Chapter 51

A few days passed since Azure visited the Phenex clan and gained quite a few servants. While most of Riser's peerages began working under one of his maids mainly Kuroka, Tiamat or Kara. He didn't really notice the thirteen girls all that much, while Ravel and her mother on the other hand. Lady Phenex, who he learned is named Selena, ended up just hanging around her long term friend Venelana as well taking up a branch of hotel chains.

Now, instead of lazing around or working in his workshop, Azure found himself sitting next to Rossweisse in a helicopter. Staring down at the wavy blue ocean, Azure clenched his fist as he hated the ocean. While it is a bit unfounded, he just fears the deep ocean and made him wonder how he was talked into this.

Ahead of the helicopter, a large tower sticking out of the ocean which another helicopter was taking off. There off to the side of the landing pad, a slightly chubby man with short brown hair and scruffy beard stood with an aged man with some grey in his beard and hair.

"How did you talk me into this? Also when did you start investing in this?" Azure asked Rossweisse.

"Well, from the summary I received from them, the Mana One is about to make a grand discovery. So I thought it would be fun to come watch it and bring you." She answered as the helicopter lowered to the landing pad. "I just didn't think you would fear the ocean, since it seemed like nothing fazed you."

"I don't fear the ocean," Azure argued back as he climbed out. "I just have a strong dislike of being around the deep sea."

Rolling her eyes at him, they walked over to a failed attempt at sounding smart. The chubby man was attempting to speak in a language clearly not his own.

"I hope he is not one of the employees here or we might need to pull our funding." Rossweisse whispered to Azure as they watched an eight year old lie.

"Who are these two?" The chubby man asked as they stepped onto an elevator.

"Investors, much like yourself." Dr. Minway Zhang replied as Azure looked through a small pamphlet with every employee name.

"Really, they are so young though." Jack commented before changing topics clearly not caring. "Now for a world class research center, I would assume it would need a grand entrance."

"I couldn't agree more."

As soon as these worlds have left Dr. Minway Zhang's mouth, the floors opened revealing a very nice and grand hallway with walls made of glass. Outside many different fish species swam by as two humpback whales came into view.

"This is Lucy," Suyin Zhang explained as she pointed towards the whales. "That is Gracie."

"Did you lurer them here?" Rossweisse asked, acting a bit impressed.

"I might have."

As the tour continued they soon arrived in the control room where fifteen or so were all focused on something. In the center, a large circular screen displayed a woman and two men inside a submarine.

"Fancy." Azure commented as he looked around ignoring the small talk amount Jack and the woman in the sub.

"So, Master, do you think there is something under the thermocline or just the ocean floor?"

"We are about to find out." Azure simple said as they watched the screen as the team floated downwards into the unknown.

Breaking through the cold layer, many different species began to appear on screen. Some that haven't been seen in centuries or never at all. As the sub began spitting out a few lights, an amazing looking ecosystem appeared before everyone's eyes.

"What do you think of this?" Jack laughed excited as he was glad his money wasn't a waste of money.

In the following few minutes, the joy quickly died down as panic sat in as the submarine was rammed by a large object. The drone they deployed was destroyed and with the woman screaming "Jonas was right."

"Well, that was interesting." Azure said, breaking the silence and arguments on how to resume the three roses.

"There is one man who pulled off a mission at 10,000 feet before and lived." James "Mac" as most called him said ending the argument.


As Azure was looking out at the ocean in the viewing circle, Rossweisse stood by his side. After a few moments of standing there watching a small school of fish to swim by, she asked what on her mind.

"Can't you them?" She asked.

"Why? Just because I decided to put in an effort to stop killing everyone I come across and kidnapping women. Doesn't mean I will suddenly start saving everyone." Azure replied. "I don't really care about my company reputation either. Truthfully I only started it to put everyone's talents to use and not have all you just sitting around."

After staying silent for a few moments. "So you have been exploiting us for your own gains?"

"Which would you choose, sitting around and exploring the dungeon while traveling listlessly or do something that used your talent perfectly."

"To be productive." Rossweisse answered after a few minutes. "So, may I know what brought on your sudden change? You seemed to have fun kidnapping or killing others."

"It was more of a habit then liking really. Taking and basically brain washing the others to accept my way. It started to get way out of hand when I either killed or took for the slightest infringement." Azure explained softly. "I recently took Selena and Ravel as well as thirteen girls I have no interest in. Most of them don't even fit my demands to be my maid which is why I gave them to the others."

"Do you regret taking them?"

"Nope, and I never will. The issue is the sudden influx is cutting in my time with you and the others. I haven't even got to sleep with anyone outside of a quickie or in a threesome." Azure answered before they heard the elevator door open.

Inside they found a man with both Mac and Dr. Minway. In his hand a blackbag hung from his shoulder and he glared at Mac after the other said something.

"It seems the hero of the evening has arrived." Azure said to bring an end to their some moment.