Chapter 52

Back in the control room, Azure was looking at the man currently racing to the bottom of the ocean through a screen. In a slightly heroic and completely focused manner, Jonas was trying to stay awake and function. With his rapid descent and rerouting everything except the bare minimum for his sub to go faster.

"His vitals are dropping. He is going to black out." Dr. Heller mentioned clearly annoyed and a bit angry. There seems to be a bit of bad blood between him and Jonas and it coming out the longer they are around each other.

"He isn't going to slow down." Azure casually mentioned before Jonas' voice came over the radio.

"Tell Heller I ain't slowing down." and with that he ended the transmission blocking their view from inside the sub.

"Well, he is an interesting person." Azure comment earned a couple chuckles from a dark skinned man and woman with spiky hair. They ended up switching screens, due to the transmission suddenly being cut and could only monitor Jonas descent.

"So how about we make a bet? We both guess what's down there and if I win, we go on a date." Jack the millionaire with too much time and money on hand asked Rossweisse.

Rossweisse tossed a worried glance at Azure wondering how he was going to react in front of everyone. Since he only began trying to curb his killing habit, she didn't know how Azure would react.

"She already has someone." Azure interrupted calmly but his eyes turned cold for a few seconds.

"Geez, it was just a joke." Jack mumbled.

When Azure looked back at the screen which currently displayed a woman inside a yellow sea glider. While he will admit she is a beautiful woman and has a nice drive for success, he could only shake his head. She has ran off despite their warnings if she attempts to pull the sub up. So she not only risked her life but the three inside if the sub explodes when she attempts to tow it.

"I got a lock on. Firing in three, two,on-ahh." When she was about to fire the rope, something large crashed right into her knocking the glider away.

Before anyone could say anything and asked, giant tentacles quickly wrapped themselves around her ship. Soon red alerts were popping up right and left as her sea glider was being crushed.

"Master, are you going to help her?" Rossweisse asked in a whisper since she didn't want to see the woman die. Expressially since the woman had an eight year old right outside the door.

"She will be fine." Azure just replied as the small crisis ended as the cameras returned just in time to see the belly of a large shark.

Well over fifty feet, everyone watched as the largest shark caught on camera swimming away chomping on a giant squid.

"Is that a Megalodon?" Rossweisse whispered furiously at Azure. While it is said to be extinct on earth, they were fairly common in the underworld large saltwater lakes or older beings who enjoy collecting aqua species.

"Yep, and it's quite a big one too." Azure answered as the crew began calling out "Turn off your lights," or "Eject now." The woman seemed hesitant to retreat and completed her goal which allowed the shark to return.

As the large shark seemed to be drawn to the lights and coming back, Jonas appeared far to the left and started dropping flares. Within moments of dropping them, the shark was distracted allowing Suyin to rocket to the surface.

"The man is quite resourceful piloting in very limited light." Rossweisse chose to comment as the man drove only from the lights the first sub put down. While the sub did have a few sensors and a warning system if he was going hit something it was impressive none the less.

"He is one of the best." Mac said as he decided to jump into their conversation. A small part of him also wondered why neither seemed surprised by the large shark. It wasn't everyday someone saw something that big much less discovered. However it wasn't time or his business to dig out those answers with lives on the line.

"Alright he is connected."


Back down in the tube, a few hours passed since the rescue mission ended in one casualty. A man named Toshi who decided to be a hero so the others could escape. Now, due to the death and danger levels of diving down there. A meeting on what to do next was taking place which Azure held no interest.

As he continued to stand there, he heard a small ball rolling across the ground. Turning his head slightly he saw Suyin's daughter coming closer, controlling a small ball on the ground. She seems to be getting distracted and continues to look out in the ocean clearly frightened.

Turning his head back to the glass in front of him, a large head appears from the ocean blue. Large beady eyes appeared to look in as its razor shape teeth could be seen from its mouth.

"Well aren't you a big fish." Azure said as the megalodon launched forward biting on the glass.

As the place began to shake violently and Meiyin screamed in freight, Azure flicked his finger, knocking the large megalodon away. He didn't kill it as he thought it would be interesting how the others plan to deal with it. However, if the situation becomes too troublesome or gets out of hand he will just kill it.

"Master, what happened," Rossweisse asked upon arriving clearly wondering if he caused some trouble again. Behind her Suyin, Mac and Jonas appeared, also wondering what was going on.

"Our friends of the deep decided to pay a visit." He pointed to the teeth marks. "They also seem hungry."

Right when he said this, a whale bumped the glass only for them to see a large shark tear it in half.

"Like I said, it's hungry."