Qingqiu Breaking Through

After giving it some thought, Jiang Feng ultimately decided to give up on becoming the Patriarch of the Xuanyuan family.

He was not someone that wanted political power, especially when he had to become the Patriarch of a family and had to bear all that responsibility.

What he wanted however was for the Xuanyuan family to stop targeting the Jiang family. Both of the families could then live in peace.

Since the Xuanyuan family did have some relations with him.

"Senior, there is no need for that. As long as the Xuanyuan family does not attack the Jiang family, the grudge between our families can be wiped off!"

Jiang Feng had a good impression of the one-eyed old man seeing that he was helping him so much. Therefore, he felt that it was only proper for him to call him senior as a form of respect.

As soon as the grudge between him and the Xuanyuan family had been removed, then the Jiang family would be officially stabilized.