So She Already Has a Boyfriend

Yan Yiren shoved the robe and towel into the maid's hands and made her way over to Chu Huaijin. She took a deep breath.

How in the world was she supposed to do a hula dance?

She'd just have to mix some folk dance in with it.

She had learned how to dance when she was young, so she knew the basics and didn't dance too badly.

Chu Huaijin plunged into the pool and swam to the other end. He called out disdainfully, "You call that dancing? You're so stiff that you look like a zombie!"


A zombie?

Yan Yiren stopped in her tracks and angrily rushed over to the poolside with her hands on her hips. "You can... You up... No can... No!"

"You sure got guts!" Chu Huaijin stretched out his arm and grabbed hold of her ankle as he tugged her towards the pool.


The water level rose significantly.

Yan Yiren quickly floated to the surface. As she rose up through the water, her temper flared up too. Once she swam over to him, she was going to fight him to the death!

Chu Huaijin dove down, making his way to her under the water. Once he swam up to the surface, he quickly took hold of her head and pressed her down into the water.

Yan Yiren struggled and kicked him away with both her legs. As she exhaled, a string of bubbles emerged in the water.

Only when she was about to suffocate, did Chu Huaijin pull her up, leaving her at the side of the pool.

Yan Yiren gasped desperately for air. Her hair had been messed up during her struggle underwater and was now sticking to her face and her neck. It made her look pathetic.

Chu Huaijin narrowed his eyes slightly. "Because you have big breasts, l forgive your rudeness to me."

"Hooligan! I'm going to fight you to the death!" Yan Yiren lowered her head and pounced onto him, biting him firmly.

"Psh…" Chu Huaijin held her jaw in one hand and tightened his grasp. "Let go, dumbass."

Yan Yiren's jaw was turning numb with the force he was exerting. Reluctantly, she let go.


When the vet saw who had come in he immediately rose to his feet and respectfully called out, "Young Master!"

Chu Huaijin immediately made his way to Phoebe, who was still under observation. "How is she?"

"She has basically recovered completely. Her bones weren't affected, and there were only external injuries, so there aren't any major problems."


Chu Huaijin stretched out his arms and gathered Phoebe in an embrace. Phoebe looked at him with those big blue eyes of hers and meowed before leaping into his arms.

Once she was safely in her owner's arms, Phoebe nuzzled into his neck and then calmed down.

Chu Huaijin gave a low chuckle as he caressed her softly groomed fur. "You're still the best."

Feeling pleased, he left the veterinary clinic with Phoebe in his arms and got onto the Lincoln. They drove back to the east wing of the mansion.

As he made his way up, Chen Ce followed him and asked, "Young Master, now that Phoebe is fine, how do we deal with Yan Yiren?"

"How's Weiwei doing?" Chu Huaijin lowered his head. He was playing with Phoebe and was still feeling pleased.

"Everything is normal with Miss. She hasn't asked for Yan Yiren," Chen Ce continued. "However, Young Master Ji is looking for her, and he has caused a big commotion about it."

"So she already has a boyfriend…" Chu Huaijin thought for a moment before saying, "Let her go."

Since Phoebe was now fine, there was no longer any need to keep her here.


Yan Yiren was feeding some horses in the stable when all of sudden some bodyguards approached her. Putting a blindfold on her, they carried her away.

The bundle of hay in her hands fell to the floor. "Where are you guys taking me?"

The bodyguards carried her into a helicopter and flew to the neighboring city before turning around and coming back.

After being brought out of the helicopter, she was left alone for a while. She lifted her head, trying to peek at her surroundings from the bottom of the blindfold. "Hey, is anyone there?"