
Gasping out, Briar felt air fill her lungs once again as if she had been drowning. Pulled out from the deep waters in the last second. Opening her eyes wide she felt her chest burn, her heart racing at an almost painful pace. Sweat clung to her forehead. Her hair feeling sticky with a heavyweight feeling in her body.

Breathing heavily she looked up at her bedroom ceiling. Draping her arm over her eyes she felt a single tear fall down her cheek. With a shaky breath, she turned her head to the side. Her eyes catching sight of the bouquet of Valerian flowers. The sweet scent of it bringing a feeling of drowsiness.

Turning to the white ceiling she forced herself to sit up, ignoring the headache pulsing at the side of her head. Pressing her hand against her forehead she tried to push herself out of the hazy fog in her chest. Her free hand clenching to the sheets.

"Where..." She traced off drowsy as she tried to recall her dream. Only bits and pieces came into her mind before they quickly ran out of her grasp. Returning to the deepest part of her mind and away from her reach. It was always the same. She knew she dreamt the same dream every night. Yet when she would try to recall the dream, it vanished the moment she opened her eyes. Only the slightest sensation lingering before vanishing.

Getting out of bed she walked over to the full-length mirror gazing at her tired appearance with a frown. A slender body with fair skin, long legs that brushed past the skirt of the nightgown. Even her hands seemed small with thin slender fingers. Long chestnut brown hair going down her back in soft waves. Bangs parted down the middle as they framed her small delicate looking face, the tips just slightly brushing the bottom of her eyes. A long pair of eyelashes that made her strange silver eyes pop. A small beauty mark displayed under her right eye with a cute pair of cupid bow lips.

Looking at her reflection her hand reached out touching the side of her face before her fingers went down. Slightly lowing the sleeve of her nightgown she stared at the strange birthmark on her right collar. A small birthmark shaped like a rose petal. Tracing the birthmark she suddenly winced as she felt a small pain on the side of her head. Touching the side of her head she placed one hand on the mirror for support. Closing her eyes to wait for the pain to fade before the subtle sound of the door knocking the door was heard.

"Briar, are you awake?"

A voice questioned from the other side of the door. Opening her eyes she looked up as the person who had called out opened the door. A head peeking out from behind the corner of the door. Once a pair of eyes landed on her a gentle smile crossed the person's face.

"How are you feeling?"