Moth to a Flame

"I got her to leave. If she saw you and Lil' Xun…"

Leng Sichen frowned, "There's nothing between Xia Yuxun and I!"

"Brother, do you love Bai Qianning?" Leng Siche asked.

"She is the daughter of the owner of the Bai Corporation. She looks good and is capable. The old man is very fond of her. "

"Do you love her?" Leng Siche was unforgiving.

"Yes, I love her. Are you happy now!" Leng Sichen tied his own tie, annoyed.

Reality was that he didn't even know what love felt like.

Bai Qianning was the woman who's been by him the longest. She was capable of taking care of everything flawlessly.

Inside, she would never interfere with his private life. Outside, she would care about her man's reputation. He liked a woman who knew her place and was within his control. He didn't like someone like Xia Yuxun, who had no logic and could only mess up his life.

"Then what about Lil' Xun?" Leng SiChe asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How's this related to her?" Leng Sichen looked impatient.

"She's liked you since she was little! Do you really feel nothing towards her? I really don't want to remind you just how gentle your expression was just now!" Leng Siche's tone was a little agitated.

Leng Sichen frowned immediately, "Siche, what are you really trying to say?"

"I don't want to say anything. I just want to tell you that you love Bai Qianning, and you are going to marry her. So, please do not provoke Lil' Xun or do anything that might make her misunderstand."

Leng Siche's interrogative words made Leng Sichen feel an unnamed flare of flame. He couldn't even avoid her when he wanted to, why would he ever provoke her?

"How I treat her is my business. Plus, all this time, it was she who's been bothering me. She's the one who refused to cut herself off from me! My taste isn't as unique as yours. A woman like Xia Yuxun… if you can call her a woman… I wouldn't glance at her even once. Please recognize the situation and don't ever talk about us like we are a package deal. We are not from the same world!"

They were not from the same world.

Her stupidity, innocence, and naivety could not exist in his world.

To love someone he knew he could not be with so crazily and so irrationally was extremely stupid to him.

But then why, when he's with her, he would so easily feel happy and fulfilled? He never even realized how natural it all was.

He could not accept himself as someone who has no self-control. He could not accept her disturbing his life.

Leng Sichen picked up his jacket with a dark expression and got ready to leave.

However, just as he reached the door and was about to close it, he froze.

Inside the room, Xia Yuxun's voice was faint like a mosquito but he still clearly heard it.

"President… please do not close the door…" from inside the blanket, Xia Yuxun made this statement and then closed her eyes. Her head sank into the soft pillow.

She's heard everything he had just said…

Leng Sichen and Leng Siche exchanged a complex glance.

Leng Sichen opened the hospital room door wider and turned to leave.

"Siche…" Xia Yuxun softly asked.

"I'm here! Lil' Xun, what do you need?" Leng Siche quickly responded.

"Can you open the windows as well?" Xia Yuxun requested.

"Okay!" Leng Siche went to open all the windows.

The smell of flowers rushed in from outside the window and allowed her to relax.

She hated this feeling.

The feeling of being inside an enclosed space that was dark. To still be alone and helpless despite how much she begged…

If at that time, someone had helped her out, then that someone would be her saint, would be her religion.

"Lil' Xun, don't mind what brother said. You know how he is…" Leng Siche clumsily tried to explain.

Dammit, why did he have to fight with his brother inside the room? If it weren't for him, Lil' Xun wouldn't have heard all those hurtful things.

Though he wanted her to stop her wishful thinking, he was more afraid of her getting hurt.

To see her like this, for her to be not express any anger, he felt so much pain he couldn't even breathe.

Xia Yuxun watched the sunlight outside her window and extended her hand to feel its temperature. She said to herself, "So warm…"

Leng Sichen, once, you were my god. Today, you still are.

From outside the window, a familiar song played. Fish Leong's beautiful singing resonated through the wind.

 "To put one's life upon the line, I will love you in all my lives.

Your laugh, your tears, all your movements

Are all my holy writ; treasured holy chants.

My joy, my pain, all of my life

For you I will be chained I'll live life for you…

You're the flames, you're the wind, you're the demon spinning webs

A broken butterfly, dreaming its very last dream

You're the flames, you're the wind, you're the trumpet of angels.

Let me be a butterfly, holding its very last dream

Let this brief joy matter to us all. "