You Will Meet a Man Who Loves You

After Lu Jingchen left, Yan Xiruo, who felt extremely tired, didn't rest. She replaced all the sheets, blankets, and pillowcases in the bedroom and threw the dirty ones into the washing machine. She sprayed air freshener as well. However, when she lay on the bed, she felt her stomach churning.

Once she thought of Lu Jingchen and another woman rolling about in the sheets, she felt disgusted.

It was inevitable that one's imagination would run wild when one couldn't fall asleep. A sharp outline of a handsome and exquisite face suddenly appeared in her mind. When he looked at her with that pair of deep and dark eyes, her heart couldn't help but beat faster…

Yan Xiruo shook her head vigorously. She sat up in bed and messed up her hair, feeling irritated.

God, she must be crazy. Otherwise, why would she think of the man whom she had met only twice in her life?

She got off the bed and ran to the kitchen to wash all the dishes. She saw that there was a pair of lovers' cups on which she had specially printed a headshot of her and Lu Jingchen on the cupboard.

She laughed at herself and threw the cups into the trash can.

After washing the dishes, she picked up a clean rag and wiped all the wooden tiles in the room.

She was exhausted after finishing all the household chores.

She lay on the sofa and didn't have the energy to let her imagination run wild. After a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

Yan Xiruo was awakened by the sound of the doorbell.

She opened her heavy eyelids and looked at the crystal chandelier above her. She became absent-minded.

After the sound of the doorbell disappeared, her landline at home started ringing.

Yan Xiruo stood up from the sofa with a heavy head. After walking for a few steps, she felt giddy. She lifted her hand and touched her burning forehead, then staggered to pick up the phone.

"Hello…" she began saying, her throat hoarse.

"Xiruo, I'm outside your house. Open the door quickly!" It was Xia Wanqing's anxious voice that traveled over.

After putting down the phone, Yan Xiruo held her forehead and went to open the door.

Xia Wanqing was carrying the bag that Yan Xiruo left behind in the bar. Seeing that Yan Xiruo's face was unusually red, she touched her forehead. "God, you're running a high fever! We have to go to the hospital."

"It's ok. I'll be fine after taking medicine."

"No, you're running a very high fever. I will only feel relieved after you go to the hospital." Xia Wanqing walked around the living room and asked hesitantly, "Xiruo, I saw a man carrying you while getting inside a Lamborghini yesterday night. The two of you…"

Knowing what Wanqing wanted to ask, Yan Xiruo shook her head. "There's nothing going on between us."

Xia Wanqing curved her lips and smiled. "I do wish that there is something going on between you! A person who can afford a limited edition Lamborghini wouldn't pale in comparison to Lu Jingchen. Furthermore, I saw that that man was big and tall. He should be good-looking too! Our Xiruo is such a nice person. It's Lu Jingchen's misfortune that he doesn't know how to cherish you. I don't know how many good men outside are queuing in line for our Xiruo!"

Yan Xiruo smiled. "Wanqing, stop comforting me. Once bitten, twice shy. Even if I get a divorce with Lu Jingchen, I wouldn't dare to like another man."

Xia Wanqing held Yan Xiruo's arm and said softly, "Fool. Lu Jingchen's not a good man. That doesn't mean all the men are bad. You just haven't met a man who loves you!"

The smile on Yan Xiruo's face deepened. "Wanqing, you seem to know it so well. Have you fallen in love?"

Xia Wanqing blushed and she lowered her long eyelashes. "Ok, I'll admit it. Senior Muche confessed to me this morning!"

Yan Xiruo's eyes shone. She hugged Xia Wanqing tightly. "That's great. Wanqing, I'm so happy for you."