Is It Hard To Be By My Side

Wushuang's tone changed and grew more distant as she asserted, "My affairs are of no concern to you, Mister Mu. However, I'm ever grateful to you. You may leave now."

Wushuang's unyielding face was drained of color. He had no reason to speak so heavily. "Miss Jing, you may refuse kindness from others, but this is considered a work-related injury. Aunt Wu will take care of you here until you recover, whether you like it or not. Don't forget that I'm your boss. Do as I say."

Mu Jinchen then turned around and walked out, and he almost collided with Qidong who had just returned.

Qidong could not fathom what happened. The atmosphere changed this much during the mere duration of a phone call. The young master was a serious person but he was not moody. What exactly happened?

Qidong did not wait to find out as he spoke to Wushuang, "Get well soon, Miss Jing." He then tried to catch up with Mu Jinchen's pace.

As soon as he exited the hospital, Mu Jinchen took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket. With one hand on his waist, he leaned against the front of the car. He took several drags and blew mouthfuls of smoke toward the sky to regain control over his emotions.

Mu Jinchen did not know why he was so annoyed. He was not a person who was prone to mood swings. How long had it been since he felt this way?

Qidong witnessed this scene as he came out. The fringe of the man was covered in a frost-like drizzle, and there was no trace of the usually tidy and impeccable man. His brows were twisted and he was viciously smoking as though he was overwhelmed by troubles. The young master had reverted from an unsmiling work machine into a normal human with emotional ups and downs.

In only a few days upon his return, the young master had felt happy, laughed, worried, angry. It was good for the young master to be like this.

"Young Master, what's our next destination?" Qidong waited until the young master's cigarette was almost finished before he asked.

"Let's get something to eat."

Qidong was somewhat stunned when he heard this.

Mu Jinchen then continued, "Is it hard to be by my side?"

He often ate at irregular times, worked until midnight, and called him over on a whim.

Nevertheless, Qidong never complained one bit in all these years.

"No, Qidong feels honored to be able to be by Young Master's side."

"It only took half a day for me to cause a nice girl to be hospitalized. You've been with me for ten years."

"This... Young Master…" Qidong did not know what to say. Mu Jinchen's focus would be unwavering when he concentrated on work. His mealtimes were often irregular, and it was common to go without meals until three or four o'clock in the afternoon. If he did not order takeout for him, he would sometimes go without food for the entire day. To date, the only person he worked with to get sent to the hospital for skipping a meal was only Jing Wushuang. He had no retort whatsoever.

"Remind me the next time when it's time for meals. We'll stop whatever we're doing and continue after our meal."

Qidong was happy when he heard this. After all, he was worried that if it went on like this the young master's health would eventually be affected. "Yes, Young Master."

Qidong felt that he should thank Jing Wushuang. Her hospitalization had brought some benefit to him and even saved the young master's health as well.


After Mu Jinchen left, Jing Wushuang lied down on the hospital bed, alone. Her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the white ceiling and would blink occasionally. Her palm-sized face was scarily pale and white.

She decided that she would take a detour the next time she would meet Mu Jinchen. It seemed that the man was jinxed. Bad things befell her each time they met.