XXV Too Good At Goodbyes

When he got home he walked to his room and closed the door, soon after he kneeled down and cried. 'I didn't think it would hurt so much' he thought as he held his hand to his heart, squeezing his clothes as he cried the whole night.

He got up and looked around to see himself on the floor covered by his blanket, then yawned as he stood up and walked to the kitchen.

His mother walked to him and asked "Are you alright?." Caspian smiled and said "Yes, never better." Mary patted his back and continued cooking.

After that Caspian and Kris took a bath and wore their uniform. But before they went he was called by his mother to cover his face so it wouldn't look horrible because Caspian would put on random glasses on to cover it.

When it was covered he got on his ride and went to school, he walked in his classroom and sat down then yawned. Raheal saw him and walked infront of him, "Caspian im sorry le-". Caspian stood up and walked to Ken "Hey your late, i got here much earlier."

"Huh!?, What do you mean? I get here more earlier today is just disastrous." Ken complained, "Where's Aiden?." Caspian asked. Ken laughed and said "I think he's in the canteen."

Raheal walked beside Caspian to talk to him but Caspian pulled Ken to go to the Schools Canteen leaving Raheal behind. "W-wait!." He yelled but it was too late, the president walked infront of Raheal and talked about things. He looked behind the president but they were already gone.

Somedays passed and Raheal could say anything to Caspian not even once because everytime he would go to Caspian they would be someone obstructing or blocking him.

But then Caspian ran out of excuses but one, he was being chased by Raheal around the school but what ever he did Raheal didn't give up .

Caspian was stuck in a corner with Raheal right on his tail, he looked around and saw someone walking pulled him into the corner and got his face close to that person making them feel his breath.

Raheal looked at that corner but he saw some people kissing there so he blushed and ran to another direction. Caspian pulled his face away and stared where Raheal was standing, he sighed then sat down "Sorry for pulling you so suddenly." He told the person standing who was holding his shirt.

"N-No, it's no problem." He said nervously as he walked to Caspian and sat down next to him. "Sorry but can i ask who that person was?." Caspian looked at him and nodded. "It was my ex."

"Ah, then can i pursue you." Caspian sighed and said "No, pursue me when you finished studying." The person stood up and smiled "Then wait for me." Caspian looked at him surprised and smiled "Ok then."


"No fair, he leaves as soon as i get where he is." The man complained as he looked at his men and asked "So He left base bravo a week ago?." Dante said "Y-yes sir, he just stayed here for 3 days."

"Mmm.., thats a problem. He didn't give my knife back yet, and even forgetting me." The man frowned as he looked at a picture of Caspian.