Who's Responsible?

Fenghuang Niao returned from her viewing point just in time to spot the two figures fumbling around the medicine bag and looking for bottles of medicine on the snowy ground. Judging from Yun Xi's sudden alertness, she guessed that Yun Xi had recovered from the drug.

"You arm is dislocated. I can put it back for you."

"No need, I did it myself." Fenghuang Niao casually flung her left hand about. "Thank God it was not my right arm. I'm better with my right so I could relocate it myself."

Yun Xi was too stunned to speak. She thought Mu Feichi was an impressive person, but who would have thought that the people around him were as strong and impressive as he was.

"Since you're fine, then let's go!" Yun Xi stood up, after picking up the medications that were on the ground and packing them into her backpack. She turned to Mu Feichi, who was finishing packing up as well. "Can you give me a gun," she demanded.