Spirit Demon (2)

After Shen Zhengqiu processed through the majority of these memories thrown at her, she couldn't help but ask the voice in disbelief "I'm a Spirit Demon? Not a human?". She really was confused, other than being blind from her birth she wasn't any different from the rest of the people she knew.

When the voice heard her, it stated matter-of-factly "Although humans are mostly useless, their form is quite useful in the majority of things. In fact, every human has some blood of a Heavenly Race but it is so low that it can be disregarded". The voice thought for a bit more before continuing "But sometimes they can awaken their bloodline which then comes with inherent memories, and us Spirit Demons are special."

Although from the description of the Spirit Demons she found in her head she understood somewhat, but she still had a library full of memories left to sort through, therefore she continued to question "Why are Spirit Demons special?"

"Lets put it like this, everyone has some form of a Heavenly Bloodline in them, they could also have our Spirit Demon blood. However, other than the other races that can have as many people awaken their bloodline.." The voice started answering softly, who knows why her attitude changed "Only one person can awaken our bloodline at a time, and it very rarely appears within a male".

The things that the voice said made sense, if a bloodline can only be awoken by one person it must be powerful, however only having one person is a disadvantage in itself. She continued pondering about this till she asked curiously "Then.. who are you?"

After she said that, she could somewhat feel that the voice became proud but somewhat melancholic. "Me? I'm one of the 3 most powerful Spirit Demons that has ever existed! You can call me Ancestor Wu, admired as the greatest beauty under heaven ho ho~"

Even though she was quite young, Shen Zhengqiu could tell that this was one shameless Ancestor of hers. She pondered for a while more before asking again "Then Ancestor.. Wu, how can I be strong?" Her eyes were burning with a sense of longing and revenge. What mortal wouldn't want to become a strong existence that can define the fate of others? Especially a young child who has went through a tragedy at such a tender age, they would definitely want to become more powerful.

Ancestor Wu looked at Shen Zhengqiu with some pity but also passion in her eyes, perhaps this child could do what she couldn't. "I do not have much time for you right now, but I will leave some techniques for you to learn. As you get stronger I can talk more often, so until then practice the techniques I give you". She thought for another moment before releasing the last of her Spiritual Qi, "This will disguise your eyes, I'd rather not have another member of the Heavenly Races get their eyes gouged out by the greedy human cultivators."

Shen Zhengqiu was about to say her thanks before the white space started making crackling noises and her mind started to go black. She went back into her daze and only caught the last few words of her Ancestor.

"..get stronger and we will surely meet again".


Outside the entrance of a mountainous valley, there was raucous laughter amidst the trotting horses which blocked the sounds of despair from the tied up innocent girls. Shen Zhengqiu's eyelashes started flickering before she opened her eyes. The eyes that were once blurry and lacked luster and they then became a mesmerising blue has changed into a deep sombre black that could almost suck your soul in. She clambered her way up and sat herself upright whilst listening to the roaring laughter and chatter of her captives, the bandits. She also naturally noticed that there were less bandits than before whilst only girls were caged and tied-up, no other people were here anymore.

This made her heart sink, she has already been separated from her only kin. Her father died heroically keeping the bandits at bay. Her mother helped them run away too, but her fate was to be defiled till the last moments of her breath. She can only assume that her brother was also captured like her, these bandits wouldn't let go of any opportunity to make money.

"Let's hope this batch satisfies Grandmaster Zhen"

"He said he would give us 10,000 gold coins if we get what he wants!"

"Tsk, we've been at this for months and we are on the seventh town, how long is this going to take?"

"Shh, don't let Boss hear you say that! He is more frustrated than us but if it reaches Grandmaster Zhen's ears, even Boss can't do anything"

The bandit reluctantly stopped complaining. If maybe the Grandmaster gave them more details other than 'a virgin immature maiden' they might find what he wants quicker. But just trying to think of why he wants girls of this age, even the bandit shudders. He never knew Grandmasters could be such a pervert.

In the distance, a beautiful sight that pulled even the girls out of their despair appeared before the group of bandits. A waterfall flowed from the edge of a overhang on the mountain and poured down pooling underneath, the excess water continued in a stream which disappeared through a gathering of rocks. You could hear the makings of another waterfall underground from the rocks, but you could not hear the water hitting the floor. Off to the side of this descriptive scene are 7 large uniformed buildings with their own courtyards, but these are dwarfed by a gate behind them. The gate is about as big as half of the mountainous wall, it is made from a hardy wood which blends it in with its surroundings, the bordering gold is time-worn and exudes an ancient aura.

For a group of bandits to live in this area would seem unimaginable. These bandits who would usually stare at innocent girls with lustful gazes, shout and laugh with unrestrained boisterous chatter actually live in such a scenic and peaceful place. People wouldn't be able to believe you even if you took an oath on your Ancestors.

The inside of the mountain behind the gate, is where the Grandmaster Zhen is secluded and continues his cultivation. He had 'tamed' these bandits with benefits and because he has been stuck in the peak of Grandmaster for a while, he needs the ingredients for a pill he got. The pill recipe is actually from his Cultivation place, as it seemed to a previous ancient cultivators home. Therefore he got the men under him to search for the materials needed.

Unlike the divine aura that surrounds this place, the pill is truly demonic. The pill is called a Sage Awakening Pill but it is truly sinister as the ingredients requires a Red Devil Fruit, Grandmaster level beast core, Demon Blood, a body of pure Yin constitution, and a few other basic spiritual plants that supply more Qi in the pill.

A red devil fruit is extremely rare within the mortal realms and to encounter one you would truly have to rely on fate, they are usually within extremely dangerous places. A grandmaster level beast core is from a Spiritual beast that has reached the Grandmaster stage, this is a very hard material to get as beasts cannot cultivate properly at this level and can only eat rare plants in order to improve or they come from a species that would scare a lot of Grandmaster Martial Artists at night.

A body of pure Yin Constitution is a rarity among the talents a cultivator can have, however it is also a large treasure to other cultivators who will lay their covetous gazes upon it. Dual cultivation yields much lower effects than a pill that contains a body of pure Yin Constitution, but some cultivators much prefer this for cruel reasons. Demon blood is not very rare to find but usually it is very difficult to actually obtain. The majority of demons that can be found are around the Master level but they have techniques that can help them escape a Grandmaster Martial Artist.