Dramatic Moment

Despite having only reached the Abyssal Realm for a short time, his power was not half-baked.

As he had stabilized his power at Abyssal Realm, the amount of chi within the chi crystal in his body had far surpassed Xuanyuan Hongji and others' by several folds.

That was why he was able to seriously injure the group of them.

Especially Xuanyuan Hongji. He had absorbed the most force and was the one that had sustained the most serious injuries.

Especially that punch. It had caused his hair to turn white, and the skin on his face to be full of wrinkles.

It was mainly because the chi within his body had been damaged to the point where it could no longer maintain his health. If he was not treated soon, he might even die today.

As soon as an ancient martial artist had reached the stage of a Grandmaster, their lives would be extended. The more powerful the chi in their body, the longer they could live.