Still Had Something On

Ultimately, Yan Yiren worried about her friend.

For a girl to go around entertaining clients frequently, it would be all right if she didn't get drunk. But if she did, wouldn't that give others a chance to take advantage of her youth and inexperience?"

"Yiren, you're becoming a colossal nag," Ling Yunhuan chortled. "I'm intelligent, so no one will be able to take advantage of me. What about you? Any particular reason you're calling?"

Yan Yiren was having a hard time getting to the point. Ling Yunhuan threatened, "If you're not going to say anything, I'm hanging up."

"Wait. It has to do with Hanjiang and me..."

After finally pushing the words out of her mouth, Yan Yiren continued, "Huanhuan, do you think it's wrong for me to say no when he's so persistent? It's too..."

"It's not." Ling Yunhuan interrupted, reassuring her firmly. "Yiren, what you're doing is right. A woman should have self-love, just like your mother told you. If Hanjiang loves you, he won't force you to do anything you don't want or aren't ready to do. Besides, he should respect your feelings."

"But, I think that treating him this way is a little cruel..."

"What's so cruel about it?" Ling Yunhuan chuckled heartily. "When things get rough, men can always rely on their left and right hands."

Yan Yiren was shocked by the admission. "Huanhuan, how do you know so much?"

Ling Yunhuan paused for a moment before saying cheerily, "I recently found a boyfriend, so naturally, I would know. I'm not like you, still a little virgin."

"Huanhuan, how pretentious of you. Not even bringing your boyfriend over to let me take a look?" Yan Yiren ignored her attempts to tease her.

"He's not as outstanding as Hanjiang, so I'm a little embarrassed to introduce him. Let me observe him a little longer. When the time's right, I'll bring him around to meet you."


A week later came the anniversary of Yan Yiren's mother, Xiao Xinyue's death.

Today, Yan Yiren asked for a day off. After shutting off her phone, she went to the florist and picked up a bouquet of daisies, her mother's favorite. Then she made her way to the cemetery.

To be sure, Yan Ningkang was scum, but Madam Yan surely wasn't. After Xiao Xinyue passed, Madam Yan spent a large sum arranging her burial at the most esteemed cemetery, which also had the best feng shui.

As if to fit the occasion, the sky was overcast and gloomy, accompanied by a drizzle.

Yan Yiren didn't take an umbrella with her. Making her way to Xiao Xinyue's burial plot, she placed the daisies in front of her mom's headstone.

"Mother, I'm here to see you."

Yan Yiren loved but also feared Xiao Xinyue.

For as long as she could remember, Xiao Xinyue hardly ever held her. Whenever other kids fell down, their moms would always take them into their arms to comfort them.

But Xiao Xinyue never did that.

She only watched coldly from the sidelines, telling Yan Yiren to get up and learn to stand on her own two feet. Her advice paid off in the end but took a toll on her.

Later on, because she feared her mother, she became conscientious and self-sufficient. Working hard to meet her mom's high standards, she learned etiquette and developed an aristocratic bearing.

For a while, her mother suffered from depression and locked herself up in her bedroom all day and night.

Gradually, she argued with Yan Ningkang more frequently. In due time, Yan Ningkang came home less often.

From the servants' gossip, she found out that Yan Ningkang had taken a mistress.

From the arguments that her mother and Yan Ningkang had, she also learned that the mistress was Yan Ningkang's ex-girlfriend. Not only that but before getting married, he still had something going on with his ex and had a daughter who was even older than she was.

With so much adversity in the marriage, Xiao Xinyue's health deteriorated, and she eventually died of a broken heart.

Yan Ningkang then brought Ruan Yufeng and Yan Shudan into the family. At that moment, Yan Yiren truly understood what hate was.

Growing up, she learned more about her mother from grandma. The stories made Yan Yiren's heart ache for her mother all the more.