Will to Live

"Mu Feichi...it hurts..."

Mu Feichi paused and gave her forehead a light kiss as he proceeded to whisper words of comfort into her ears. He would hate to have hurt her more than her injuries had.

"Hush, it will feel better in a bit..."

Mu Feichi can feel how tense Yun Xi is, and he leaned down to pepper her with kisses of reassurance, each kiss a message of how much love he had for her.

She was transfixed by Mu Feichi's features, his dark eyes that looked like those of an eagle waiting to devour his prey. This added to the fire that was burning deep within Yun Xi.

Her face was blank and she blinked. It was almost as if her mind had stopped working for a brief second...

Suddenly a feeling jolted through her bloodstream and circulated into every part of her nervous system and her body.

She was not sure if it was pain or if it was euphoria, but the feeling left her lightheaded as she fell into Mu Feichi's embrace.