Aunt Wu Is Here

She decided that she would take a detour the next time she would meet Mu Jinchen. It seemed that the man was jinxed. Bad things befell her each time they met.

She did not know why she was angry. What was wrong with not accepting his kindness? Was she obligated to accept kindness from others?

What logic was that?

Her cellphone was dead and she could not contact her family.


She shook her head. Her grandfather was too old to be burdened with this while her family members were scattered, though she was not close to them. She did not know who to inform.

Wushuang was a little depressed, but the negative emotions passed as she immediately cheered herself inwardly, 'Jing Wushuang, hang in there!'

As she lied there overwhelmed with boredom, there was a knock on the door followed by the sound of the door opening, accompanied by a pleasant female voice as it greeted, "Miss Jing, I'm Aunt Wu. I'll be entering now."

Aunt Wu? Jing Wushuang was startled. Apparently, Mu Jinchen instructed someone to come care for her.

The woman set down the items she was carrying, then said with a wide smile, "The young master had asked me to come care for Miss Jing. No wonder I was asked to come; you're such a fragile-looking girl."

"Hello, Aunt Wu. Sorry to trouble you."

A warm feeling suddenly bloomed in her as Wushuang observed this good-natured middle-aged woman jovially making the preparations. She decided not to refuse her and allowed her to stay.

"It's no trouble at all, Miss Jing. I'm happy to serve one of the young master's friends. It's not every day that the young master cares for his friends."

To this, Wushuang kindly replied, "Aunt Wu, you've misunderstood. I'm not one of Mister Mu's friends. I'm his subordinate."

"Right, right, right. Subordinate it is. Even so, you must be quite a unique subordinate. Young Master has never cared for his subordinates previously."

Wushuang made no remarks to that.

She was unable to justify her explanations.

Aunt Wu poured the congee from the insulated container into a bowl and placed it on a small tray table before she carried it over to Jing Wushuang. "Miss Jing, please eat this. This is yam congee, which is the best for the stomach. Due to the little time that I had, I boiled it then put it into this thermal cooker to continue stewing. It should be just about right by now."

When she looked at the steaming congee in the bowl, Jing Wushuang's appetite suddenly returned. She picked up the spoon and scooped up a spoonful. She raised it to her lips, blew on it a few times, and ate it. It was genuinely appetizing.

"It's delicious. Thank you, Aunt Wu."

"As long as Miss Jing likes it. Don't eat too much of it at once, though. You should have smaller portions but eat more frequently. This is enough for now. I'll continue to simmer the rest for later."

Wushuang nodded obediently.

Aunt Wu gazed lovingly at Jing Wushuang. She only had a son. Faced with just a charming girl, she could not help but treat her like the daughter she never had.

"Miss Jing is so pretty, but a little thin. After you get better, Aunt Wu will prepare more meals and supplements for you. I guarantee you'll have more vitality in you."

Wushuang smiled and felt a little embarrassed.

Aunt Wu sensed that she was embarrassed and said with a smile, "Look at little old me. Did I frighten you?"

She thought that the young master was truly blessed to have found such a divine-looking girl. The girl seemed very clever and well-educated; she did not possess the arrogance of those wealthy girls. The girl treated her like an ordinary elder.

Wushuang shook her head and replied, "No, Aunt Wu is very enthusiastic. I like it very much."

Aunt Wu smiled even more kindly. The more she observed Wushuang, the more she liked her. "That's good. Eat, eat slowly."

Wushuang nodded again with a smile. She continued to help herself with the congee and happily chatted away with Aunt Wu.