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The pair hurried their way to the hospital.

Before the hospital room, Nan Gonglin took the time to remind Leng Sichen, "Remember that the RH negative blood type blood is very rare. You aren't exactly the one losing here in this deal."

Leng Sichen hissed in disdain. Damn that old man. He got something cheap and was now selling it as if it's high in value.

However, he knew very well that a man like Nan Gonglin never needed money. If it weren't for the fact that he genuinely wanted to help, he would never use his own blood to make a deal.

Though Leng Sichen wasn't happy about being threatened, he had to be thankful for Nan Gonglin's appearance.

In the quiet hospital room, there was the sound of blood leaving one person's body and entering into the other person's.

Nan Gonglin was leaning on his side with his hand supporting his neck. Curiously, he checked out the weak looking and pale Xia Yuxun.

This one glance made Nan Gonglin's heart skip a beat.

Why did this girl look so much like that someone? The woman that's been in his heart for many years.

Her cute and delicate face wasn't covered by colorful makeup but instead, was pure and innocent. Like a stream in a valley, it made people feel happy.

No wonder she could attract Leng Sichen's attention. Even he himself had to admit that this girl was special.

She had a unique demeanor. One that she herself probably wasn't even aware. It was also this unawareness that enhanced her attractiveness. Nan Gonglin had always arrogantly believed that he had a pair of eyes that could discover beauty.

It seemed like she wasn't sleeping too peacefully. She was frowning the whole time and at times, would flinch. Her stubborn but hurtful expression somehow pained him.

This sudden rush of intimacy made Nan Gonglin want to get closer to her.

However, just as he extended his hand, the man who had walked over stopped him.

"What are you trying to do now?" Leng Sichen looked at him like a beast who was protecting his own territory.

Nan Gonglin pouted unpleasantly, "You sure move fast… I am giving up so much blood for her. Why can't I touch her?"

Leng Sichen's face was as cold as frost, "I have paid for your blood. So, she owes you nothing. If you get any ideas about her, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

Nan Gonglin disregarded Leng Sichen's unfriendly attitude and looked at him playfully, "Have you two done it? She's your mistress isn't she?"

Leng Sichen's face turned dark, "What are you saying?"

"Oh? Are you telling me you haven't done anything with her?"

Nan Gonglin was a little shocked. He had miscalculated this time…

His subordinates told him that these two were childhood friends who grew up together. How could it be that after so many years, nothing happened between them?

"Child, as your senior, I must remind you - you may not understand this now but one day you will. For you to keep a woman you don't dare to touch right beside you, she will one day become your Achilles' heel. You either marry her and protect her, or you get her as far away from you as possible. Don't ever be amorous around her! Or else, you'll either cause her to die or she'll cause you to die!" Nan Gonglin's tone was profound. It was as if he was experienced.

Dammit! This promiscuous bastard dared to call himself a "senior".

Just as Leng Sichen was about to get furious, Xia Yuxun groaned and extinguished his anger. He rushed up to her and asked gently, "Xia Yuxun, you're awake?"

"Hey! Sweetheart!" Nan Gonglin excitedly walked up to say hi to her.

Xia Yuxun opened her eyes with difficulty. The moment she saw Nan Gonglin's face, she revealed an astonished look and a painful shriek, "AH—"