XXIV Happier

"I like you."Raheal said wholeheartedly, Caspian looked at him shooked. Raheal was Caspian's best friend since the 4th grade other than Friqx and didn't think he would feel this way.

Caspian sighed and nodded at Raheal, this made Raheal's eyes shine then he the held Caspian's arm and said." Really!?."

Caspian just said "Yes" and patted Raheal's head, Raheal jumped around squealing. Caspian smiled and said "Let's go and eat."


"Brother, look is this your family?." Lily asked at she held a picture up to Caspian. Caspian stared at the picture to see his father Holand, mother and Mary, his big brother Vale, himself, and his little brother Kris.

Caspian hummed and smiled at the picture, "It is." He mumbled. Lily smiled and said "Really, that's awesome that you and your family have a picture together."

He raised his eyebrows and asked "You don't have one with your family?." Lily looked down and said "I was separated from my real parents and went to live with my new parents but they didn't like pictures, they say its a waste of time."

Caspian frowned and kneeled then said "How about lets take a picture together when we go to the place that is safe." Lily looked at him and smiled "Thank you, but this is a promise ok."

Lily held up her pinky finger and hooked it to Caspian's. The two smiled and left the house to venture to Yuniah the central city of their country.


After some months passed by i began to feel that Raheal was getting farther and farther away, i didn't understand and i think i would soon when its time.

I got sick today and my parents notified my teachers but i had gone home to fast and forgot my favorite book in my class room.

As i was walking near my class room that was supposed to be empty due to it being time for going home. I went at this time because i wouldn't bump into anyone but i didn't expect someone was still there.

I thought about it for awhile and i think it was my classmates that was left on cleaning duty.

So a just entered the classroom like it was nothing and saw Raheal and our class president kissing.

I stopped and said "Continue what your doing im just here to get my book." Then walked to my desk and grabbed my book. When i was going to the door Raheal dressed himself up and walked to me.

"Wait this isn't what it looks like." Raheal said hurriedly, I looked at the kiss marks at his neck and then class president. "No it's alright, let's break up."

Raheal was shacking and held my clothes "N-no i don't want to!." I held his hand and pushed them away. "Are you sure." Then Caspian proceeded to walk away.

Raheal yelled "Yes!." While crying, the president went beside him and patted his back.