The Standards of Clothes Buying

Song Ye was wearing a gray cotton shirt and tattered pants. She caught a lot of attention as she roamed the biggest mall in Cloud City with her long hair let down.

Even if she was not bothered by the looks from others, some people took advantage of her silence to mock her. Immediately after she walked into a female apparel store, there was a laugh. "Hey, since when did your service standards become so low? Even a beggar can come in now. Make sure she doesn't get the clothes dirty."

It was a young lady in a ponytail. She was wearing bell pants, and it was clear that she was from a rather well-to-do family. However, she clearly had no respect for others.

The attendant at the door frowned at Song Ye. Her boss was not around so she took the liberty of stopping Song Ye. "Miss, the store is not serving anyone; please go somewhere else," she said with a fake smile.

"Oh? This is the first time I've seen a business turning customers away." Song Ye's tone was even, but she did not stop. She walked past the attendant and into the store. She scanned through the clothes on the racks and picked out three sets within a minute.

Before the attendant could chase her out, Song Ye had tossed the clothes to another attendant. "Bill please."


Both the attendant and the young lady from earlier were stunned. They could not believe that the bumpkin had the means to pay for that. Besides, this store was the most high-end and expensive one in the mall. Any set of clothes was over a hundred dollars. Even the young lady was here to look at the sale section.

The young lady stood awkwardly at the door, embarrassed.

"Cough, cough. Miss, please enter, please enter." The attendant hurried forward. She had missed out on one commission; she had no intention of missing out on another.

The new attendant was still stunned as she brought the clothes to the cashier. She could not believe that the girl was spending several hundred dollars. She was excited at the thought of commission that she could earn from this.

"I see the standards here are only this high," Song Ye said as she walked past the girl.

The girl widened her eyes in anger when she heard it. "You…"

Song Ye paused and looked at the girl evenly as if waiting for a response.

The girl gritted her teeth in anger. Her face felt like it was on fire from the embarrassment, but she did not have a comeback until she laid her eyes on the clothes at the cashier. "I'll take those three sets of clothes."

Everyone else in the shops turned to watch the commotion. As they looked at the fashionably dressed young lady and the hillbilly, they felt that the hillbilly was bound to lose.

Even the attendant came up and swooped the clothes over. "Miss, you have such good taste. This is our new collection. There's only one of each, and it fits your size best." She beamed as she spoke, thinking about her commission.

"But, Sister Liu, this customer had her eye on them first…" The new attendant tried to stand up for Song Ye.

However, she was reprimanded the moment she spoke. "Don't you know the rules? Can't you see who has a higher purchasing power? Now, stand aside."

Her words were targeted not just at her colleague but also at Song Ye.

Having found her pride again, the girl walked over to the cashier proudly. "How much is it?"

"Hello, it's five hundred and sixty-eight in total," the cashier said politely.

"Wh-what?" The girl, which was in the midst of getting her wallet out, froze. As she eyed the three outfits, she could not believe that the clothes were that expensive.

With everyone watching her, the girl had no choice but to pay. Her wallet was basically empty then; that was a month's worth of allowance for her.

To get her pride back, she gritted her teeth and prepared to make payment. Just then, a voice came from behind her. "I'll pay 50 dollars more for these three sets of clothes."

The calm but familiar voice made the girl turn and glare at the other person.

Song Ye walked towards the young lady and bent down to look her in the eye. "If you have six hundred and eighteen dollars, it's yours."

"You…" The girl was upset and emptied out her wallet, but she did not have enough.

Feeling the stares from around her, the girl's face was bloodshot.

Song Ye reached into her pockets, took out a small stack of bills, and handed it to the cashier.

The fashionably dressed girl was unable to produce six hundred dollars while Song Ye, the bumpkin, could afford it. It was embarrassing for her.

Song Ye did not look at the girl anymore. She usually did not bother with people, unless they messed with her. If they do, they should be prepared for the consequences of messing with her.

This was just a small hiccup. She was not bothered by it.

Changing into her new clothes, she left the building with a bag. When she passed by a salon, she thought of her messy hair. She thought of her messy hair and walked directly over.

There were a few other customers in the salon. The hairdresser paused when he saw Song Ye. He had never seen a young girl that covered her face with her fringe like this. It made her look listless.

"Hi, Miss, how would you like your hair done? Would you like a dye or perm?" The hairdresser adjusted his tools casually, assuming that girls who covered their faces with their fringe were usually more conservative and did not make major changes to their hair.

Song Ye's words made him pause.

"Short hair."

Short hair? The hairdresser looked up at the girl in the mirror. "How short are we talking about?"

"Like yours." The two words stunned the hairdresser, making his jaw drop.

He did have short hair. With hair like his, the girl would look like a guy.

"Is there a problem?" Song Ye frowned impatiently. She had wasted time while shopping for clothes earlier. She wanted to get to the jeweler's earlier.

The hairdresser shook his head instinctively. Seeing that Song Ye was not kidding, he took the scissors and reached straight for her fringe.

In the next instance, he was stunned by the face underneath the hair.