After awhile of waiting Dante and the other people got there. So Caspian just stood and watched as every movement they made was like he had in his dream. Caspian smiled and waited to injure Dante so the zombies he lured would smell it and Dante would go... well bye bye.
When he would slip and fall to that mark he made where Dante would stand to get the injury. And you would ask how would Caspian injure Dante well he won't because it wouldn't be him to do it but the trap he set up.
Dante would be too busy looking around and above to look down so he set up a small slide for him, and to answer the questions on how to injure him he had put down hard mat with sharp objects in it on where Dante would land. And so that it would be accurate Caspian tried it for himself to see where he would fall and placed the mat there.
And so that it wouldn't be suspicious he had placed other mats near it and made it look like it was part of the entrance mat with a design that was like this [] [] [] [] [].
The trap was set on the last mat, and since Dante would be the first to walk in he would be the one to fall on the trap.
As time passed by it was finally time. Dante walked to where Caspian needed him to be and watched as Dante slipped and fell to the matt. Dante screamed in pain and his companions help him up only to find blades imbedded in Dante's buttocks and the mat he got it from.
Dante angrily said "So who's the person who thought that this was funny?, if so laugh ahead." Caspian smiled and laughed out loud.
Dante looked the laughs location only to see a man wearing a mask that covered his whole face with the emoji of 0w0.
"You schemings bastard!!."Dante shouted.
"Boss quiet down there's zombies here." One of his men said. Dante just clicked his tongue and ask some people to help him wrap his injuries.
Caspian smiled under his masked and walked to the fire exit and got away. After doing that to Dante he just took the mask of and walked his way into a small shed near the road.
He got in and secured the shed then put on a small celebration on himself going home. He put on his headphones and played epoch, then ate as be listen to one of his favorite music. Caspian prefers soft rock and acoustic music he hated lyrics that don't make sense and loved music that told a story as you listen it play.