Happy Appy Part 3

September 12th, 2011

Today was one of the worst days I have ever had. But at the same time, it was one of the best.

It all started when I was coming home after getting late-night groceries on September 11th when I noticed Forensik was crossing the road to my house. Knowing that he would try to burn down my house again or steal something, I sped up and hit the car ram him at full force. I heard a couple bones breaking, and I knew I must have injured or possibly killed him. So I grabbed a flashlight and got out of my car, and to my surprise, I couldn't find Forensik, although he made a trail of blood which pointed to where he went, so I followed the blood. 

The trail led me to the nearby forest a couple of miles out of town. I had doubts about this. Forensik had run off into the woods, and is probably ready to attack me if I go too deep into it. I put those thoughts aside since I knew I had to kill Forensik in one way or another, so I got my knife from the car and went into the forest. The blood stopped at a dirt trail, and a few meters from it was a sign. The letters were faded, but I shined a light on the sign, and it read "John Wilkinson Summer Camp". 

The John Wilkinson Summer Camp opened in 1996. The owner of the summer camp was, unsurprisingly, John Wilkinson, a 35 year-old man who had a mild case of schizophrenia. For years, it was a very popular summer camp. Kids kept coming to it, with some coming all the way from Maine and the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, in 2004, John Wilkinson's worsening schizophrenia reached a peak, and around two in the night, John got an axe, went into the log cabins, and killed six children before disappearing into the woods. The summer camp closed down, and the case remains cold to this day.

I went up the dirt road to the summer camp, which was in an overgrown grove. Over the years, letting various moss and fungus grow on the rotting wood of the old cabins. I went into A first (Just for reference, the cabin series are A (16-18 year-olds), B (13-15 year-olds), C (10-12 year-olds), D (7-9 year-olds).) It looked like a regular cabin, minus the fact that blood was on the walls, beds were undone, some of the wood was rotting, and there was an axe stuck in the wall. Obviously, since an axe is a better weapon than a knife, I took it. I went to B, and axed the door down. It was the same as A, minus the axe.

C was the same. Finally, I axed down D's door. As I walked in, I noticed the sound of a generator running. Knowing that this room was different from the rest, I turned the lights on. I wish I hadn't, because as soon as the old light flickered on, I was horrified at what I had seen. On the walls at the back of the cabin were the mutilated bodies of Kevin Christianson, Trestan Yae, and Miranda, held up by meat hooks. I was completely paralyzed in fear for a minute. My breathing became more rapid, my heartbeat sped up, and I started sweating. Behind me, I heard an all-too-familiar slithering voice with what sounded like an East Coast accent. 

"Do ya like my trophies?"

I jumped at the sudden voice and sharply turned around. It was none other than Forensik, with a dull, rusty butchers knife. He was wearing a black butcher's robe, heavy winter clothing, and, of course, his 'trademark' gas mask. 

"Go on. Gerasim. Go on and take a closer look at mah trophies. Ya know ya wanna, out of ya sick, morbid, but somehow natural curiosity.

When he said that, I was both horrified and intrigued. Even though I had a paralyzing fear, I walked up slowly to the body of Kevin Christianson. His body had three slice marks on his chest, half of the skin on his face was gone, and various nails were rammed into his body in such graphic ways that I can't mention it. His jaw was positioned to make it look like he was laughing at something. I had to stop Forensik from killing anymore people in this horrible way. There was a half-broken mirror next to Kevin's body. I picked it up with my shaking hand, and saw forensik sitting down on a chair, preparing to sharpen the rusty knife with a large grinding wheel. 

"So!" Forensik cheerfully said, "Ya found me at last. Congratulations, Gerasim! Ya deserve an award. Do ya wanna know what it is, hmmm?"

"What the hell did you do with them?" I yelled. Even though it wasn't what Forensik was expecting, it seemed like the only thing I could say to him. 

"Well, since ya asked, I, Forensik F. Forensik, will tell ya what he did," Forensik said as he got up to stretch his arms. "But first, I'll tell ya the reward. It's a knife to the throat!" He laughed, which turned from a somewhat girly giggle to a psychopathic laugh. After catching his breath, he said "To put a long story short, dey were people who had annoyed me, to a certain extent. First off, Kevin Christianson deserved his natural fate because he kept calling me slow and retarded. I, personally, got offended by that! So, when ya were still watching those ten episodes, I managed to find and kill him. I watched ya enter the house with that photo of Happy Appy in the bushes." After that, he sat down again, and kept sharpening that knife.

I could barely say "What about Trestan and Miranda?" 

"Ugh, don't mention Trestan Yae. He was a foolish little kid who was the voice of Happy Appy. I don't know why they got a teenager to voice Happy Appy, even though I should have done it! It feels natural, wouldn't you say? Also, he was much ruder than Christianson, but not as bad as Miranda. So, who told ya about Trestan's death? Was it Jim Forester? Hm, was it?"

I was shocked, but I slowly nodded my head. Forensik put the now-sharpened knife to one side, and began to sharpen another dull knife. Suddenly, he talked in a rather deadpan voice "Ah, I know he'd tell ya about his death. I mean, ya do report the deaths of the employees of Happy Appy, right?" I slowly nodded my head again. He sighed, and said "Well, I guess that's okay with me. Tell the world that employees of a once-famous Nickelodeon show are dying!" Forensik slouched over, and sighed again.

He perked up, and said worriedly "Oh, I got distracted! Finally, there's Miranda. Well, ya see, Happy Appy didn't kill her with his van in Mean Miranda. She got killed off for a while since she was very rude and kept insulting me, prompting ME TO HIT HER EVERY TIME SHE MADE FUN OF ME, AND, QUITE FRANKLY, SHE DESERVED IT IN THE END!" The sudden tone shift made me jump a little. It didn't help that he laughed like an absolute maniac. 

"Ah, I got distracted again. After the episode, Happy Appy and I killed her, as a natural, beautiful team. Now that I've told you their fates, go ahead, get closer to the bodies. Closer. CLOSER!" The tone made me jump a bit. Hearing him, a very deadpan serial killer, scream at me like that was shocking. The problem was that I was still paralyzed, so I couldn't move that great. "Come on, Gerasim. Stop fucking around! You don't want to end up like they did, right? Just GO AND GET CLOSER TO THE BODIES! NOW, GODDAMNIT!"

And again I jumped. This time, Forensik jumped out of the chair, and started forcibly pushing me towards Trestan's body. I heard him begin to growl in fury. Trestan was as disfigured as Kevin was. He had the same slick marks, but in the abdomen area. his facial skin was also gone, but was sloppier than Kevin's mutilation. He was also laughing, but it was more forced, like Forensik dug his hands in his jaw and forced it open. I had one more thing to say to Forensik before I planned to kill him.

"Um, about that sound file you left on my computer. The one that sounded like it was in a factory. What was that?"

"Oh, it was me killing Trestan. Don't ask why, but I love to record people's death cries as I kill them. It's so natural to me, if you will." He muttered something that I could barely hear, but it was basically along the lines of "Damn, I need to stop saying natural." He replied with "Now that you've seen Kevin's and Trestan's bodies, how about ya see Miranda's? It's the best in my opinion since she DESERVED HER FATE THE MOST!!"

And again, I jumped. I moved to her body, just so that I wouldn't be screamed at by Forensik again and possibly piss him off so much that he would murder me. Unlike the others, Miranda was barely recognizable. Pieces of her flesh and organs had bite marks in them, and her limbs were dismembered. Again, she was laughing, but this time, I couldn't tell at first. I still had the broken mirror, and noticed Forensik was slowly holding up the second knife he sharpened in his left hand, to backstab me. Forensik said "Well, now that you've got all ya questions answered, it's time for you to go."

"NO!" I screamed, before taking out the axe and striked his left arm. He laughed in half-agony, half-enjoyment while I chopped it off. After chopping off his arm, I ran out of the house, leaving the axe with him. Outside, I found a can of gasoline. I dumped the gasoline all over the house. When I was finished, Forensik woke up. Realizing what I was doing, he grabbed the axe I had and a bag full of weapons, and ran off into the woods. I got a match and burned the cabin down. For a moment, it felt very satisfying to destroy Forensik's hideout in the same way he destroyed my former house!

September 13th, 2011

The local policemen are, for the most part, assholes. Even though I work for them, when I tried to tell the officers about Forensik, most of them dismissed the story, saying it never happened. One of the officers, Robert Newport, did believe my story, albeit reluctantly. At least somebody at work believes me! However, due to some money issues, I'm going to take a month-long break from Happy Appy. I expect to return sometime in October.

See you later.

October 19th, 2011

Hey guys! I'm back! I should let you all know that any rumors regarding my break are all false. I didn't see Forensik during the break, which made my life easier.

Also, I'll try to find all episodes of Happy Appy. I promise.


October 21st, 2011

Today, I was going through a flea market, when I realized that I could find a Happy Appy episode in the VHS section. After looking through some obscure VHS movies, I found a VHS with a rushed label.

Happy Appy Goes to the Circus

Since I buy almost anything Happy Appy related, I bought the tape. 

After driving home, I got my VHS player and put the tape in, which had some pretty bad deterioration since the episode taped over with an episode of Blue's Clues, and what wasn't taped over had very low-quality audio and video. The title is the plot in a nutshell; Happy Appy goes to a traveling circus and helps kids who get hurt. The episode starts out with Happy Appy buying a ticket to see the Banana Brothers' Traveling Circus. 

After buying popcorn and a drink, he gets into a seat, and the show begins. Unfortunately, half of the scene was pretty bad anyway. I mean, the show scene was by far the laziest thing on the show's run. The bulky strings were visible during stunts, the models were very rushed, the camera was unfocused, and someone's head was visible in a scene.

After the three minute long scene, it goes to the intermission. Happy Appy throws his trash away when he hears a kid crying. He walks over to where he thought the cry came from, and discovers a kid who hit his head on the bleachers. Happy heals him using bandages and an ice pack, and the kid thanks him. Then, Happy Appy realizes that the trapeze act, the Flying Apples, has a missing member. Happy sees this as an opportunity to make him more popular with everyone, especially children. He gets dressed as Aaron Apple (the other four were Abraham, Adam, Andrew, and Auburn), and talks to the rest of the act about how late he was. 

The second half of the show begins, and the first act was, unsurprisingly, the Flying Apples. Unlike the rest of the circus scenes, the trapeze act was actually decently made. It was like the entire budget of the episode was spent on making the Flying Apples part look good. After that, more of those god-awful circus scenes played- although the clown scene was somewhat funny- and the circus show ends, where the Banana Brothers, and they tell the Flying Apples how well they had done in the trapeze act. 

After that, Happy is seen walking out, when he sees a kid get bullied by a bandaged girl. Happy gets closer, and guess who was bullying the kid? Miranda! Miranda tells Happy Appy that she has a knife on her. The video cuts out, yet the audio keeps playing. This was probably a good thing for me since Miranda began to scream while Happy began to chop her up with a knife, laughing.

October 23rd, 2011

Today, I am going to try to answer a massive question about Happy Appy. Why DOES Happy Appy murder kids?

Well, I might have an answer to the question for once. You see, after I went to the employee's house where Forensik was at, I had two ideas. Did Forensik kill the employee, or is Forensik THE employee? I think the most likely answer is the latter. Another question arises. Who exactly is Forensik? Well, I can say a few things about this question. It's not Kevin Christianson, Trestan Yae, or possibly Jim Forester. Also, I can't really confirm Forensik's identity. You might be saying that the decapitation arm has Forensik's blood on it, and his fingerprints. 

Well, it's not that. You see, I didn't keep the arm. I made the foolish mistake of leaving it at the summer camp. Even if I did keep it, Forensik keeps coming back, meaning that there could be a lot of people posing as him. So, what did the last paragraph have to do with the question? Well, Forensik might have edited the episodes to show those horrifying scenes. It makes sense if Forensik was an employee since he would have access to the props and the tapes. Because of this, more questions arise. 

Why did Forensik go crazy?

Why are there not a lot of survivors of Happy Appy?

How did the studio burn down? Did Forensik do it?

Here are my guesses to the answer to the questions, and they will change if I get more evidence. 

This sounds weird, but maybe he's John Wilkinson. This makes sense, actually. John Willson had schizophrenia, and, as you probably all know, killed children at his summer camp. The only problem is that he was chubby, while Forensik is very skinny. However, things can change. Maybe Forensik killed them. This seems plausible, because I can say that four people related to Happy Appy died (other than the countless amounts of children). I think Forensik might have burned the studio down, for reasons I don't know.

October 24th, 2011

Today, Jim Forester, who is surprisingly still alive, told me the names of more people who helped work on Happy Appy, which puts me a bit closer to whom Forensik could be.

First, there's Tristan Drews, the man who created the last designs of the Happy Appy puppet. After hearing about the string of deaths, associated with people who worked on Happy Appy, Tristan went into hiding. He's still alive, but goes under a different identity. Secondly, there's John Tresti, the man who created the music for Happy Appy. He was a musician who specialized in keyboards, synthesizers, and song production. After releasing his debut album Hidalgo, which, to this day, is hard to find, he was called to work on Happy Appy's title theme. 

Although some parts of the story of the creation of the theme are missing, John basically got five kindergarten students and had the kids sing the Happy Appy lyrics. After that, he made the backing synthesizer track, combined the two, and previewed the result to Nickelodeon. Nickelodeon approved the theme song, and John kept his job, due to Hidalgo being a failure to sell. He's also still alive. Finally, there's John Wilkinson. Yes, I'm not lying. John Wilkinson actually worked on Happy Appy. He wrote three of the episodes for the TV series. I swear, I really think Forensik isn't John Wilkinson, but because he's schizophrenic, killed people, and worked on Happy Appy does NOT help.

October 25th, 2011

Today, I was sent in the mail a DVD called Happy Appy's Bonus Features! However, when I tried to play the disc, it didn't work at all! The entire video was static, and the audio consisted of five swooshes and a weird voice. I tried to decode the weird noise, and after half an hour of playing with various audio tools, weird noises turned out to be a kid talking to the listener. 

"Don't trust Happy Appy.

He has friends that will murder you.

Never come with him into his van."

October 26th, 2011

Somebody sent me a video of the first part of the true Happy Appy Movie. Apparently, the movie I owned was either fake or a really long episode

The movie started up with a different opening. The song playing was the opening song of 2001: A Space Odyssey." The logo said "Noggin Presents: The Happy Appy Movie." The first scene of the movie had Happy in his long coat putting a bandage on a cut that was on a girl's arm. "Today I'm scared, Lily." said Happy. Lily asked why, but Happy just said "He is coming, and no one can stop him." I wondered who exactly the person Happy mentioned was. Was it Forensik? Seven other kids came running over, and in the background, policemen were running over to the playground where Happy and the kids were. 

For a couple of minutes, multiple policemen were yelling at Happy. Finally, the sheriff came out of a car and said "Stop in the name of the law! I know you have murdered Miranda, Tuck, and Gina!" Happy grabs another needle with green fluids from his long coat and stabs the sheriff in the eye with it, while laughing like a maniac. In response, the cops took out their sidearms and shot Happy to death. His bullet-riddled body fell to the ground, while kids began to walk over and cry over him. The police left, knowing that they finally dealt with Happy.

And the episode just got outright bizarre.

Happy was suddenly revived, and stood up. The kids ran away screaming. Happy took out another knife and started to chase Lily in a POV shot. After 30 seconds, Happy grabbed her and broke her neck. The snap that resulted was enough for me to stop the video for a while, I resumed, and the camera cut to the rest of the kids running away from Happy Appy. Happy got in his van and drove after a little boy. As soon as I saw the boy, I recognized him as Danny from the Camp Aaah intro. Given his significance there, could Danny be the one who Happy was talking about earlier? Anyway, one of the girls yelled "Danny, no!"

Danny picks up a lit cigarette that fell from the sheriff's mouth, gets into the van, and burns Happy's face, leaving a black burn on his left cheek. Happy screams and Danny runs off. It cuts to Happy chasing Danny in his van. Danny opens the door again, climbs into the passenger seat, and tries to distract Happy. Eventually, Happy crashes the van into a tree, and Danny gets thrown out of the van. Happy climbs out of the van and picks a sharp stick off of the ground. It cuts to Danny, waking up and picking up Happy's dropped knife. After that it faded to black.

I sent a message to the mad who made the torrent if he had Part 2. He said yes, and that it  would be done on the 27th. I guess I'll just have to wait.

October 27th, 2011

I just finished watching the Happy Appy Movie, and it was weird. However, I did find something that will interest you!

It starts with Danny running to a junkyard. He hid in a car, and it cuts to a girl on the playground, playing with a tin can. Happy Appy slowly crept up to her, the girl screamed, and he stabbed the girl with the stick. He runs off to get into his van. After driving for a while, he reaches the junkyard.

Happy gets out of his car, and looks around, yelling for Danny, Danny jumps into the car, Happy swears, and Danny runs him over. He jumps out of the car, and the van pushes Happy into a car crusher, and it crushes Happy and the van. A horrifying crushed car cube comes out, with Happy's skin, 'blood,' organs all over the fragments of the van. A woman comes out of the cockpit, and Danny says "Thank you, June!" She says "Thank you for telling me and dad about Happy's rage." I couldn't take this anymore. I wanted the movie to end now.

I was wrong. Oh, was I wrong.

Another Happy peeks behind an old car and boastfully says "Did you really think that I was going to die like that to a kid? Well, if you thought so, you're wrong!" The credits start. Because of a video error, I could only make out these names in the credits.

Director- Tristen Yap

Producers- Keith Blue and Joanne Broope

Happy Appy- Trestan Yae

Danny- Ray Bollia

After all of this time, I have found the identity of the director of Happy Appy and/or Forensik! I'll need to research more about him.

October 31st, 2011

Have a safe and happy Halloween, everyone. Knowing Forensik, I know I probably won't! Anyways, today I got a package in the mail. Taped to it was an envelope, with a letter inside. The letter read like this.

To Mr. Yakovlev,

During a recent investigation of Kevin Christianson's house, I found a damaged journal that seems to be related to the show your blog is talking about. I hope it will help you find out more information about 'Happy Appy.' 


Officer Robert Newsport

I opened the package, and inside was a 70-page notebook. However, most of the pages had been torn out. Here are the entries in chronological order.

February 9th, 1999

I finally got a job at Nickelodeon yesterday! So far, I have been put on a possible Nickelodeon project that is still in pre-production as I write this entry. I will write more soon."

February 25th, 1999

I've been put out of the project to work on Rugrats. The plot of the planned show, which was called 'Attack of the Killer Apples,' was a rip-off of the movie 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.' The problem was that almost no one liked the idea, including me.

March 1st, 1999

Guess what? I heard that the apple show is going to see the light of day! The man who's going to help produce for the show, Keith Blue, did some Claymation commercials for Noggin. Since they're some of the most popular commercials on Noggin, the creator asked that he should work on the show.

March 11th, 1999

I overheard a rumor that we're filming at the old stage where 'Double Dare' was being filmed.

March 23rd, 1999

I wanted to leave this project now.

You see, today, I was eating lunch when I saw some sick fucker dragging in Happy's voice actor, Trestan, who was in his late teens, and had a pretty deep voice. We started filming tests like Happy in his van and practicing lines. The guy who dragged Trestan in shouted action. A weird country song started playing on the radio in the van. I shouted to the guy who shouted action and dragged Trestan. "What the fuck did you do to Trestan?" He just jumped over a coffee table and (rest of page and every page except the last is torn off)

January 2nd, 2011

Today, I remembered two things about 'Happy Appy' today, the show's original air dates and some facts.

The air dates were:

Nick Jr/Noggin: April 26th, 1999- June 3rd, 1999

Pre-TV (UK Channel): May 16th, 1999- March 31st, 2000

Brazil (I don't know where in Brazil): November 30th, 1999- February 1st, 2000

The facts are:

Happy Appy had a scrapped DVD release.

The director was tall and mid-weight.

He went by the name "Fred."

So it turns out that Tristen Yap isn't the director. I'm still wondering about who the director is, though.

November 1st, 2011

I finally did it. I killed Forensik, and found a shocking discovery. Well, I think I have.

You see, I was driving home at midnight when I saw Forensik running away from Jim's house. Knowing that he might have grazed, injured, or even killed Jim, I parked my car on the sidewalk and ran into Jim's house with my knife. I looked all around the house, except for the basement, but I couldn't find Jim or Forensik. During this, I took a Winchester shotgun from his living room, just so that I could better arm myself. After checking all around his house, I went into his basement. 

I saw what looked like Jim's bleeding body sitting on the floor of the basement. I ran to him, thinking that he was dead. However, he wasn't, and said "Oh Jesus, Gerasim! Don't scare me like that!" I said "Sorry, Jim. Did you know that F-" Jim interrupted me with "Yeah, i know what's going on! Forensik or whoever the hell he is has broken into my house! That's why I stained my best clothes with ketchup!" I heard Forensik open the door, and I loaded the Winchester. After telling Jim that I'd be back soon, I ran up the stairs, cornered Forensik, and shot him in the chest. 

For a second, I thought that I had finally killed him. However, someone looking just like him jumped behind me and tried to stab the back of my head with a knife. I shot him in the chest like the other Forensik. I thought I had killed them both, but the second Forensik tried to make a run for it. However, his injuries made him collapse before he could run out of the house. I went to the cellar and called the police, before I noticed that the first Forensik was missing. When I went back to the cellar to see Jim again, I found a USB drive lying on a bookshelf, and I took it. 

When I told Jim about the USB drive and where it came from, he said "That's odd. I certainly don't remember owning a USB drive like that. I seriously wonder what's in it." After a long wait, the police arrived. Thankfully, Newport believed me when I told him about what happened. I'm just going to say this, but I'm honestly starting to feel like he believes me! I got home and put the USB drive in my computer. It only had one file called "Instructions," which was just a minute long video of one of the Forensiks saying "In your pillow will be '' over and over. In your pillow will be what? I opened my pillow, and inside, I found a random switchblade, my wallet, which was missing a $20 bill I had put in there, and a DVD saying Happy Appy Complete Series with a label saying Season 1 on it, as well as Season 2.

At first, all I could say was "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" I could understand Season 1 clear as day, but who made Season 2? Could someone have made more episodes that toned down the violence? Or did someone make even darker episodes? Better yet, who made these? Jim? Kevin? Or maybe it's Forensik? It has to be Forensik. But now, I don't even know. I'm only watching the episodes just because they're Happy Appy.

Second Post

Today, I talked to Jim about the DVD. His response was "Well, that's very odd. I mean, who in their right mind would make two more seasons of that show?" He added that he wanted to see the new season as well, so tomorrow, we're going to go through and see the missing episodes of Season 1, as well as Season 2. Also, another interview was uploaded by the same man. This time, it was an interview with Trestan Yae.

Interviewer: Trestan Yae?

TY: That's me.

Interviewer: How old were you when Fright House Screamers was around?

TY: 15

Interviewer: What happened when you did Happy's voice on the first day?

TY: WHen I recorded my lines on the first two minisodes called Happy's Vacation and Hurt Happy, I did notice some odd things with the script for those episodes. In Hurt Happy, he ate an apple, which was weird, considering he was, well, an apple.

Interviewer: What was the worst thing that happened to you when you were on the show?

TY: I don't like to discuss with people about it, but here it goes. I was once dragged into the studio by a tall man holding a rope, which was tied around my feet. After an argument, we filmed the episodes.

Interviewer: That's just horrifying, to say the least. Do you know how you dragged you in?

TY: I actually don't remember. The only thing I know about the man was that he was taller than most of us.