Only Want to Draw the Boundaries Clearly

After Wanqing accompanied Yan Xiruo to the hospital for an injection, both of them returned to school together.

On the third day of marriage when the bride was to return to her mother's home, Yan Xiruo thought that Lu Jingchen wouldn't go over. She didn't expect him to arrive earlier than she did.

The Yan family now lived in a new house of more than 200 square meters. Even before she married Lu Jingchen, Grandpa had already bought it for her parents. When Yan Xiruo found out about it, her father had already obtained the real estate certificate of this house. She wanted to return it to Grandpa, but both her father and Grandpa had told her off.

If not for the Yan family owing the Lu family too much, she would really have divorced Lu Jingchen immediately.

In her heart, Grandpa was closer to her than her parents were!

On the day of the wedding, Grandpa had held her hand and told her kindly that she must lead a good life with Lu Jingchen, help the Lu family to produce offsprings, and not do anything to disappoint him.

However, reality was always cruel…

"Jingchen, look at you. Always giving me money whenever you return…" Yan Xiruo's father loved to gamble and drink alcohol. This time, when Lu Jingchen came back, he gave him two bottles of good wine and a check for 500 thousand yuan.

"Father, we're already a family. Don't regard me as an outsider. It's not a lot of money, so just go and spend it. If you run out of money, call me again." In the eyes of her parents, Lu Jingchen was definitely a good son-in-law. Although he was flirtatious, he would still return to pay his respects to them during important holidays.

Yan Xiruo, who was standing by the door, felt a sharp pain in her heart when she heard Lu Jingchen's words.

Lu Jingchen must be doing this deliberately! Behind their backs, he mocked her family for being locusts that only know how to keep leeching from him. However, in front of them, he'd shower benefits without any restraints.

After taking a deep breath, Yan Xiruo strode into the living room and snatched away the check from her father's hands.

With a sizzle, she tore the check into two.

Yan Xiruo moved too quickly. When her father recovered, Yan Xiruo had already thrown the torn check into the trash can.

"Xiruo, what are you doing?" Her father saw that the money in his hands had flown away again. He stood up from the sofa and glared angrily at Yan Xiruo.

"Father, if you dare to accept the Lu family's check again, treat it that you don't have me as your daughter!"

"So what if I have accepted Jingchen's check? He's my son-in-law and also a part of the Yan family. You damned girl. Don't think that your wings have hardened after marrying someone. If not for me back then…"

Before Yan Xiruo's father could finish his words, Yan Xiruo's mother, who was preparing lunch in the kitchen, walked out and interrupted him. "Old Yan, today is the day when both our daughter and son-in-law return to our home. Don't talk so much."

Yan Xiruo's father glared at Yan Xiruo's mother in dissatisfaction. "It's all your fault for spoiling her since she was young. Look at this damned girl. The older she grows, the worse her temper gets. She actually tore away the check that Jingchen gave me out of respect without saying a word!"

"It's all about the check. Do you want to use the check to gamble again? You're close to 50 years old now and is able-bodied. Why can't you earn money using labor?" As she said this, a layer of mist appeared in Yan Xiruo's eyes. She loved her family and, thus, didn't want Lu Jingchen to despise them.

Even if they were poor, they had to have a backbone, right?

"Yan Xiruo, I'm your father. You actually dare to lecture me in such a tone?" Yan Xiruo's father felt that he had lost all face, especially since they were in the presence of Lu Jingchen.

Yan Xiruo's mother pulled Yan Xiruo's hand. She shook her head at her, signaling her with her eyes to say fewer words.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the door. Yan Lichuan and Chu Keren had returned.

Yan Xiruo noticed that Lu Jingchen, who was sitting on the sofa, also stood up when he saw the two of them returning.