And it ends there. Why did he leave off mid-sentence? Did his internet breakdown? Was he noticing that I was starting to wake up? Or maybe he got booted off somehow. I don't really know. All I know is that Foresik tried to post on my blog, and I'm NOT happy. However, there was a sound clip left on the blog post. It was a three minute sound clip of static, with some voices talking here and there. I'll try to decode it later. 

August 24th, 2011

Today, the same person who uploaded the Kevin Christianson interview on YouTube added a new interview. This time, it was Jim Forester being interviewed. He worked on some of the scripts for Happy Appy, including Nate Needs Help!

Interviewer: So, were you one of the scriptwriters for Happy Appy?

JF: Unfortunately, yes. 

Interviewer: Do you know what happened to Happy Appy?

JF: Well, we actually managed to pull off a third of the first season just fine, without any complaints whatsoever. We were all ready to begin the other thirds when we were canceled.

Interviewer: Why was the show canceled? 

JF: An accident happened.

Interviewer: Wait, wait, an accident happened? What kind of accident could cause the show's cancellation?

JF: During a break we went to give employees some resting time, we made a joke episode for fun. The episode in question had two smoldering towers, which were on fire. You know, looking at it now, it reminds me way too much of 9/11. The episode was aired because someone managed to sneak a tape and broadcast it on Noggin. And, poof, the show was cancelled. Good riddance!

Interviewer: Do you know who broadcast it?

JF: Uh, no. The only person I think that would broadcast it is… Argh, I forgot! It's been ten years, you know?

Interviewer: I can understand, Jim. Anyways, there's one last question. Who was the director of the show?

JF: I don't know who the director is as well! But I can tell you one thing, he's most likely dead.

August 27th, 2011

Today, I found the torrent of another episode of Happy Appy, called Mean Miranda/Happy's Van Breaks.

Mean Miranda's plot was about boys no older or younger than 6-8 being bullied by a teenage girl named Miranda. Happy gives the kids bandages and advice to help them. He kept getting progressively angrier while the episode went on, starting from being slightly irritated to being extremely pissed off. At the end, Happy Appy coldly says "Bully one more kid and you will get a surprise, Miranda!" She, almost mockingly, kicks a boy in the leg, and Happy Appy gets in his van and drives it at her. Right before the van runs over Miranda, the episode cuts into the credits, with promos for Franklin and Blue's Clues. 

Happy's Van Breaks starts with the intro, and immediately goes into the episode. Happy is putting a bandage on a kid's bruise when he notices that his van's engine is billowing smoke. He runs to it and notices that a part of the van's engine broke. Happy steals a mechanic's toolbox and gets to work on the engine. When Happy Appy works on the engine, a kid kicks a soccer ball, and it accidentally bounces off Happy's head. Angered, he gets a wrench, runs off screen, and beats the kid to death with it. 

He goes back and repairs the engine, replacing the coolant, and changes the oil. While helping more kids around the playground, the mechanic, in response to his toolbox being stolen, breaks Happy's engine. Happy gets pissed, and chases the mechanic in a POV shot. Eventually, Happy grabs the mechanic and stabs the back of his head with a screwdriver several times before the episode cuts out. Oddly, the chase scene didn't have Happy's hands in it, but someone's arms painted red.

So, here's the new list:

Happy's Vacation

Hurt Happy

Monkey Bar Mishap

Happy Goes to School

Nate Needs Help!

Never Run with Knives

Happy Fixes Kids

Happy Fixes Kids, Part 2

Happy Fixes Kids, Part 3

The Towers

Happy the Doctor


Mean Miranda

Happy's Van Breaks

Happy's Trick

The Happy Appy Movie, Parts 1 and 2

August 28th, 2011

Remember when I got those tapes from the new-demolished studios? Well, I bought a small projector so that I could play the tapes to find out more about them. And, like what I saw when I closely inspected the tapes, there were more changes than I thought they had. Here's a list of what I could find in them.

Happy's Vacation has stock beach music playing in the background of the beach scenes, while my former copy did not. I guess my old copies were the workprint? Also, Happy sounds slightly different. Hurt Happy has the apple in the healing scene replaced with a tomato. I think this proves my theory that the apple thing was a mistake done by the producers. Happy Goes to School has an entire removed scene with a song in it! Taking place between the math and science scenes, it involves Happy going into a Social Studies class and finding a kid struggling with his homework about the American Revolution. Happy tells the kid to watch what the teacher is going to put on, which is the segment of Schoolhouse Rock about the American Revolution. The Booboo scene in Nate Needs Help is a lot shorter, and overall, less weird. And guess who I saw today? It was Forensik, as usual. Unlike most times, I got a good look at a part of his face. Well, to put it shortly, he might be a human. Might be.

September 2nd, 2011

I found, while searching torrents for Happy Appy, an intact version of the Happy Appy Movie's Bonus Features. Visually, it wasn't good. It was just a simple menu with a white background. There was one bonus feature, Creating a Happy Appy Episode.

I downloaded and watched it. It was around 30 minutes long, and, like the title says, showed the making of a new episode which wasn't released, called Happy Meets the Rhubears, where Happy is a crossover with Aphex Twin. According to a worker, the episode would have been somewhere in Season 2. Here's what happens, according to the clips shown.

Happy is in the playground, when he sees a (watered-down) Rhubear running around. Happy asks who he is. The Rhubear does not respond. Richard drives in his long limo from Windowlicker. 

Happy and a Rhubear heal a kid who accidentally hit his head on the swings. To be honest, I don't think Aphex Twin in a kid's show isn't as weird as, say, Jack Black in Sesame Street. It's just me, though.

September 3rd, 2011

Okay, there are two things I want to talk about on this blog post. First off, I've heard a rumor that there's an actual episode of Season 2 intact, but it's a very incomplete fan restoration, around 15% complete. I'm just going to say this now, but why would this show have fans? I can understand liking the more appropriate episodes, but… Anyways, the rumor states that it was the very first episode of Season 2, called Camp Aaah. In it, it starts with the intro, as always, but with some differences. First off, Happy didn't dance in the intro, but starred the new main characters, sort of like the CSI intro.

As for the main characters, they are Happy himself, a man in a ski mask called Napoleon, and a little boy named Danny. I have a weird feeling that Napoleon could actually be Forensik in a different outfit. After that, it cuts to a scene where Happy Appy is in his van, but there are two girls in the passenger seats. The girls are only clay apple heads on sticks, with no arms or stems. After  driving for a while, the van parks in the camp. Happy gets a washcloth, and he and the girls sit on it. For a while, they just sit on the cloth, staring at the sky. After a few seconds, another apple appears, looking like a stereotypical beach jock. Happy says "Move it, ladies," although the quality makes it sound like "Move it, leddys."

The second thing is that Happy Appy does not have an IMDb page. The page some people mistaking it for is actually a TV show called The Happy Apple. I could understand why people would think it would be related to Happy Appy, Happy Apple being the rarely used full title of Happy Appy. When I mean rarely used, I mean RARELY used. It was only used once in a TV Guide review. But about The Happy Apple, it's from the 1980s. How can you confuse a TV show from the 80s about an insurance company with a Noggin TV show from the 1990s that has imagery of 9/11?

And don't even get me started on Appaloosa horses.

Just don't.

September 4th, 2011

I finished decoding the sound chip, an, well…

When I began to decode it, I just heard static with some odd noises here and there. I tried reversing it, changing the pitch, slowing the speed and adding volume with some successful results. At first, it was just the sound of Happy Appy laughing. It wasn't a regular laugh; however, but one that sounds like he was injured. Soon after that, Happy started screaming and you can hear someone else laughing. Like Happy, it sounded like the person that had begun to laugh was also injured. I guess it's a child struggling against a murderous Happy Appy, but it could be damn near anybody!

September 5th, 2011

After 16 pages of a Google search, I found someone who said that they were a member of the staff who made Happy Appy. I was excited, so I got their address so I could meet them in person. It took a long time because directions they gave me required me to go through a lonely dirt road, and I thought that I would get my shoes dirty. Hey, can't be too cautious, can I? Well, anyway, I was at an angle where I could see the person who was standing near his house. 

I was right about to yell out to them, but I got a closer look and freaked out. It was Forensik, standing near the house right behind the corner of the building I was about to pass. If I had passed it, Forensik would have caught me off-guard and stabbed me to death. I don't know why Forensik had set this up, but he is definitely out to get me. He was still looking at the way that I was supposed to have come through and quickly checked his watch, so he didn't see me yet. He WAS a human.

He was wearing this weird mask that looked like a happy baby, and the mouth would often move, giving the impression that he was literally a baby face. His arms were bone skinny and it looked like he needed to put on 20 pounds to be considered barely underweight. He started getting more and more nervous and thinking I wasn't going to show up. What was also a note near the house, there was a van that was very similar to the one that Happy rode. I ran off and went back to my house to tell you about this near-death experience, since it'll probably happen more and more often.

September 6th, 2011

Since I was freaked out by Forensik, and it is nearing 9/11, I re-watched the The Towers episode again. When I played it, I heard that faint whining noise in the background of the 'famous' scene, and I instantly recognized it as a much quieter version of the decoded sound I was talking about two days ago. I don't know why that was playing there, but it was. I still can't imagine what could match that audio clip.

September 7th, 2011

I finally figured out what the sound clip is! While I was getting my groceries, it came to me that the voice that wasn't Happy's sounded a lot like Forensik. Quickly, I came up with the idea that the sound clip was Forensik fighting with Happy Appy. I don't know why he would fight Happy, an inanimate clay puppet, unless he had some sort of mental condition. While I was on my way home, I saw a police car with its lights on and sirens blaring, so I followed it. When the police car stopped, I saw the cops leave the car quickly and run after a thin figure, which had dropped a gun and something red. 

It was none other than the Happy Appy puppet, with some dirt on it. I could have sworn that I saw Happy's mouth moving, but I was so freaked out that I wasn't sure if Happy's mouth was moving or not. Suddenly, it came to me that if this figurine was the one I owned, Forensik must have broken into my house! Before the police came back, I got into my car and went back home. Thankfully, it was unscathed, but one of the front windows was opened. Once I got in, I shut the window and looked for the Happy Appy puppet, which I had put in the living room. However, it was nowhere to be found. 

After I write this blog post and go to bed, I'm buying a nice knife as soon as I can!

September 9th, 2011

I'm not sure how, but maybe the audio of Forensik and Happy was planned to be in a future episode of Happy Appy, and got mixed up while they were putting the sound and music in. Was Forensik around while Happy Appy was being made, and put himself in one of the episodes because he was on the staff? Or, did he get so much infamy during the time that the producers decided that he was perfect material to mock? I still can't put this together.

There's some good news about Forensik, though. To quote from today's newspaper:

"A crazed maniac was arrested last night, after a robbery at a firearms store, a home break-in, use of firearms without a permit, linkage to various murders, and evading arrest."

Some day, I ask myself why I chose to get involved in Happy Appy.

September 10th, 2011

Well, tomorrow is going to be the tenth year since 9/11 Oh, joy. In all seriousness, I have too many thoughts in my head right now. Will I be visited by Forensik again, or will I be murdered in my sleep? Will my house burn down again, or will I have a normal day for once? I am not going to make a post on September 11, but on September 12. 

Oh, and here's another revision of the list, with Season 2's two unreleased episodes, and the duets property listed.

Season 1:

Happy's Vacation/Hurt Happy

Monkey Bar Mishap/Happy Goes to School

Nate Needs Help (no second part)

Never Run with Knives/ Happy Fixes Kids

Happy Fixes Kids Part 2/ Happy Fixes Kids Part 3

The Towers

Happy the Doctor

Happy's Van Breaks/ Mean Miranda

Happy's Trick/??? (I think there's a second half)

The Happy Appy Movie, Part 1/ The Happy Appy Move, Part 2

Season 2:

Happy Meets the Rhubears/Camp Aaah (possibly vice-versa?)

September 11th, 2011

I know I'm not supposed to make a post on September 11th, but I really had to get this post out. Last night, a certain someone went on my computer today. Luckily, the only things that Forensik did was add three photos, a notepad file and a badly distorted sound clip. The images and notepad file were made today, during 2:20-2:30 AM, while the sound clip was created on July 14th of this year. All the images were made using Paint, had the file named 'image1' to 'image3,' and all were badly drawn. Considering that Forensik wears a gas mask and has long skinny fingers not fit to use my mouse, I knew they wouldn't be in good quality. 

The first image was Happy Appy smiling on a dark red background, with a knife in one hand, and the words that say "THAT'S NATURAL CHILDREN." I found out that this one was actually a gif and not a png. I stared at it, and for one frame, Happy had blood on his teeth and knife. 

The second image is the only one that does not show something. It is in fact a portion of the song They're Coming to Take Me Awake, Ha-Haa!" I seriously want to know what the connection is between Napoleon XIV and Happy Appy/Forensik. Is it that they're both disturbing to listen to? Or is there something else I don't understand?

The last image is more notable than the rest. It was Forensik standing behind a black background which had "I'LL FIND YOU" in red. The reason the photo is the most notable is that it shows Forensik's long pale neck, grey clothes, and his unusual gas mask. It's actually more high-quality than the other photo I took of him, even though the picture's quite bland. However, it doesn't show his filters, which is odd. The notepad file contained another gibberish string.


Why do I keep seeing these gibberish strings? Are they a secret code of some sort that Forensik wants me to crack?

Oh yes, about the sound clip. It starts with a bunch of ambiance that sounds like it would belong in a factory. There was metal banging, steam blowing, all that stuff. It might be possible that it is just some of the distortion. In the background, I heard a person walking, kicking over an empty tin can. After this, I heard a voice that sounded like someone beginning to say "Stop!," before it went static for the rest of the clip. My best guess of what this sound clip could be is Forensik killing someone. But looking at the date the file was made in, which was on the 12th of July, could this sound file be related to Trestan Yae? I somewhat doubt it, to be honest.