Spirit Demon (1)

The light of the sun started to shine from the horizon, signalling a new day from it's dawn. Inside a cage full of innocent girls, Shen Zhengqiu's ears nose and eyelids start twitching. She wakes up in a daze whilst she can feel a dull pain from her neck and the fact that her arms are immobile, seemingly bound. Not only that, but she could smell hundreds of intermingling smells that caused her to frown as it is too much for her to take. There is also a few sounds of sniffling and sobs that immediately brings her back to her current situation, as she is only young she also starts crying but unusually her tears have a very pale red tint to it.

Zhengqiu naturally notices the strange situation as she smells blood running down from cheeks, but it is only faint and it almost felt natural to her. As that was the way it should be. After letting herself cry for a little while more she goes into a calm state and rubs her eyes with the intention to dry the tears, however the thing she least expects is the peaking of the light from under her eyes.

Stunned momentarily she abruptly opens her eyes, only to see..

Yes, see with her eyes!

However, everything seemed a lot more colourful and blinding when compared to the description her younger brother gave her. It's like she could see more colours than a normal person, could see much more clearly that floating particles were crystal clear to her.

When she looked around, she saw a few girls looking at her strangely. That is because her eyes were different to what they have normally seen. It was like the night sky full of stars being isolated by a striking ice blue that as cold as a glacier and is then also surrounded by clouds that draw in your soul. A strange but mesmerising sight.

Rather than being full of shock and joy that everyone would be subjected to in this situation, she still continued on in her calm state and aware of what happened to herself she can't help but feel slightly bit confused although nothing shows on her face.

There is also something more inside of her head, memories that don't belong to her but feel extremely familiar like she has experienced it a million times before. Upon that thought her head started to cringe with pain whilst her neck pulled back and the sound of her heart thumping next to her ears. Her forehead perspires with sweat profusely and the veins in her eyes start to go a bloodshot red.

Eventually she once again collapses and faints, making the girls around her stunned and scared.


In a vast white space, a half-transparent Shen Zhengqiu appeared out of nothing.

She is shocked, as after experiencing a splitting headache she has been thrown into this space full of white and more images and information start circling in her head.

A voice full of disdain and mockery echoes through the white space "Ho~ so this is what the new descendant of the Spirit Demon race is like and she hasn't even started cultivating, a waste" It then spreads it senses and notices the abysmal Spiritual Qi in the atmosphere and continues in exasperation "No wonder you're a waste! You probably in the most trashy place for cultivation!".

The voice was right to be confused, as a Spirit Demon is part of the 9 Heavenly Races where there is only one person who can awaken the inheritance memories through the bloodline in each generation. So rightfully, the Heavenly Races should be mostly found from the Heavenly Realm, much less the Spirit Demon race who has the the most limited population out of the 9 Heavenly Races.

Another fact about the 9 Heavenly Races is that they all have Spirit Eyes which is a considerable advantage they hold over the rest of the cultivators, and Shen Zhengqiu should have immediately awakened these eyes upon birth but due to the backwards environment she resulted in being blind because of this. Only under exceptional circumstances would they activate in this kind of backwards place, which she did experience but perhaps the sacrifice was too big.

The 9 Heavenly Races are not ranked and are very unique for each races. Realistically there should only be 8 Heavenly Races as the population of Spirit Demon is too abysmally low to count it as a race but due to their uniqueness and strength they are still counted within the list.

The other Heavenly Races are the: Dragon Race; Titan Race, Elementalist Race, Light Race, Soulweaver Race, True Demon Race, Egregore Race and Estrella Race.

Both the Dragon and Titan Race share similar characteristics, in that there bodies are unimaginably strong. Dragons have scales that deflect almost all attacks and once reaching a certain realm, they can shapeshift into what they want which is usually a human as it is most convenient. Titan's look mostly like any other human but they are generally taller and bulkier, their strength can be determined by their height.

The Elementalist Race has a unique affinity towards the elements, they can freely control them and are a race that can be noticed by their long ears and beautiful looks. The Light Race is made from the light of one of the 5 Ancient Gods from a whim and they have translucent appearances and at certain realms reach the speed of light.

The Soulweaver Race has command over souls and they are known for their curses and mental attacks. The True Demon Race is synonymous with destruction and are known to have the most powerful combat ability out of the 9 Heavenly Races.

The Egregore Race is a hive-mind like race that can combine their powers and defeat foes much stronger than them, they are also responsible for the destruction of the Ancient Universe. The Estrella Race can harness the power of the stars and use it to quickly increase the cultivation speed, the stars are said to be their ancestors.

Finally, the Spirit Demon Race would be equivalent of a Saintess to Humans but towards the True Demon Race. They benefit from a body that is perfect for cultivation and a mind suitable for comprehension, and would be counted as the strongest race if not for their numbers. The Spirit Eyes that each race has differs between the races but they mostly increase the sense capability by a vast amount and gets increasingly stronger the further you cultivate.