Experienced Person

No one saw Song Ye's weird technique properly; they only knew that the small and weak hand squeezed Dagger's bulky elbow and twisted it until one could hear the sound of his bones breaking. Together with Dagger's uncontrolled scream, the scene looked extra painful under the dim light.

The few people opposite her were stunned at the moment and did not care to save the victim. This carried on until Dagger was paralyzed on the floor, and the few people slowly went forward to catch him. When they saw his twisted elbow, they felt a chill down their spine.

"Ah! Stupid girl! I won't spare you! Kill her for me! KILL HER!" Dagger's face was pale as he held his elbow; his gaze was terrifying, and he clenched his teeth to order his subordinates to attack.

The few people then reacted and put on a ferocious face as they jumped towards her. "B*tch, are you looking for death?"

That made Song Ye walk backward. After eating so much, she flicked her wrist and wanted to exercise and practice her skills. She lifted her defined chin; with a bit of arrogance, she said, "Let's go together." She did not need to take them on one by one based on their fighting skills.

After their dignity was challenged, the few men were no longer thinking about robbing her. Clenching their fists tightly, they only wanted to teach the girl in front of them a lesson.

However, at the moment they got close to her, Song Ye's thin figure was just like a soul that could avoid all their incoming punches. The few people only felt that everything went blur. In the next second, their ribs, abs, pits, and noses all took a great hit.

"Wu…" The few men moaned as they walked backward. They all held different parts of their injured body and looked up, but there was no one in front of them.

"Here." The voice sounded as sinister and calm as a ghost's. The few men were shocked; when they realized the sound came from behind, they wanted to run their heads. At that moment, they felt a pain in their neck and had lost their consciousness altogether.

Until the moment before they fainted, all of them widened their eyes in disbelief as they could not even see the other party's moves clearly.

There were four people initially. After dealing with three, only their boss—Dagger—was left sitting on the floor. At this moment as he watched the young girl slowly walk towards him, he felt a chill down his spine. "You, you, don't come over. This… this is my territory. If you hurt me, you won't have good days in the future."

He was clearly petrified until he was stuttering, but he still wanted to scare her.

Song Ye really did not know if he was fearless or that his brain had a problem. "Just now, you said you wanted to cut my face." She squatted in front of Dagger and held the pocket knife in her hands as she opened and closed it, spinning it randomly and causing one's eyes to be confused.

Then… he fainted.

Song Ye was stunned; she then frowned as she felt bored. At first, she wanted to find someone to practice on after she was done eating. She did not expect them to be so weak and were not even worthy of her warm-up.

As a killer, Song Ye's main training method was of course during actual battles. Only harsh, precise, and fast battles could improve her fighting skills.

Losing her after-meal entertainment, she walked around the house. Before she left, she saw the unconscious man at a corner. After much thought, she turned back and carried the man out into the alley to find a clinic.

"Sigh, why did he get beaten up like this? You kids only know how to get into trouble and not study. If something happens one day, just see who you'll cry to." The barefooted physician was scolding angrily as he checked his wound and hurriedly brought antiseptic and cotton wool to clean the victim's wound.

Song Ye sat at a corner and did not speak. While waiting for the physician to clean the wound, she realized that the person lying there was not a man, but a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old boy. As he looked like a ruffian and was tall, she could not recognize him.

After the physician was done cleaning his wound, he prescribed some anti-inflammatory medicine to him before going off to rest. Before he left, he reminded her. "His family needs to observe him carefully. If he has a fever at night, call me again."

Being viewed as his family due to her caring act, Song Ye looked at the patient on the bed and the medicine in her hands. She felt that she was doing too much for no return.

The other party's head injury was not too big so Song Ye did not want to linger around and do nothing. She stood up and went to the boy, pinching him everywhere until he woke up.

"Wu…" The boy's head was whirring as he moaned. Once he opened his eyes, he saw a gray shirt and a pretty fresh face. "You are…"

"Song Ye, the one who saved you." She simply reported her name and made the other party remember her good deed. Song Ye was definitely not someone who would do a good deed and expect no returns.

As expected, the boy's pale face became curious. "If you saved me, then what about Dagger and the rest?"

"The one who hit you was called Dagger? What gang is he from? How many members does the gang have? How big is their territory?" Song Ye asked more questions instead of answering, throwing all of her questions to the boy in front of her, who had not even understood the current situation.

"Hey…" By the time the boy reacted, Song Ye already disappeared from his sight.

Appearing for no reason, then asking random questions, and now leaving on her own… even the boy—who liked to act cool normally—was frustrated.

However, Song Ye did not care about her frustrations. Her fifteen-year-old body was tired beyond words after running around the whole day so she found a hostel to rest in. When she lay on the bed, she drifted off to dreamland very quickly.

In the endless nightmare, it was the bottomless ocean and explosion which swallowed her entire body and mind. As she felt the pain from within, she remembered how indignant she was.

For the organization, she worked her ass off for thirteen years and was the top killer in the world. However, in her last mission—before she retired, she was betrayed by the organization and was buried in the deep sea.

She was too naive. No matter if it was the organization or that person, none of them would let her leave the dark world.

The sunlight shone on the big bed through the curtains. Song Ye slowly opened her eyes and found that her body was drenched in sweat; her limbs felt heavy. It was as if they remembered the pain from the explosion. She walked into the bathroom to take a hot shower, allowing her pale face to regain some color.

Standing in front of the mirror, she looked at her delicate face and let out a cold smile.

Even in the dream, she was very indignant. It seemed like reliving again would let her take her revenge for both old and new hatreds.

Just that now—as she looked at her torn clothes, she decided that the first thing she needed to do was to fix her terrible image.

There was still time before she had to meet Zhao Zhen. Song Ye drank a bowl of soy milk by the streets before going to the nearby shopping center to get some clothes.

Of course, as she entered with her kind of old dressing, none of the salespersons were willing to serve her.