Make Sure You're Not Taken Advantage Of

"Go ahead and have a seat; I'll call you when dinner's ready."

With a tug, Ji Hanjiang pulled her into an embrace. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he whispered, "Let me help you, hmm?"

Yan Yiren stood there awkwardly, letting him hold her. "The kitchen is greasy and hot. A gentleman stays out of the kitchen, does he not?"

"Whatever you say."

Displeased, Ji Hanjiang nibbled her earlobe. After that, he turned sideways, pecking her face softly a few more times before leaving the room.

Ji Hanjiang walked into her bedroom and saw that it was clean and neat. Her bed was loaded with her scent, and he blatantly lay down on it.

...Upon which, he promptly fell into a deep sleep.

After Yan Yiren finished cooking dinner, she found him deep in slumber in her bedroom.

"Hanjiang, wake up. it's time to eat." Yan Yiren leaned over him, softly patting his face.

After trying to wake him a few more times, she was ready to give up. Just then, Ji Hanjiang, with both eyes shut, stretched out his hand, tugging hard on her——

In an instant, Yan Yiren fell into his arms. Ji Hanjiang opened his eyes, playfulness glinting in his eyes...

Everything was moving ahead naturally, until Yan Yiren suddenly broke out of her stupor, pushing him away. "Hanjiang, don't!"

Ji Hanjiang ruffled his hair defeatedly, falling on his side.

Yan Yiren's voice trembled faintly. "I'm sorry, Hanjiang. I'm still not ready."

"I know you want to leave your first time for your wedding night, as a symbol of loyalty to your partner. I know, I know." His words were a bit clumsy and harsh.

Yan Yiren took a deep breath, patting her face that had turned hot with embarrassment. Trying hard to keep her feelings in check, she said, "Dinner is ready; let's eat."

Though there were things that upset them during dinner, neither brought up what had happened in the bedroom.

After sending Ji Hanjiang off, Yan Yiren returned to the living room. While she was sitting on the carpet, the thought crossed her mind that she might be too influenced by her mother.

Nowadays, it was common for couples to be intimate before marriage. That was not the case in her mother's day.

Since they were adults, some things just happened naturally.

She wasn't sure if it was right for her always to keep him from crossing the red line.

"Huanhuan..." She took out her phone, calling her best friend.

Even the term bestie wouldn't suffice. They had been roommates for four years back in their university years. They were so close that they ate together, lived together, and even exchanged clothes with one another.

She was grateful that their friendship didn't fade even after she had a boyfriend.

On the contrary, Ji Hanjiang, Ling Yunhuan, and she got along quite well.

To have friendship as well as a romantic relationship, she counted herself lucky.

It was a little noisy on Ling Yunhuan's end. "Yiren, give me a moment."

After a while, the noise lessened, most likely because she had sought out a quiet spot specifically to answer the call.

"Huanhuan, are you out entertaining clients again?"

Ling Yunhuan said miserably, "I have no choice. If I want to advance in the company, it'll be good to make some connections as I accompany my boss."

"Huanhuan, even if you're entertaining your clients, you shouldn't drink too much. Stay safe. Make sure no one takes advantage of you."