The God-Slayer Palace, The Nameless Tavern!  

If one were to master comprehending a Secret Manual within Tianji Building, as long as he did not speak about it, no one would know.

That was to guarantee that when a player had mastered the Secret Manual, he would not become the center of everyone's ire.

That was why when Jiang Feng mastered the Secret Manual, no one knew it was him.

However, Chuge and many in the audience wanted to know who it was. And that was why that scene happened. Jiang Feng also cheekily followed the crowd.

Chuge scanned his fans in the audience, but he really could not find who was the one that had learned the Cloud Walk secret manual. He frowned.

The Secret Manual was something that he had just gained yesterday after killing a boss. The reason that he took it out was so he could increase his popularity and prove his generosity.

He then proceeded to do something when reading the secret manual so that no one could master the secret manual.