His Heart Melted

Leng Sichen rushed up and held onto the screaming Xia Yuxun.

"Yuxun, Yuxun, what's wrong? Don't be scared. Don't be scared! Tell me what happened?"

Nan Gonglin awkwardly coughed a little, "Did you scream because you were scared of me?"

"AH—" The moment Nan Gonglin spoke, Xia Yuxun began to scream again.

So Nan Gonglin's handsome and ageless face turned dark again.

He has lived for more than 40 years and women had only screamed out of excitement for him. Nobody's screamed out of fear.

For that little girl to be shaking inside Leng Sichen's arms out of fear, Nan Gonglin looked over to Leng Sichen, "Do I really look… that unbearable?"

"Can you walk further away from her? Can't you tell she's really scared? Leng Sichen was in no mood.

Nan Gonglin held up his hand that still had a needle in it. He felt wronged, "You think I want to be here?"

Xia Yuxun quivered in Leng Sichen's embrace.

Leng Sichen felt helpless and could only lift up her body and have her sit on his legs. Then, he turned against Nan Gonglin so she wouldn't see him.

"Yuxun, calm down. It's okay now. Nobody can hurt you! Stop moving! Please stop! Dammit… the wound seemed to have opened up again." Leng Sichen pressed the button to call for the doctor.

Then, Dr. Chen and a bunch of people came.

After they tended to Xia Yuxun's wound, Leng Sichen asked worriedly, "Dr. Chen, is she going to be okay?"

"Yes, yes. Thank god we had this gentleman's help. Because he supplied blood, the patient is now no longer in critical danger," Dr. Chen said with a bright expression.

Leng Sichen and this woman were acting so intimately. Their relationship must be unique.

Thank god no accident happened.

"Is there anything we should watch out for?"

"Oh, be careful with the wound. Don't do any rigorous exercises for a while. Don't get the wound wet. Don't eat spicy food…"


Watching such a large group of people volunteer their time to serve Leng Sichen, Nan Gonglin, who was being ignored, wanted to cry.

However, if these doctors and nurses knew who he was, they would rush to serve him too and that would be annoying. Therefore, he would rather be left alone.

Xia Yuxun curled up in Leng Sichen's arms for a long time before she finally calmed down.

She moved a little and wanted to sit up straight.

"Don't move! What do you want to do now?" Leng Sichen frowned.

Xia Yuxun carefully peaked over Leng Sichen's shoulder to look at the sullen-looking Nan Gonglin.

Nan Gonglin's peripheral vision saw Xia Yuxun peaking over like a kitty and staring at him with her watery and big eyes. His heart melted, "Sweetheart if you want to look, you can look honorably."

Xia Yuxun was scared back into Leng Sichen's arms.

Nan Gonglin was going crazy over her. This girl was far too cute!

Leng Sichen sighed and patted Xia Yuxun's head.

She was turning into an unsolvable puzzle to him. The more unsolvable she was, the more he wanted to find out the truth.

Xia Yuxun squinted her eyes and enjoyed the warm hands against her body. The next second, she suddenly jolted awake and left Leng Sichen's arm in a fluster. She wrapped herself into the blanket and closed her eyes.

"I'm okay now. You can go to work!" Xia Yuxun's voice was soft but very tense.

Now that nothing was within his grasp, Leng Sichen was in a bit of awe. As if he had woken up from a dream, he said, "Then I will leave soon. You should rest well."

This time, he seemed to have really hurt her.