You Like Dogs

He eyed the night sky from the lonely rooftop, the view leaving him somewhat mesmerized.

Keanu resumed his position and aimed for the man's head, his gun positioned on the ledge of the building's roof. He kneeled down, clutching the trigger. He took the shot, the suppressor leaving him undetected. Photographing the scene for the organization that hired him, he texted them the picture.

He breathed in the night air, removing his mouth cover as he descended.

Upon entering his car, his phone buzzed. His customers were pleased, as per usual. He didn't care.

Keanu unlocked the door, entering his not-so-lovely abode. He sent his gear flying across the room where it then landed on the couch. His dog yapped, trampling over his own paws as he bounced to and around Keanu. He ruffled his dog's fur playfully, sending his dog, Ren, to his room.

Nauseated, he was struck with a sour taste that climbed through his entire body. His stomach bubbled, his head spinning. He stumbled to the toilet, gripping his stomach as it ached in its emptiness.

His temperature rose to an unbearable heat, one that of a fiery fire. Then, like a blizzard of finger-numbing snow and ice, his temperature dropped; his splitting headache persisted.

He thought he'd vomit at any moment - that was until he felt the urge to drink an imperceivable amount of iced tea. He slammed open the refrigerator, chugging the beverage dry. He sweat profusely, his body shifting between hot and cold.

What the fuck kinda virus...?

The cold only worsened until another wave of heat occurred, one reminiscent of the Sahara Desert, but it was worse than that - it was like a desert within a desert, inside of another desert. He slithered out from his shirt.

He zoomed to the bathroom as he'd barfed, his throat burning. When it stopped he sat there for a moment on the cold floor before staggering to his feet. The distaste subsided, his temperature stagnant - normal now, somehow.

Keanu relaxed with Ren for awhile, smoking some weed to help him sleep. With his dog by his side, he dozed off.

In the dead of night, he awoke, now conscious. The chirping of crickets broke into his thoughts, all else silent. He blinked open his eyes, a blurry figure before him. It sniffed his face. Then it licked him. It had to be his dog.

He rubbed his eyes and his vision was cleared.

Instead of his dog, his eyes revealed a horned entity, who was transparent and... glowing. He hovered but two inches above Keanu's chest.

Keanu's heart skipped a beat. He sat up, slamming himself against the frame of his bed in his panic. The entity glugged the rest of Keanu's unfinished rum.

The mirror beyond the illuminated figure revealed Keanu's face, and on it was a single off-color eye.

Keanu's heart slowed, returning to the usual rhythmic pace.

Short, green, curly hair? Freckled face. He is kinda cute. Well, kinda hot, look at that fucking build. But this wasn't the time for that. Who is this demon? Am I being possessed? It isn't completely impossible. But why me?

"I sense you are calculating. Ambivert. Depressed. You like dogs," Zyne noted.

"Uh, yeah? What else do you... sense?"

"You're a human."

"And you're a demon."

"That is true."

Keanu wanted to ask why this demon was here, but he didn't have the energy nor the need to.

"Can we continue this in the morning, when I'm not half-stoned?"

The demon had already gone. Keanu guessed he'd have to wait until morning to see if his eyes deceived him.


Keanu poured himself a cup of his freshly brewed coffee, leaning against the counter. He took a sip of it, the mocha warm and cozy as it traveled through his throat.

"I planned to kill you, but I'm starting to like you, Keanu," Zyne admitted, afloat.

"That's a first. Why?"

"Do you need to know?"