Such a Powerless Person

There was no reply. She quickly undid the ropes which had been tied loosely around her wrists and pulled down the blindfold.

She was shocked to discover she was in Ning City!

She rubbed her eyes, unable to believe what she was seeing, and looked around again. She was right! She really was on the outskirts of Ning City!

Overcoming her excitement, Yan Yiren scanned her surroundings. After confirming that the bodyguards were no longer in sight, she immediately hailed a cab and made her way back to her apartment.

After getting out of the cab, Yan Yiren still felt unsettled. She didn't understand Chu Huaijin's true intentions at all.

She had been let off the hook just like that?

Or… Was there something else going on?

She had no way of knowing at the moment. The only thing that she could be sure of was that she needed to head home.

She didn't have a single penny on her. To make things worse, she was still wearing her maid's uniform. It had black puffy sleeves and a tutu skirt that cinched her waist and was topped off by a white lacy apron.

The driver had judged her odd appearance several times as he caught her reflection in the rear-view mirror. He seemed to be thinking that she was involved in some sort of unique job.


The first thing Yan Yiren did when she got back to her apartment was to take off the ridiculous and humiliating uniform. She shoved it into the bin before tying the bag up and throwing it into the trash outside of her apartment.

After taking a shower, Yan Yiren went over to her neighbor's house. She wanted to borrow a phone so she could speak to Ji Hanjiang and let him know how she was doing.

"Hanjiang, it's Yiren."

After searching for two days and two nights and turning the entirety of Ning City upside down, Ji Hanjiang was stunned to suddenly receive a call from her. Ji Hanjiang anxiously asked, "Yiren? Are you alright? Where are you now?!"

"I'm fine, I'm at my apartment now…"

"Don't go anywhere, I'll come over right now!" Ji Hanjiang immediately hung up.

Yan Yiren politely gave the phone back to her neighbor and, after thanking her, returned to her apartment.

Ji Hanjiang reached it in record time. In less than 20 minutes, he had arrived at her apartment, gasping for air.

With one hand on the door, he stood at the entrance. He was bending over as he tried to catch his breath and then gazed up at her. "Yiren…"

"Hanjiang, you're here…"

Before Yan Yiren could finish speaking, Ji Hanjiang had already rushed over to embrace her. Yan Yiren threw herself into his chest, wanting to feel his arms tightly around her.

The arms around her back and her waist were as tight as a metal clamp, so tight that it made it hard for her to breathe.

"Hanjiang, I…"

"Don't say a word. Let me hold you for a while." Ji Hanjiang didn't give her a chance to speak. He lowered his head and buried it into her neck.

Yan Yiren moved her lips but remained silent and simply caressed his back softly.

"Where have you been? I couldn't find you!" Ji Hanjiang raised his head, looking straight into her eyes. "I've turned Ning City upside down, but I still couldn't find you. It was the first time I've ever felt completely powerless. I couldn't even protect my own girlfriend."

"Hanjiang, don't say that." Yan Yiren felt her chest burning up as she raised her hand and covered his lips. "I know that you were worried, but it isn't your fault. I was the one who caused trouble for myself."

Yan Yiren could make out how sunken his eyes were even more clearly now that she was close to him. She noticed how dark his eye rings were, how bloodshot his eyes were, and how haggard he looked.

Her hands trembled, and she reached out so she could caress his face slowly. He always took such care in his appearance. How had he ended up like this?

It seemed like he really had been worried sick…

"Let's not talk about these unhappy things. Look, I'm fine!" Yan Yiren shuffled out of his embrace and put on a bright smile as she twirled in front of him. "I'm alright."

Ji Hanjiang's adam's apple bobbed. "You're really ok?"

"Why would I lie to you?" Yan Yiren tugged on his hand, leading him to the dining table. "I just whipped up two bowls of noodles. Let's eat before they get soggy."