Chapter 3: Majority is on The Wrong

Another 3 weeks passed, the time for the election of class officers arrived. There were positions to be filled by selected nominees. They may include one president, a secretary, and many more. Ricky always feared these types of things as they can contribute to the degradation of the class. He watched the election take place from his chair. Ms Paras called a girl named Sandra facilitated the election. "The table for the election of the election of the class president is open," she proclaimed. A quiet kid named Dylan, Nicole, and Joshua were among the nominees. In the end, Joshua attracted most of the votes, to his despair.

The election continued on while being dominated by Iñigo's company, with Iñigo as the vice-president. "That's it," he thought. "Something must be done. These guys have no clue how to manage the class" In a fit of rage, he stood up and said, "Ms Paras, you know very well how stupid and ignorant these officers these officers will make! I suggest we redo this whole elec--". "Sit down, loser!", the boastful Iñigo interrupted. "You think you can do better?". "Yes, as a matter of fact, I don't think you can do it. You'll turn everyone into a demon," answered Ricky. "You talk smart for a new student. Why don't we take this outside?", Iñigo challenged. But before any brawl started, Ms Paras interrupted saying, "Cut that out. Both of you. Iñigo, and the rest of you being elected, let this be a reminder to you to not abuse your power. As for you, Mr Matyag, deal with it. He's everyone choice." The two students went back to their seats with Iñigo receiving hundreds of high-fives and Ricky being told to calm down by Nicole and others.

That afternoon, Joshua, Iñigo, and his friends from other grade levels met up at an outdoor cafeteria outside the borders of the school campus. They laughed, drank, and smoked while sharing funny moments during their free times and on their classes. But everyone went silent when Ricky became the subject matter. "You showed him, my man. That kid is sick," remarked Joshua. "Yeah that guy could snitch us of the things we do," said another. The idea that Ricky may be looking out on them became a running joke among the guys. Finally, when the day is over, Iñigo remarked, "Guys, it is not worth it that we let a kid like Ricky bother us. It's also not likely that he'll snitch on us. When he does, we'll take care of him."