Song Ye, the Pretty Boy

Song Ye did not have low self-esteem; neither was she ugly. Conversely, she had delicate features that were chiseled and refined. She did not look like a child from the countryside. She had rosy cheeks and doe eyes.

Tang Meiling and the rest hated and picked on her mostly because they had seen her looks unintentionally in middle school.

Women's jealousy could be rather scary.

Standing under the sun with her short hair, Song Ye looked towards the sky and shook her head, tossing her troubles aside.

Because of the need for disguises in her previous life as a spy, she kept short hair for the most part. The clean hairstyle, coupled with the white jacket and black jeans that she picked up earlier, gave her a delicate but dashing look that gave her an androgynous vibe.

Zhao Zhen got up early in the morning and printed the contract before dawn. He prepared his seal and sat there waiting alone in his shop with a craned neck. Even when all his employees arrived for work, the person from yesterday did not appear.

If not for the rare jade sitting in the bag, he would have thought that it was all a dream.

Just as the employees were busying themselves while trying to figure out who their boss was waiting for, a slim figure walked into the shop. The white jacket accentuated the person's figure, and her hair framed her features. She was picturesque.

"Ah, what a good-looking face."

"Yeah, after so many young masters and ladies, this one looks the best."

"But, is this male or female?"

Song Ye's looks were not very androgynous by itself, but her short hair and neutral clothes were deceiving.

In a few years—after her growth spurt, she would truly be a pretty boy.

Naturally, the face that caused a commotion caught Zhao Zhen's attention, but he paid no heed to it.

He looked down at his watch. It's almost nine-thirty, but she's still not here yet… Just then, there was a shadow looming over him. He looked up to see a handsome child standing before him. He paused when their eyes met. "Can I help you?"

He clearly did not recognize Song Ye.

"Uncle Zhao, I'm Song Ye." Song Ye went straight to the point without delay because of her cold nature.

While the attendants marveled at the beautiful voice, they saw their boss stand up in shock and tipped the chair over.

"Yo-you are Song Ye? Yesterday…" He was tongue-tied.

Song Ye curled her lips into a smile. "It's me." It was not like she went for plastic surgery; was there a need for such a strong reaction?

Her laugh brought the man back to his senses. He coughed lightly. "I just didn't recognize you since you look a little different from yesterday. I've prepared the item already. Please head inside."

"En." Song Ye headed in the direction that Zhao Zhen pointed at, unbothered by the whole situation.

The employees were stunned by what they saw.

It was weird that a thirty-plus-year-old man was acting that respectfully towards a teenager, not to mention that this was the well-known owner of Yu Fu Jewelry in Cloud City.

Song Ye actually did not know anything about Zhao Zhen other than his straightforward nature.

However, looking at the terms of the document in her hand, she was quite satisfied with his ability.

Scanning through the information, she signed on papers, adding on a thumbprint because she was under-aged.

Zhao Zhen had suspected that the child did not understand any of these terms.

After signing the documents, Song Ye was officially a shareholder of Yu Fu Jewelry.

Zhao Zhen was about to introduce the business to her when Song Ye spoke, "Uncle Zhao, you bought this piece of jade at the expense of the shop's cash flow. Do you need it urgently for something?" Three hundred thousand and thirty percent of the shop's shares. In this day and age to a small jeweler, that was a rather large sum.

Even though Zhao Zhen loved his jades, he was a businessman, too. There was no way he took such a risk.

Zhao Zhen paused when he heard it and sighed as he sat down on the couch with a gloomy expression. "Cloud City is not short of rich people, but our location's a little off. We're too far from the jade markets, and even if we went, there aren't many good pieces for us. So the jewelers in Cloud City are on the decline. There are regular auctions at the jade markets. Jewelers that can produce good pieces of gems will leave a good impression and have better resources after that."

The resources were distributed outwards from the epicenter so the peripheral cities had fewer resources.

Cloud City was in a rather awkward position so Zhao Zhen was trying really hard to capture some attention with the jade.

However, Song Ye was a part of the jewelers now so she would never sit back and watch the jade lose money. "When is the auction?"

"Just tonight." Zhao Zhen had prepared to leave after signing the document.

Song Ye nodded and tossed the document aside. "Then, I'll come along with Uncle Zhao tonight to bring in some new goods as well."

New goods? Zhao Zhen paused. It took him a while to figure out what that meant. The stones were tough to get, but they seemed like nothing to her.

Having thought that Song Ye was the one who brought the jade, Zhao Zhen did not have any objections. "Sure, then we'll leave in a while. The journey's a little far so we might have to spend the night there. Do you need to talk to your family first?" Even though Song Ye behaved like an adult, she was still a minor.

Song Ye was unbothered. "We can leave immediately." She shook her head and got up to leave with Zhao Zhen.

The Song family might curse and swear at her while she was gone, but they would never look for her. She was sure of that.

Zhao Zhen opened his mouth but did not say anything. His instincts told him that Song Ye did not like him butting into her business.

The jade market was on the edge of the city. The journey was about three hours, and it was already two in the afternoon when Zhao Zhen parked his car at the hotel.

The two had a simple meal and decided to go back to rest first. Before they left, Song Ye paused; and her gaze landed on a prominent sign on the shop diagonally across from them.