Iron Head Technique

Leng Sichen looked at how puffy Xia Yuxun's cheeks were and how wide her eyes opened and thought she looked like a dragon that breathed fire. He smiled, extended his hand, and played with her soft hair.

Xia Yuxun, I am very happy. I've never been this happy.

Over the last few decades, I'd wake up in the morning confused and exhausted. But right now, I am very happy.

But I know this happiness doesn't belong to me and I have stolen it.

"Ah! Dammit!" Xia Yuxun suddenly screamed and raised her head. Then she hit her head against Leng Sichen's forehead.

At once, all the adoration in the air disappeared.

"Ah—have you practiced an iron head martial arts technique?"

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Xia Yuxun became flustered and rubbed the area she hit him at.

"Forces exist in equal and opposite pairs, Xia Yuxun!"

"It's okay. I do know the iron head technique! Hehe..." Xia Yuxun chuckled drily.

"Um, Sichen... Ah, sorry, I called you by the wrong name again! President, I didn't go home again last night. I wonder if my dad realized that I've caused trouble again?"

The thought of what happened yesterday infuriated Leng Sichen. He glared at her, "Only now you remember to fear. What were you doing yesterday? Do you not use your eyes? There was such a large sign and you walked right past it! I want to choke you to death!"

Xia Yuxun quickly hid inside the blanket and mumbled, "I'm tired. Sleep! Sleep!"

Leng Sichen looked at her helplessly, "I told your dad that you are travelling for work with me and will come back in three days."

Xia Yuxun quickly kicked off her blanket, kneeled on the bed, and made fists with her hands, "My saint!"

Her water-like, crystal clear eyes were decorated with the morning light. They were so pure that his silhouette reflected off of them and made his heart quiver.

"Xia Yuxun, stop wearing glasses. Your eyes are pretty."

Xia Yuxun's spine immediately stiffened as she said in a fluster, "Right, where are my glasses? Glasses! Glasses!"

She failed to find them anywhere near the bed. Xia Yuxun crawled all over, and even went above Leng Sichen to look at the bed stand.

Leng Sichen grabbed her while she was positioned above him and placed her on his thigh. He shouted, "Xia Yuxun, you are ignoring me again!"

Xia Yuxun's body quivered and her eyes were full of tears, "Glasses, glasses… please, give them to me… please…"

Leng Sichen was startled by her reaction, "Xia Yuxun, you aren't allowed to cry! What's this about?"

"Can you please give them to me? Please… my glasses… where are my glasses…"

Xia Yuxun acted like she had lost her most important possession. She was helpless like a child.

Leng Sichen held her with one hand while his hand reached for her purse to take out her treasured glasses.

"Here, stop crying!"

"Glasses!" Xia Yuxun excitedly grabbed onto them and put them on.

She was absolutely exhausted from crying as she powerlessly laid against him and quivered.

Leng Sichen watched over her, confused.


After some time, the hospital room door creaked and then was pushed open.

Leng Siche held onto a tray of breakfast and saw Xia Yuxun lying on Leng Sichen's chest. His expression turned awkward but he did his best to pretend to be calm. He grinned like he always did and said, "Brother, I bought you guys breakfast!"

"Shush! She just fell asleep." Leng Sichen gently shifted Xia Yuxun's body and put her back into bed.

Leng Siche placed breakfast on the table and said mindless, "I have dealt with everything at work. Also, sister-in-law came!"

Leng Sichen's hand paused as he dressed himself. He hissed, "News sure travels fast!"