Sleeping princess

"How are you feeling?"

The stranger questioned her stepping inside the room. Silently she took a step back putting as much distance as she could from the stranger. The stranger stared at her in silence before letting out a small smile.

Watching her silently as she gazed at his tall form. The man in front of her wasn't bad looking. He was rather tall towering over her form with a slim built. His appearance seemed will groomed with his dark black hair combed back away from his face. Two small stands escaping his hair due, one on either side of his face. His face well sculptured with a nice jaw and soft looking lips. Wearing a pair of narrow eye glasses what framed a pair of dark brown eyes. He was dressed in a dark button shirt and dress pants. The only thing that wasn't dark was the white coat he had worn. The type doctors wore.

"I'm glad you finally awake, Briar. " The stranger smiled at her as she stared at him with a blank expression.

"Who-who are you?" She questioned the stranger, her eyes flickering around as she looked for an escape. Seeing this the doctor only smiles holding his hands in front of him harmlessly.

"There's no need to be afraid, Briar. I'm a doctor here at this clinic. You were brought here a few months ago. It seems you ran out into the streets and got hit by a passing car pretty harshly." The said doctor explained gently as he were talking to a child.

"Why are you calling me Briar?" Briar questioned with uncertainty as she tried to see through the blank areas in her head. With a guarded look she watched as his eyes widen slightly at her question before regaining his gentle smile.

"Well to be truthfully we didn't know your name when you were first brought here. No one could identify you or went to the police for a missing person. A few days after you arrived you woke up momentarily and wonder off to the rose garden in the back of the clinic. It wasn't until one of the nurses found you collapsed among the roses clinching one of them in your hand that the nurses began calling you Briar. Saying you looked like a princess sleeping among the roses Named after a princess in a fairytale book."

The doctor chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.

"The name just stuck and soon after everyone who works here started calling you that. Even some of the patients."

"Fairytale book?" Briar questioned not really paying attention to his story as she began feeling weak again. Groaning she placed her hand against her forehead as she tried to steady herself. Feeling a hand touch her shoulder ever so gently she looked up weakly unable to really brush the man's hand away.

"You should rest. You've just woken up, Its not good for a patient such as yourself to be up and about too sudden." He smiled guiding her back to her bed. As she laid back on the bed her eyes wondered to the window. Her mind still far as the doctor checked her vitals.

"Now, tell me . How much of the accident do you remember?"

The doctor questioned as he wrote something down in his notes. Glancing away from the window she looked down at her hands a heavy feeling of missing something grew over her.



"I don't remember anything."