Chuge’s Scheme

Wuwang Peak was separated into five sections.

Each section was divided by the power of its monsters.

For the first section, most of the monsters were around Yellow Realm Five Stars and below.

For the second section, the monsters were around Yellow Realm Five Stars and above.

For the third section, the monsters were around Black Realm One to Three Stars.

For the fourth section, the monsters were around Black Realm Four to Six Stars.

For the fifth section, the monsters were much more powerful and at the level of Black Realm Six Stars and above.

Even Chuge would be in danger if he tried to go to the peak.

At this time, Chuge and Luolan stood on a giant tree on the third section of Wuwang Peak, looking at all the players rushing up the mountain.

"Why not tell them where the treasure is? If you tell them where it is and let them be the fodder, wouldn't that make things easier?" Luolan looked at Chuge curiously.